Woman looking worried.

The Skincare Mistakes That Ruin Your Skin: How Many Are You Making?

I write so you share. Thank you.

Skincare mistakes. We all make them, believe me. But some are more subtle than others. For example, the ones I’m sharing below slip under most people’s radar.

You’ll see when you read them. I bet you make at least a few, maybe half, probably all.

But don’t worry. I’ve got your back. We will go through each and I’ll reveal the fix.

Ok, ready to revolutionise your skincare game and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge? I’m spilling industry secrets and natural ingredient solutions that I BET will change the way you think about your beauty routine.

So, keep scrolling to discover the surprising skincare mistakes you might be making and how to fix them with the power of nature whenever possible.

Your glowing, healthy skin is just a few tips away…

Trust me, you won’t want to miss this. Let’s get started!

#Mistake 1: Ignoring your skin’s microbiome. Which is CRUCIAL.

Your skin is home to a complex ecosystem of microorganisms, known as the skin microbiome. 🦠 This delicate balance of bacteria, fungi, and viruses plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin. When the microbiome is thriving, it helps protect against external aggressors, regulates pH levels, and keeps skin looking radiant. If you’re over-cleansing, stressing out, or eating poorly, your microbiome might be in trouble! 😰 Here’s what can happen:

❌ How a compromised microbiome can affect you:

  • Dryness and irritation
  • Sensitivity and redness
  • Acne breakouts
  • Premature ageing

🔍 Are you guilty of these microbiome-damaging habits?

  • Overusing harsh skincare products (put down that strong cleanser! 🚫)
  • Excessive cleansing or exfoliation (less is more, trust me)
  • Stressing out and eating junk food (your skin is what you eat! 🍔)

✅ Easy fixes for a happy microbiome:

  • Choose gentle, pH-balanced skincare products (look for “pH-balanced” on the label)
  • Avoid over-cleansing (once or twice a day is more than enough. Sometimes I don’t cleanse for a few days) and limit exfoliation to 1-2 times per week
  • Incorporate prebiotics and probiotics into your skincare routine (try products with oats or algae)
  • Manage stress levels (take a deep breath! 😌) and eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet (load up on those fruits and veggies! 🥦🍎)

🌿 My personal recommendation:

  • Experiment with DIY masks using ingredients like green tea (brew a cup, let it cool, and apply with a cotton pad for a soothing, microbiome-boosting treat! 🍵)

Hopefully you’re now ready to give your skin’s tiny friends some love!

#Mistake 2: Not adapting your skincare to hormonal changes

Hormones can be a real rollercoaster, and they don’t just affect your mood – they can also throw your skin for a loop! Whether it’s during your menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause, hormonal fluctuations can cause all sorts of skin issues if you’re not prepared.

🚨 Hormonal changes can lead to:

  • Oiliness and breakouts (testosterone)
  • Dryness and sensitivity (estrogen)
  • Dullness and uneven skin tone (progesterone)

🔍 Are you making these mistakes during hormonal shifts?

  • Using the same old products, even when your skin is not happy
  • Skipping moisturiser because your skin feels oily (big no-no!)
  • Over-exfoliating to combat breakouts (step away from the scrub!)

✅ Adapting your skincare routine is key:

  • Switch to gentler, non-comedogenic products during breakout-prone times
  • Add a lightweight, hydrating moisturiser to balance oily skin
  • Opt for soothing, nourishing ingredients like aloe vera when skin feels dry or sensitive
  • Incorporate products with skin-brightening ingredients like vitamin C to combat dullness

🌿 My go-to natural remedies for hormonal skin:

  • Applying a few drops of tea tree oil to spot-treat breakouts (dab it on, don’t rub!)
  • Using a DIY mask with agave and turmeric to soothe inflammation and even out skin tone

Don’t let hormones get the best of your skin – be proactive and adapt your routine accordingly!

#Mistake 3: Over-relying on spot treatments. Tempting… but wrong.

