15-Minute Self-Love Rituals for Every Mood

In this post, I’ll be listing 15 quick-and-easy self-care rituals to help you deal with whatever’s going on. Whether you’re feeling insecure, overwhelmed, or just a bit blue, these 15-minute self-care rituals will help you tremendously.

What is Self-Love?

Self Love.

What is it?

It’s you.

It’s enjoying your successes, learning from your mistakes, and being true to yourself.

It’s saying no to people who want you to be something you’re not because they’re not allowed to see what makes you special.

It’s finding new ways to make yourself happy with or without other people even if it means taking a step back from what is expected of you.

Still not sure?

Well, let me tell you a secret. 

You already know how to love yourself. 

The more you love yourself and the more confident you are in who you are and what you want, the happier and more fulfilled you will be. 

And what’s more, it will make everyone around you just as happy (or at least much happier!).

Here I have gathered some of my favourite self-love rituals for every mood, to help you boost your confidence and feel good about yourself in any situation, or at least that’s what I hope you get from these simple tips.

NOTE: This is part 1 of 3 in the series: 15-Minute Self-Love Rituals. You may want to straighten out your bedroom first before moving on if you start with the bedroom first.

15-Minute Self-Love Rituals for Every Mood

1. When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed

Start with a relaxing bath. It is one of the best things you will ever do for yourself. Get yourself into the tub and then turn on some calming music. Make sure it’s something you enjoy because you want to listen to that song for the next few minutes. I enjoy classical music. It relaxes me to the core. If you can’t sleep, there are plenty of different types of bath salts that will make your tub extra special and make any relaxation moments even better.

2. When You Are Feeling Down

This is a great time to slip on some comfortable clothes and get a little creative. If you are feeling down, it’s alright to indulge in a little self-pampering. Make sure you have something you can do where you won’t get distracted by your phone or anything else, and make sure to enjoy every minute of it. One of my favorite things to do when I feel down is to play the piano. It takes me away from the world and into another one very easily. You can try reading or cooking.

3. When You Are Feeling Disconnected

You know the feeling of being disconnected from those you love and not sure what to do with your time? This could be any time of the day, but I would say it’s any time between 5pm and 9pm (at least for me) or just before bedtime. There are two things you can do when you feel disconnected: either spend some time alone with your thoughts and quiet yourself, or go out for a walk or to do some food shopping. I find I need to get my mind occupied when I feel disconnected. When you are sad, just put on your favourite music (again, classical does it for me although lately, the Spice Girls are really lifting my mood!) and then later simply go out for a nice meal.

4. When You Are Feeling Lost

Lost can mean many things, but for me, it’s when I am trying to figure out what to do with my life. This doesn’t happen to me any longer but I can imagine it can easily be triggered by getting stressed over things that are not worth worrying about. To find yourself you must first quiet yourself and spend some time relaxing before you can find your way back to where you want to be. An idea would be to dance at home. Play some music you love and get your body moving. I don’t like dancing, when I feel lost I read spiritual books. They bring me back to my center. Or you could message an old friend, someone you’ve been thinking of contacting for a while but haven’t. It should help your sense of centering yourself.

5. When You Are Feeling Tired

We get tired all the time, but there’s one kind of tired I want to talk about. It’s that feeling right before bedtime. It’s not so much the physical exhaustion and more of a mental fatigue. When it’s bedtime and you want to go to sleep but you can’t because you don’t feel like going to sleep, you need a self-love ritual that will help you ease your mind so you can fall asleep. Here is when an essential oil diffuser comes to the rescue. Just put a few drops of your favorite essential oil into the diffuser and as the scent fills your home, all that stress will drift away. You could try lavender and ylang-ylang for a beautiful, relaxing blend.

6. When You Are Feeling Lonely

Loneliness is a feeling that many people feel when they are at home. You could live in a busy city (I did for almost 30 years) and still feel completely burdened by your own loneliness. It is a mix of disconnection, feeling lost and needing help. Personally, I think prayer is your best friend when you are feeling lonely, and one of my favourites is the prayer of St Francis. You don’t have to be a religious person or a spiritual person. Prayer is an intimate experience with oneself, it reminds you that you are your own company and that no one can ever actually fulfil that place. Prayer will connect you with yourself. I used to be very lonely for so many years. When I found myself through my spiritual programme, I understood I had never been alone. It is difficult to explain… but it is a fact for all of us. We have a bigger “I” that is here, with us, all the time. That bigger “I” is you. You just have to wake up to it. I’ll leave the prayer below, just so you get a sense of its beauty.

The Prayer of St Francis

My Lady, make Me an instrument of Your peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness joy.
O Divine mistress grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand.
To be loved. as to love
For it’s in giving that we receive
And it’s in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it’s in dying that we are born…
To eternal life.

