The Best Organic Lip Balm & Unique Prescription Application

The best organic lip balm: 3 choices and a unique way of applying your chosen lip balm. 

It is important to take care of your skin. Lips are often neglected even though the skin on this area is extremely delicate and so we need to take good care of it. There are many DIY lip balm recipes and I myself make two beautiful lip balms with mango and cocoa butter. But sometimes I’m not in the mood for getting a Bain Marie ready or cleaning up after the oily mess and I just want to get myself a good organic lip balm that leaves my lips feeling very soft and smooth, plump and really well protected. We took the time to look for a balm you can carry around that can do an impeccable job.

The Research We’ve Gone Through In Order to Come Up with The RESULTS

Skin is unique to each individual and our lips are one of the most intimate areas of our face. Taking good care of your lips is as important as any other part of your face and neck and we needn’t suffer from horrible chapped lips or broken skin. There’s nothing worse than tight lip skin especially during the winter times and it is unnecessary especially when we can solve the problem with literally a few dollars and carry the solution in our bags with us at all times!

We’ve been using lip balm for quite a while now and I’ve perfected two formulas (one given to me by a fellow natural skincare student in Spain, Europe (thanks Cova!) but I’m not always in the mood for getting all the ingredients out and making a mess in the kitchen. It’s ok when I’m making a large batch but at times I just want a good organic lip balm that will do the job. 

Shea Butter and Beeswax – 2 Lip Balm Regular Ingredients

We LOVE shea butter and I use it in a lot of my DIY natural skincare. I struggle between refined and non-refined because sometimes the smell can be a little overpowering. My ‘simpler’ DIY lip balm recipe uses mango butter instead of shea butter and I’m torn between the two to be honest. The idea of shea butter on my lips os wonderful but I also like the texture of mango butter. Time will tell I suppose!

My choices below include shea butter because I think you can’t go wrong with it. ON its own it’s an EXCELLENT lip balm (it might feel a little greasy on your lips if you’re not used to it) but to be honest nothing beats rubbing shea butter on your lips during the winter season when the cracks on the lips can get really bad.

Shea Butter: Healing, Effective, Smooth!

Ok, here are the main reasons why we totally love this product:

  • Protects the skin from extreme weather (hot or cold)
  • Incredibly powerful moisturizer in itself
  • Apt for different skin conditions (eczema, dermatitis)
  • Skin healing properties
  • Smooth and creamy

Beeswax: Natural, Beneficial (Not Vegan)

And these are the things that characterise Beeswax:

  • Nice and soothing
  • Natural moisturizer
  • Nicely scented
  • Anti-wrinkle properties
  • Allergy safe

Check Out Our 3 Choices

I own 3 Burt’s Bees organic lip balms although I’m not too keen on the wild cherry one. I prefer my organic lip balm ‘nude’ if you see what I mean. If I was to choose a scent, it would be grapefruit and lemon (essential oils, of course). If you ever use essential oils on your DIY lip balm don’t add more than 0.4% essential oils and be very careful with certain oils like the citric ones.

Burt’s Bees 100% Natural Moisturizing Lip Balm

Our Review


100% natural, wide range of flavors will guarantee you NEVER get bored with this product. EXCELLENT value for money as the quality is simply outstanding. You get six WONDERFUL lip balms, end of story.


The beeswax keeps your lips properly moisturized under any type of weather conditions. Tube format is great, very comfortable, convenient, and hygienic way of packaging a great product. Plastic will have to go at some point.


You simply cannot go wrong with this product (bar the plastic).

Beauty by Earth Lip Balm, Pure & Natural Beeswax, Lip Butter

Our Review


Loving the fact that it is 100% organic. Very effective! The honey and vanilla flavors are a great combo indeed. Beautiful packaging.


If you like vanilla scent this is a great choice.


Great quality and fantastic soothing properties. 

The LUXURIOUS L’Occitane

Our Review


Shea butter (see properties above), perfect for deep skin treatment! If your lips need a product that goes well beyond your average lip balm but is still 100% natural (and great for your lips), this would be a really good choice.