A pimple pops up, and most people go into full-on attack mode with spot treatments. While it’s tempting to zap those zits into oblivion, over-relying on spot treatments can actually do more harm than good in the long run.

❌ The problem with spot treatment overload:

  • It can dry out and irritate the surrounding skin (red, flaky skin)
  • You might neglect the rest of your face (it has probably happened more than once)
  • It can disrupt your skin’s natural balance, leading to more breakouts

🔍 Signs you might be going overboard with spot treatments:

  • You’re applying them multiple times a day
  • Your skin feels tight, dry, or sensitive after using them…
  • Skipping your regular skincare routine in favour of spot treatments

✅ A more balanced approach would be to:

  • Use spot treatments sparingly, no more than once or twice a day!
  • Choose products with gentle, non-irritating ingredients like salicylic acid or tea tree oil
  • Stick to your regular skincare routine to keep the rest of your face happy and healthy
  • Be patient – spot treatments can take time to work their magic!

🌿 My favorite natural spot treatment:

  • Mix a drop of tea tree oil with a dab of aloe vera gel and apply directly to the pimple

A balanced skincare routine is key to keeping breakouts at bay.

#Mistake 4: Neglecting your travel skincare routine

Jetsetting off to a new destination? Don’t let the excitement of travel make you forget about your skincare routine! Changes in climate, humidity, and air quality can all take a toll on your skin, leaving it feeling dry, dull, or irritated.

🚨 Travel-related skin woes to watch out for:

  • Dehydration from dry airplane air
  • Breakouts from changes in water quality or weather
  • Sun damage from forgetting to pack SPF >> 🦞

🔍 Are you guilty of these travel skincare mistakes?

  • Forgetting to pack your favourite products (hotel toiletries just won’t cut it!)
  • Skipping your routine altogether because you’re too tired or busy exploring (I bet you do this one!)
  • Not adjusting your products to suit the new environment (what works at home might not work on holidays!)

✅ Jet-setting skincare tips:

  • Pack travel-sized versions of your must-have products (mini but mighty)
  • Stick to your basic routine, even if you’re exhausted from sightseeing
  • Add a hydrating mist or face mask to combat dry airplane air
  • Don’t forget the SPF, no matter where you’re headed! ☀️

🌿 My in-flight natural skincare hack:

  • Pack a small bottle of aloe vera gel and apply a thin layer before takeoff (for an instant hydration boost!)

Don’t let travel derail your skincare goals – with a little preparation and consistency, you can keep your skin looking its best no matter where you’re going! 😊

#Mistake 5: Stress messing up with your skin

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, your body releases cortisol, a hormone that can trigger a host of skin issues. It’s time to take a deep breath and give your skin a break!

🚨 How stress can sabotage your skin:

  • Increased oil production, leading to breakouts
  • Aggravated skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis
  • Premature ageing from collagen breakdown (stress is literally giving you wrinkles)

🔍 Signs that stress is stressing out your skin:

  • You’re breaking out more than usual
  • Your skin feels sensitive, tight, or itchy
  • You’re noticing new fine lines or wrinkles

✅ Stress-busting skincare strategies:

  • Take a few minutes each day to practice deep breathing or meditation
  • Treat yourself to a relaxing face massage when applying your favourite products (I personally love this one)
  • Prioritise sleep – aim for 7-9 hours per night (at least try)
  • Incorporate calming ingredients like chamomile or lavender into your routine (they make beautiful toners, see below)

🌿 My go-to natural stress-relief skincare ritual:

  • Brew a cup of chamomile tea, let it cool, and use it as a face mist throughout the day (instant calm in a spray bottle!)

Remember, your skin is a reflection of your inner well-being – when you take care of yourself from the inside out, it shows!

#Mistake 6: Overusing “clean” beauty products

Clean beauty is all the rage these days, but just because a product is labeled “natural” or “organic” doesn’t mean it’s automatically good for your skin. Overusing or combining too many clean beauty products can actually cause more harm than good!