7. When You Want to Feel Extra Confident

For some, this could translate into something like dressing up. Put on your favorite clothes and accessories (and jewelry) because it can help make you feel good about myself. Perhaps try choosing something that is out of your comfort zone because it could help you feel even better about yourself when looking in the mirror and seeing how different you look. If you are not a person who likes dressing up (I don’t), try getting a new hairstyle or a few highlights added to your hair. It might be just the confidence boost you need!

8. When You Want to Feel More Beautiful

I’ve struggled with my weight for the last 20 years or so. I’m a lot better at it now but I never feel I look as pretty in my head. I don’t really give this much importance. I feel there are a lot of beautiful people out there and I’m around average, I’d say. In the past, I would want to look more beautiful on certain days. If you think this way as well, why not try just learning to love yourself? There is no changing what you see (only surgery will do that), but perhaps if you take care of yourself, you will start to feel better about your looks.

How often do you feel lonely?

According to a global survey, about 33% of adults experience feelings of loneliness worldwide. Brazil had the highest percentage of people experiencing this, with 50% of respondents declaring that they felt lonely either often, always, or sometimes. Turkey, India, and Saudi Arabia followed, with 43% to 46% of respondents having experienced loneliness at least sometimes. On the contrary, the Netherlands, Japan, Germany, and Russia registered the largest share of interviewees who did not feel lonely.

Statistic: How often do you feel lonely? | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

9. When You Miss Another Person

There are two kinds of loneliness. There is the one where you are all alone, and the other is where you just miss someone so much and want their company. There are two different ways you can follow when you are feeling lonely. One is to reach out to those you love and connect with them. The other is spending some time alone in your own space, either by yourself or with a friend. Many people feel better after a good cry, and that is ok. It helps us get rid of the negative emotions and it will help you as well if you do it in the right way.

10. When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed at Work

This is a common problem for a lot of us, i.e. feeling like we need to be doing something better, or that we are simply not doing enough. It’s not really about the work; it’s about feeling that you are constantly under the gun and never have time to rest. When you arrive home, try napping to remove some of the stress from your body. If you feel overwhelmed at work, try setting a goal for the next day, week or month and plan how you will give yourself credit for completing it.

11. When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed at Home

Another kind of overwhelmed can occur when you are too tired to function at home and don’t know how to tackle your problems. If you want to be more alone and your mind isn’t working for you, try this simple self-help ritual: take some time for yourself, put on something nice and sit down in a quiet space. Don’t think so much; just try to relax and let your mind unwind. It’s simple and you might find it’s just what you need.

12. When You Want to Get away from it All

When you are exhausted, it’s usually because you haven’t been taking time for yourself and caring for your body and mind. We all have busy lives with family, friends, work and more. It can get to be too much at times, and when that happens I like to take a break by going somewhere peaceful or serene. For example, I walk all the way to the beach as often as I can for three reasons: to get away from it all, recharge my batteries and be more at peace. It’s a wonderful escape from reality.

13. When You Want to Feel Joyful Again

This is one of my favourite emotions there is! I love being happy and joyful, especially when those around me are sad or depressed. It makes me feel good to bring some light into their lives (although sometimes they reject this). I think it’s very important to always try to be a positive force and bring some happiness into the lives of others. We should all remember that our happiness is contagious, so we need to try to spread it around.

14. When You Need Help with a Problem

This one can be dealt with in many different ways. You can take a walk, but another idea is to use self-help spells that have been used for centuries. The powerful spells once were used to help heal the sick. Today, people still use them for love, self-help and protection from evil spirits or other negative entities. You might also want to try reading a book on the topic or make a list of what you need from life and how you would like it to be. That can help you define your priorities so that you can start making changes for the better in your life today.

15. When You Want to Feel Better About Yourself

This is something people can easily struggle with, especially when they feel they’re being judged for their looks or their weight. But even worse, it can happen you start talking about the things you love and you feel like people are judging you unfairly. It’s hard to deal with and sometimes you want to just crawl into a hole and ignore the world. But that’s perhaps not the best approach, because it can make things worse. The best way to cope when you feel this way is just to remember that everyone has flaws, and you are no different. In fact, this situation can make you stronger as you come to terms with who you are and what matters in your life.

Hope you enjoyed this post

I might do one more like this, but I thought I would let you know about these methods if you are someone who is feeling very stressed, depressed or are suffering from low self-esteem.

I hope I have been able to shed some light on some of the issues you might be dealing with. There is no one size fits all when it comes to fixing your problem and finding happiness again, because every problem is different. That is why I am sharing all these tips and tricks with you, so that maybe you might find a few that work for you! And if they don’t, know that no one is perfect and it’s okay to admit that.


Patri ❤️💕

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