10 Ways to Improve Your Wellness Without Spending a Dime

In a society where wellness is constantly marketed and sold, it’s easy to feel like you need expensive creams or pills in order to survive. However, there are many ways you can improve your health without shelling out any money!

Here are 10 ways to nourish your body without spending a dime.

1) Drink water

A hydrated body is a happy body. According to the Mayo Clinic, drinking water is one of the best ways to improve your overall wellness. They recommend consuming between 2.7 and 3.7 liters of water per day.

  • About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
  • About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women

2) Make time for fun activities outside

We don’t hear about this enough! The outdoors are a natural place of healing for human bodies. Sunlight, fresh air, and exercise are all great for our health. I would even dare to suggest that we work in nature for the majority of our days in order to balance out the stress of modern life. It definitely has worked for me.

3) Get enough sleep

Sleeping is one of the most important health habits you can have. If you’re tired during the day, then you’re not taking good care of yourself. Numerous studies have found that insufficient sleep increases a person’s risk of developing serious medical conditions, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Sleep is directly connected to overall health and wellness, and when you get enough sleep, your body releases chemicals that combat stress.

4) Exercise consistently (even if it’s just walking)

Physical activity is an essential part of improving your health. According to study lead author Michelle McDonnell, researchers already know that exercise directly reduces the risk of stroke by improving the health of blood vessels, and indirectly by improving risky traits such as high blood pressure and obesity. If you’re not exercising at all, start with just 10 minutes per day, three times a week.

5) Make time for meditation

Meditation has been proven to lower blood pressure, reduce stress levels and improve your immune system. In the research conducted by Dr. James E. Stahl and his team of Harvard researchers, study volunteers participated in an 8-week mind-body relaxation program offered through the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine. You can try this app https://www.headspace.com/ or this podcast https://www.meditationoasis.com/podcast.

6) Practice yoga

Yoga is a great way to improve your overall health and teaches you how to relax. Yoga is also a great way to teach you how to breathe properly. This is especially important if you have anxiety or sleep problems. There are already many proven benefits of yoga, including lowering heart rate and blood pressure, improving balance, aiding in digestion and stimulating the immune system. A research conducted in the University of Oslo revealed that Yoga impacts our immune system on a genetic level, creating a change in the expression of 111 genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (these cells play a key role in the body’s immune system).

7) Smile and laugh

Smiling and laughing are proven ways to improve your own well-being. Smiling helps you relax and reduce stress while laughing is a natural painkiller that reduces tension in the body.

NOTE: There are lots of inexpensive things you can do to improve your health, but many don’t realize just how important it is to take care of yourself mentally and physically on a daily basis. Taking steps to improve the quality of your life is good for your body and mind.

8) Forgive yourself, forgive others, and let go of grudges

Your own mind is a powerful catalyst for your overall health, and the less stress you have on your mind, the better. Meditation is one way to achieve this but forgiving others and yourself can be just as beneficial. What are you holding against yourself? What are you grudge about? Often times, having ill feelings toward yourself or others will cause enormous stress that can have an effect on your wellbeing.

9) Accept life as it is today without judgment or shame

I know that this sounds simple, but you’d be surprised at how many people spend their day shaming themselves or others (for example: “I am too fat,” “My life sucks,” “I don’t have enough money”). This is a constant battle we are all going through, and if you want to feel better about yourself and your life, then start accepting life. There is so much more than you could ever imagine that is out there for you to experience!

10) Find gratitude through meditation and awareness of your breath

Gratitude is one of the best things you can do to improve your health. While mindfulness meditation has been proven to lower blood pressure, reduce stress levels and improve your immune system, gratitude can make you feel abundant and full of joy. Awareness of your breath is a great way to be present in the present moment and expand your awareness beyond yourself.


11) Surround yourself with loving friends, family members and people who make you inspired to be healthy

If you are in a toxic environment and are around negative people who put you down and complain, then those actions will seep into your body and mind. Like attracts like. Surround yourself with positive vibes and words, it will improve your health!

12) Put down the phone, kick up your feet and read a book

I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the average person looks at their phone more than they look up at the sky. The ideal place to be is in nature, with nature. You need to get away from the screen if you want to be healthy. The reason is that by doing so, you’ll give yourself time to reflect on your life and calm down. It’s like recharging your battery and giving yourself a break. Reading can increase empathy and social intelligence as you learn about other cultures and situations.

While most of us would choose to spend our money on pretty things, there are so many inexpensive ways we can improve our bodies and minds.

The 10 Ways to Improve Your Wellness Without Spending a Dime is one view that is rarely shared but extremely important. When you are upset or stressed, sometimes it’s easier to spend money on things that make you feel better than spending time getting better in other ways!


Patri ❤️💕











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