❌ The pitfalls of “clean” beauty product overload:

  • Some natural ingredients can be irritating or sensitising when used in excess (yes, even plant extracts)
  • Mixing too many active ingredients can lead to redness, dryness, or breakouts (think science experiment gone wrong)
  • Clean” doesn’t always mean “suitable for your skin type” (what works for your friend might not work for you)

🔍 Signs you might be overdoing it with the clean beauty trend:

  • Your skin feels tight, itchy, or stings after applying products
  • You’re using multiple products with the same active ingredients
  • You’re constantly switching products in search of the “perfect” clean routine (are you guilty of this one??)

✅ How to embrace clean beauty responsibly:

  • Introduce new products gradually and patch test before full application (slow and steady wins)
  • Stick to a simple routine with a few key products that work for your skin type
  • Remember, “clean” doesn’t always mean “better” – trust your skin, not just the label!

🌿 My favourite tried-and-true clean beauty picks:

  • A gentle, sulfate-free cleanser with soothing aloe vera
  • A lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturiser with nourishing plant oils

At the end of the day, the best skincare routine is the one that works for YOU – not just the one that’s trending at the moment.

#Mistake 7: Air pollution (the invisible enemy)

We all know that air pollution is bad for our lungs, but did you know it can also wreak havoc on your skin? Tiny particles in the air can settle on your skin, clogging pores and causing all sorts of issues.

🚨 How air pollution can damage your skin:

  • It can lead to premature ageing and wrinkles
  • It can cause inflammation and breakouts
  • It can exacerbate skin conditions like eczema or rosacea

🔍 Signs that air pollution might be affecting your skin:

  • Your skin looks dull and congested, no matter how much you exfoliate
  • You’re experiencing more breakouts than usual, especially in areas exposed to the air
  • Your skin feels sensitive or easily irritated, even by products that usually work for you

✅ How to protect your skin from air pollution:

  • Cleanse your face thoroughly every night to remove pollutants
  • Invest in a good antioxidant serum to help neutralise free radicals
  • Don’t forget to apply a natural SPF daily, even when it’s cloudy
  • Consider using an air purifier in your home or office

🌿 My go-to natural pollution-fighting duo:

  • A DIY mask with activated charcoal to deep clean pores
  • A few drops of vitamin E oil added to your moisturiser for an antioxidant boost

Remember, your skin is your first line of defense against the world. Clean air = happy skin! 😌

#Mistake 8: Treating your entire face the same way. One-size-fits-all? Not for skincare.

Your face is a beautiful, complex landscape – and just like any landscape, different areas have different needs.

❌ The problem with a one-size-fits-all approach:

  • Your T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) tends to be oilier than your cheeks
  • The skin around your eyes is thinner and more delicate
  • Different areas may have different concerns, like breakouts on the chin or dryness on the cheeks

🔍 Signs you might be treating your face too uniformly:

  • Some areas feel greasy while others feel tight or dry
  • You’re using the same heavy cream all over, and it’s causing breakouts in certain spots
  • You’re applying active ingredients everywhere, and some areas are getting irritated

✅ How to customise your skincare for different facial zones:

  • Use a lightweight, oil-free moisturiser on your T-zone and a richer cream on your cheeks
  • Apply eye cream with your ring finger (the weakest finger) to avoid tugging or pulling
  • Spot-treat breakouts with a targeted treatment instead of slathering it all over
  • Consider multi-masking: using different masks on different areas based on their needs

🌿 My favourite natural ingredients for each facial zone:

  • T-zone: Tea tree oil to combat oiliness and breakouts
  • Cheeks: Rosehip oil to nourish and hydrate dry skin
  • Eye area: Caffeine-rich green tea to de-puff and brighten
  • Chin/jawline: Witch hazel to clarify and prevent hormonal breakouts

It’s all about finding the right balance.

#Mistake 9: Ignoring the gut/skin connection. You might be SURPRISED by how important this is.

