Black seed oil and seeds.

The Complete List of Black Seed Oil Benefits (12 Health Benefits, 5 Skin Benefits, 8 Hair Benefits)

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As a certified health coach and organic skincare formulator, I’ve explored MANY natural remedies for beauty and health. Black seed oil stands out as a particularly outstanding natural ingredient.

Its incredible variety of benefits, as seen below in this article, for both beauty and health, make it, in my opinion, a truly extraordinary oil.

Please take a look below and see for yourself.

The magic of black seed oil

Black seed oil benefits for beauty infographic.
Black seed oil benefits for beauty.

Imagine a natural oil so potent that it can improve your skin, hair, and health.

That’s black seed oil for you.

The oil is extracted from the seeds of the Nigella sativa plant. This plant is native to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

The oil of this plant is so potent, that it has been used for centuries.

It was even found in Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb. This shows just how valuable it was. Even the Bible describes black seed oil as the ‘curative black cumin’.

It makes sense that the pharaoh saw the oil as valuable enough to be taken from this life to the next!

Black seed oil benefits for health infographic.
Black seed oil benefits for health.

Nutritional profile

Looking at what’s inside black seed oil shows why it’s a wellness favourite.

Yes. The oil is full of healing components like thymoquinone, fatty acids (i.e. linoleic and oleic acid), and antioxidants.

Here’s a helpful table so you can see the nutritional value it carries:

ThymoquinoneSupports immune system, anti-inflammatory
Fatty AcidsLinoleic Acid (50-60%): Promotes skin health
Oleic Acid (20-30%): Supports heart health
AntioxidantsProtects cells from damage
Essential OilsAnti-bacterial, helps digestion
Vitamins & MineralsVarious, including vitamin E and selenium, support overall wellness
Nutritional profile of black seed oil.

My journey with black seed oil

My fascination with natural oils led me to discover black seed oil back in 2018.

Its unique fatty acid profile made it an ideal ingredient for my organic skincare formulations, particularly for managing oily skin and inflammation. Check this article, written years ago.

Learning about and using this special oil in my life has been really rewarding and eye-opening, showing me its amazing benefits for natural skincare.

The oil vs. the seeds

Black seeds vs black seed oil infographic.

When exploring black seed oil, it’s important to know the difference between the oil and the seeds it comes from.

The seeds are great for cooking, adding extra nutrition to your food. The oil is packed with benefits and is easy to use for skin and health.

Black seeds…

  1. Whole nutrients: Consuming whole seeds can provide a broader spectrum of nutrients, including dietary fibre, which aids in digestion and promotes gut health.
  2. Versatility when cooking: The seeds can be used whole or ground as a spice in cooking, offering a unique flavour to dishes.
  3. Direct application in the mouth: The seeds can be used to make a paste or powder for direct application on the gums or teeth, offering benefits for oral hygiene.

… vs black seed oil

  1. Concentrated benefits: The oil provides a concentrated form of the active compounds found in black seeds, such as thymoquinone, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  2. Easier absorption: The oil can be more readily absorbed by the body, making it an efficient way to deliver the therapeutic benefits of black seed for systemic health issues.
  3. Topical application: Black seed oil can be directly applied to the skin and hair, offering targeted benefits such as moisturising dry skin, reducing inflammation, and supporting hair growth.

Knowing this difference helps you get the most out of each.

Comprehensive guide to black seed oil benefits

Looking more into black seed oil shows us many ways it can improve our health.

It is good for our skin and hair and helps our body fight off different health issues.

Black seed oil really shows how great natural remedies can be.

Let’s find out more about these benefits and how we can use this amazing oil every day.

Skin benefits of black seed oil

Black seed oil benefits for beauty infographic.

Using the oil on your skin can make a big difference, all thanks to the special qualities of black seed oil.

It goes beyond just making you look good; it helps heal and care for your skin deeply, tackling problems like dryness, swelling, and other things that can mess with your skin’s health.

1. Eczema, acne and psoriasis relief

Black seed oil’s ability to fight inflammation and bacteria makes it a great treatment for skin issues like eczema, acne, and psoriasis. It tackles the main problems causing these conditions, like swelling and germs. This helps ease symptoms and leads to healthier skin.

2. Revitalises the skin

Black seed oil is great at refreshing skin, clearing out pores, and helping new cells grow. This can make your skin tone more even, reduce redness, and make your skin look more lively and young.

Hair benefits of black seed oil

Although more studies are necessary, the potential benefits of black seed oil for hair look encouraging. It’s thought to feed the scalp, make hair roots stronger, and provide moisture, all key for keeping hair healthy and shiny.