Texture, delicate scent, wonderful packaging and the actual shea butter. This is refined shea butter, it doesn’t smell. The properties of shea butter can get lost when refining but L’Occitane is a well known brand that sources from the best (fair trade approved). A little on the dearer side but this is luxury for your lips.


Although this one is more expensive than my other choices this product can really last you a long time. It’ll protect your lips from any type of weather condition through and through. I personally love it because it is unscented.



Instructions on Getting Your Mindset Ready Prior to Applying Your Lip Balm

There’s only one way for you to apply something to a place that has been sanctified every time you acknowledge its existence. 

Your WHOLE body is whole because you mentally perceive it as an organism without any lack. In fact, any type of lack would come from your thinking mind (the body in itself is nothing, other than what you perceive it to be). But if we treat the body (and every part of it) with our Minds (essentially, Who We Are), then we are perceiving them as whole, therefore perfect, therefore already healed, no matter what ills we might have misperceived prior to healing the Mind.

This might sound complicated or mysterious, but it is quite simple indeed. Our perception will determine how the part of the body (in this case, the lips) look like as well as feel like.​

This might sound complicated or mysterious, but it is quite simple indeed. Our perception will determine how the part of the body (in this case, the lips) look like as well as feel like.​

Everyone believes in what he made, for it was made by his believing it.” ~ A Course in Miracles



INHALE – Just before applying the balm on your lips, breath in deeply making sure that as the breath gains in intensity you notice your presence more. Stay with ‘YOU’ for 2 or 3 seconds at least. 


KEEP THE AIR IN – Now close your eyes and focus your thinking around the lips area. Notice the line/contour that draws them just ‘outside’ your mouth. Sense them, feel their aliveness. Stay ‘with them’ for another 2 or 3 seconds. 


EXHALE – Slowly let the air out through your nose or mouth, but as you do keep your focus on the lips. You have brought them to live momentarily just by this type of focusing, and the love that flows from YOU would have nourished them intensely! Time to open your eyes.


**REPEAT THE ABOVE STEPS FOR 7 DAYS, PRIOR TO APPLYING YOUR LIP BALM** (ideally you should always follow these steps when applying your lip balm, you’ll get faster as you get to practice. Message of success would be when you feel more comfortable following these steps than not doing it. Over time your sense of Presence will illuminate itself more and more. This is really what matters. 

Healing Treatment for Cracked/Sore/Unwell Lips

If your lips display some form of ill (unhealthiness) like cracks, soreness or are simply prone to blisters, etc, then we need to treat them a little differently. You can still follow the steps as above, but you would have to also follow the below to treat them.


CARESSING – Before applying the lip balm (and ideally after following the 3 steps above), we need to touch the flesh that form the lips with a part of the body we usually don’t consider to be ‘less than’. The  part of the finger we use for fingerprints usually don’t hold any of our grievances (we hardly think of this particular area) so it perceived neutrality should be more than good enough. Now, softly and as lovingly as  you can, caress the bottom lip from right to left and then from left to right. Proceed to to the same with the upper lip. As many times as it feels ‘right’. 


HEALING BY TRANSFER – The aim here is to ‘heal by transfer’. We transfer wholeness from one Healed part of the body (no thought of as anything in particular) to another part of the body (seen as ‘defective’ or ‘ill’). Believing/not believing is not necessary for this to work. As you go through the motions as described in the previous steps, gently imagine that this area of your finger is transferring healing to your lips. Try to feel the healing go from one area to the other. Don’t force it if you don’t ‘feel anything’ – as you repeat this process it’ll get easier and easier. 


**REPEAT THE ABOVE 2 STEPS FOR 14 DAYS, MORNING AND NIGHT, AS WELL AS PRIOR TO APPLYING YOUR LIP BALM** (the times you’re not on your own you can quietly take yourself to the nearest restroom or, if this is not possible, ‘think the steps’ as you apply the lip balm. This should be enough. 


The above choices are all great, L’Occitane Shea Butter is my sister’s favorite all time and I adore the vintage-looking container. All of the balms are great at keeping your lips at bay no matter the weather. Making your lip balm is a great idea if you’re in the mood. If so, here’s a recipe I love, very simple! 40% mango butter, 40% coconut oil, 20% beeswax. Easy! Let me know what you think in the comments.

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