You’ve probably heard the saying “you are what you eat” – and when it comes to your skin, that couldn’t be more true! Your gut health and the food you put into your body can have a huge impact on your skin’s appearance and overall health.

How poor gut health can affect your skin:

  • Inflammation in the gut can lead to inflammation in the skin
  • An imbalance of gut bacteria can contribute to acne, eczema, and other skin conditions
  • Poor nutrient absorption can lead to dull, lackluster skin

🔍 Signs that your gut health might be impacting your skin:

  • You’re experiencing persistent breakouts, despite a solid skincare routine
  • Your skin looks dull and lifeless, no matter how much you moisturise
  • You have a history of digestive issues, like bloating or IBS

✅ How to support gut health for better skin:

  • Eat a balanced diet rich in fibre, fermented foods, and omega-3 fatty acids
  • Take a daily probiotic supplement to support a healthy gut microbiome (think of it as a skincare supplement)
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day
  • Manage stress levels through practices like meditation or yoga

🌿 My go-to gut-healthy foods for radiant skin:

  • Kimchi and sauerkraut (fermented foods packed with probiotics)
  • Oils rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3s (flaxseeds, chia seeds)
  • Leafy greens like spinach and kale (loaded with skin-loving vitamins and minerals)

The next time you’re reaching for that sugary snack or greasy burger, remember: your skin is a reflection of what’s going on inside your body.

#Mistake 10: Overlooking your skin’s circadian rhythm

Just like the rest of your body, your skin follows a circadian rhythm – a 24-hour cycle that regulates everything from oil production to cell turnover. When you ignore this rhythm, your skin can suffer the consequences.

❌ How disrupting your skin’s circadian rhythm can cause problems:

  • Increased inflammation and redness
  • Impaired barrier function, leading to dryness and sensitivity
  • Slower cell turnover, resulting in dullness and uneven texture

🔍 Signs that you might be ignoring your skin’s circadian rhythm:

  • You’re not getting enough quality sleep
  • You’re exposing your skin to blue light from devices late at night
  • You’re not adjusting your skincare routine for day vs. night (your skin has different needs at different times)

✅ How to support your skin’s circadian rhythm:

  • Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night
  • Limit exposure to blue light in the evenings and give your skin a digital detox every now and then
  • Use a gentle, pH-balanced cleanser in the morning and a more active, nourishing routine at night

🌿 My favourite natural ingredients for supporting skin’s circadian rhythm:

  • Chamomile and lavender essential oils for a soothing, sleep-promoting evening routine
  • Vitamin C and green tea for a brightening, antioxidant-rich morning routine

So, if you want to wake up to healthier, happier skin, start respecting its internal clock


Here’s a recap of what we looked at above:

  1. Ignoring your skin’s microbiome – nurture your skin’s delicate ecosystem for a healthy, balanced complexion
  2. Not adapting your skincare to hormonal changes – adjust your routine to address hormone-related skin concerns
  3. Over-relying on spot treatments – take a balanced approach to avoid irritation and maintain overall skin health
  4. Neglecting your travel skincare routine – prepare your skin for changes in environment to prevent travel-related issues
  5. Letting stress mess with your skin – prioritise stress-relief and self-care for a calmer, clearer complexion
  6. Falling for trends and overusing “clean” beauty products – embrace clean beauty responsibly and listen to your skin’s needs
  7. Not thinking about air pollution – protect your skin from environmental stressors with targeted skincare and lifestyle habits
  8. Treating your entire face the same way – customize your routine to address the unique needs of different facial zones
  9. Ignoring the gut-skin connection – support skin health from the inside out by nourishing your gut microbiome
  10. Disregarding your skin’s circadian rhythm – sync your skincare routine with your skin’s natural 24-hour cycle for optimal results

By avoiding these common skincare pitfalls and incorporating the tips and tricks we’ve discussed, you’ll be well on your way to your healthiest, most radiant skin ever!

Remember, skincare is a journey – be patient, stay consistent, and most importantly, have fun with it! 🥰✨

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