1. Growth and loss management

Using black seed oil can really help with hair growth and controlling hair loss. It feeds the scalp and hair roots, encouraging hair to grow, and it also makes hair stronger to help reduce hair loss. Plus, it eases dry scalp, offering a handy solution for different hair issues.

2. Hydration and conditioning

The moisturizing and conditioning powers of black seed oil for hair are huge. It’s key in stopping damage and keeping hair looking healthy and shiny. Adding black seed oil to your hair care routine does more than just treat your hair; it completely changes it for the better.

Health benefits of black seed oil

Black seed oil benefits for health infographic.

Discovering the health benefits of black seed oil has truly opened my eyes.

Its nutritional makeup is remarkable. It’s been shown to help regulate blood sugar and even reduce waist size when combined with a low-calorie diet.

Research, including studies from the Iran J Med Sci and work by scientists like Bamosa AO, points to its ability to enhance liver and kidney function, keep cholesterol in check, and boost metabolic health.

It is amazing to see this old remedy getting modern science’s support for its wide-ranging advantages.

1. General Wellness

Adding black seed oil to your daily habits can really boost your health.

Its powerful effects, like antioxidants, are key players here.

This oil helps keep your organs working well and strengthens your body’s fight against different health issues, making it a big part of any journey toward overall wellness.

It’s incredible how just this one supplement in your daily habits can make a big difference in so many aspects of health.

1.1 Wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects

The anti-inflammatory benefits of black seed oil stand out.

Using it on the skin helps speed up the healing of small cuts and calmed irritations, proving its wide range of uses.

Its ability to lessen inflammation throughout the body, even helping with things like rheumatoid arthritis, is remarkable.

Finding relief naturally, without resorting to man-made drugs, shows just how powerful its natural qualities are.

1.2 Liver and kidney support

The antioxidant properties of black seed oil are beneficial for supporting liver and kidney function.

These organs are essential for the body’s detoxification processes, and black seed oil contributes to protecting them from damage.

This enhancement of the detox process can lead to increased vitality and improved mental clarity, underscoring the importance of safeguarding the health of these vital organs.

1.3 Gastrointestinal health

Research shows that black seed oil is really good for your gastrointestinal health.

It helps with digestion and can ease stomach problems, making things more comfortable and regular.

This shows how important natural ingredients like black seed oil are for keeping our digestive system working well.

2. Chronic Conditions and Immune Support

Using black seed oil on the skin can help boost the immune system and deal with long-term health problems.

Its special makeup strengthens the body’s defences and eases symptoms of chronic issues.

This way, it helps fight off illnesses and manage health problems naturally.

Let’s take a look.

2.1 Metabolic and cardiovascular health

Black seed oil is great for heart health and metabolism. It can help lower high blood pressure and keep cholesterol in check.

Plus, it might even make lung health better.

These benefits work together to lower the risk of metabolic syndrome, making black seed oil a key player in keeping the heart healthy.

2.2 Respiratory health and allergy relief

Black seed oil can help with allergies and breathing problems.

It’s been known to ease symptoms like a runny nose. More studies are needed, but it looks like black seed oil could really help make breathing easier and improve overall lung health.

2.3 Cancer, infections, and fertility

Black seed oil has potential benefits for treating cancer, combating infections, and boosting fertility.

While more research is needed to fully understand its effects, the possibility that black seed oil can contribute to these areas is promising.

This highlights the importance of further studies on how this traditional remedy can be applied in contemporary health care.

3. Weight management: Supporting weight loss

Incorporating black seed oil into a weight management strategy can help.

Its capacity to enhance metabolism and regulate blood sugar levels makes it a valuable tool in combating unwanted weight (obesity).

Acting as a natural support, black seed oil aids the body in efficiently processing foods and preventing excess weight gain.

Get the most out of your black seed oil! (Application and dosage)

Black seed oil can be purchased in different forms.

Whether you choose the cold-pressed oil, capsules, or topical applications, each type has its own special benefits.

Cold-pressed oil keeps the most nutrients, so it’s great for people who want all the health benefits.

Capsules are easy to take and give you an exact dose, which is good for busy people.

And if you have skin or hair problems, you can put the oil right where you need it.

The important thing is to pick the form that best meets your needs to get the best results.

Dosage guidelines

Beginning with a modest amount is crucial.

Whether you’re using the oil directly or opting for capsules, it’s important to let your body adjust gradually.

The recommended dosage varies significantly based on factors such as age, health condition, and the specific goals you’re aiming to achieve with black seed oil.

A general guideline is to start with a small dose and carefully observe how your body responds.

This approach helps you enjoy the benefits of black seed oil while minimising any potential negative reactions.

Always aim to find the dosage that provides the maximum benefits without overdoing it. And, of course, consult with a health professional who can advise you on exact amounts.

Easy DIY beauty recipes

Exploring natural beauty solutions brought me to the wonders of making my own skincare with black seed oil.

I highly recommend trying a face mask that combines a tablespoon of black seed oil with agave nectar and lemon juice for an equally vegan and rejuvenating alternative.

It’s a simple mix that revitalises your skin beautifully!

Here’s the DIY formula:

DIY Vegan face mask with black seed oil (night)

Black seed oil, agave syrup and lemons.
  • Ingredients:
    • 1 tablespoon black seed oil
    • 1 tablespoon agave syrup (as a vegan alternative to honey)
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Instructions:
    1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until you get a consistent mixture.
    2. Apply the mask to your face, avoiding the eye area.
    3. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

TO BE USED ONLY AT NIGHT. Lemons can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. So, it’s best to use this mask at night to avoid any potential sun damage. Remember to apply sunscreen during the day as an extra protective measure, even if you use the mask only at night.

This mask is great for rejuvenating your skin, thanks to the hydrating properties of agave and the brightening effects of lemon juice.

For hair, a nourishing mask made by mixing black seed oil with coconut oil works wonders:

DIY Vegan hair mask with black seed oil

Black seeds, black seed oil and half a coconut.
  • Ingredients:
    • 2 tablespoons black seed oil
    • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • Instructions:
    1. Mix the oils together and warm up slightly to ensure they blend well.
    2. Apply the mixture to your hair, focusing on the ends and scalp.
    3. Leave it in for at least 30 minutes or overnight for deep conditioning.
    4. Wash out using your regular shampoo routine.

This hair mask is perfect for adding moisture, improving texture, and adding a healthy shine to your hair.

Applying this blend weekly can noticeably improve your hair’s condition and lustre.

These DIY recipes are not only straightforward and budget-friendly but also align with using wholesome, natural ingredients for skin and hair care. This is what Oh Mighty Health is all about.

I encourage everyone to give them a try for an effective and natural beauty routine.

Tips and storage to maximise benefits

Here are some tips:

  • Keep it in a cool, dark place: Light and heat can degrade the oil.
  • Use an airtight container: This prevents oxidation.
  • Avoid direct sunlight: Store the oil in a cupboard or pantry away from windows.
  • Consider refrigeration: If you live in a warm climate, keeping it in the fridge can extend its shelf life.
  • Check for rancidity: Be aware of any changes in smell or texture, indicating spoilage.
  • Monitor the expiration date: Always use the oil before its expiration date to ensure freshness and effectiveness.

Following these steps can help you enjoy the full benefits of black seed oil, making every drop count towards your health and wellness.

Use with care

As a certified health coach, I always emphasise the importance of caution, particularly for pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals with specific medical conditions, or those scheduled for surgery.

Black seed oil, like any supplement, should be used mindfully.

Consulting healthcare providers before starting any new supplement is crucial to ensure it complements your health regimen without causing unforeseen issues.

Choosing the Right Black Seed Oil

Below you’ll find an affiliate link that might earn me some money at no extra cost to you.

Selecting high-quality black seed oil is paramount for ensuring you reap the maximum benefits.

Look for oil that is organic and cold-pressed (indicating minimal processing and preservation of nutritional value.)

Purity is another critical factor; the best black seed oil is 100% pure, without any additives.

Packaging matters too; dark bottles are preferable as they protect the oil from light degradation, maintaining its potency over time.

Here’s my recommended one.

Final Thoughts

Have you noticed improvements in your skin or hair after using black seed oil? Share your before-and-after photos and become part of a community dedicated to shared growth and learning.

Your experiences can offer valuable insights and motivation to others exploring the benefits of black seed oil.

I would love it if we could celebrate our achievements together.


  1. Padhye S, Banerjee S, Ahmad A, Mohammad R, Sarkar FH. From here to eternity – the secret of Pharaohs: Therapeutic potential of black cumin seeds and beyond. Cancer Ther [Internet]. 2008 [cited 2024 Feb 26]; 6(b):495–510. Available from:
  2. Ahmad A, Husain A, Mujeeb M, Khan SA, Najmi AK, Siddique NA, et al. A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed [Internet]. 2013 [cited 2024 Feb 26]; 3(5):337–52. Available from:
  3. Tavakkoli A, Mahdian V, Razavi BM, Hosseinzadeh H. Review on Clinical Trials of Black Seed (Nigella sativa ) and Its Active Constituent, Thymoquinone. J Pharmacopuncture [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2024 Feb 26]; 20(3):179–93. Available from: