Castor oil

The Magic of Castor Oil: 8 Wonderful Ways to Use This Wonder Oil

I write so you share. Thank you.

I’ve been using castor oil in my formulations for a while now. Castor oil (like many other carrier oils) has a fantastic feel and a unique profile that really stands out. Its thickness and richness add a luxurious glide, making it a go-to ingredient for products like lip balms and body oils where smoothness and nourishment are key.

What I love most about castor oil is its versatility. It’s not just for moisturisation—it also has amazing properties that make it beneficial for hair, skin, and even lashes – as you’ve probably heard by now.

Whether you’re looking to boost hydration, promote healthy hair growth, or create a high-gloss finish, castor oil delivers.

I’ve been using castor oil in my lip balm formulation for many years. It has a viscosity that I particularly love for lip balms.

What is castor oil?

If you haven’t come across castor oil before, let me introduce you to this brilliant oil.

Castor oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the castor plant (Ricinus communis, see pic below). What makes it special is its high concentration of ricinoleic acid, a unique fatty acid that gives it powerful moisturising and nourishing properties.

Courtesy of

When I first started using castor oil, I was impressed by its thick, almost sticky texture. I was NOT expecting that! It’s much denser than most oils, but that’s where its magic lies. This viscosity makes it an excellent moisturiser and sealant, perfect for locking in hydration and leaving skin and hair deeply nourished. That’s why it’s a perfect ingredient for my lip balm formulation.

One of the reasons I love castor oil is its versatility. It softens, protects, and even attracts moisture to the skin and hair. Plus, it has a long shelf life, meaning your products stay fresh longer.

1. Boost your hair’s brilliance

One of my favourite uses of castor oil is as a natural boost for hair care. If you’re dreaming of glossy, healthy locks, castor oil could be the answer you’re looking for.

Why castor oil can work wonders for your hair

Castor oil’s ricinoleic acid is fantastic for hair. It penetrates deep into the hair and scalp, nourishing from within while its antimicrobial properties help maintain a healthy scalp.

It’s also packed with omega-6 fatty acids, which promote blood flow to the scalp—encouraging growth and reducing hair fall.

Plus, its moisturising qualities help control frizz and add that lovely, lovely shine.

Try this hair care ritual when you can

Here’s how you can use castor oil for your hair care:

  • Start with damp hair for better absorption.
  • Warm about a tablespoon of oil in your hands.
  • Massage it into your scalp gently, then work the rest through your hair, focusing on the ends.
  • Wrap your hair in a warm towel for 30 minutes, or leave it overnight for an intensive treatment.
  • Wash it out as usual.

You can do this once a week. It can be a real game-changer for stronger, shinier hair.

Tips for success

Use sparingly—castor oil is thick, so a little goes a long way. Be patient; stick with it for a few weeks to see results. Try mixing it with lighter oils like jojoba if you prefer a thinner texture.

2. Nourish your skin naturally

As a formulator, I’m always seeking ingredients that multitask, and castor oil is a true skincare gem. It is lovely for your skin as well, see below (remember I said it is a THICK oil, quite viscous, take this into account before trying it).

Benefits for skin

Castor oil is rich in fatty acids, especially ricinoleic acid, as we saw above, which makes it an amazing moisturiser.

  • Soothes irritated skin with its anti-inflammatory properties
  • Helps with acne-prone skin due to its antimicrobial effects (more on that below)
  • Attracts moisture thanks to its humectant qualities
  • Softens and smooths with its emollient benefits

A lovely castor oil skin care routine

Here’s how to use castor oil in your routine (very easy to do!):

  • Night-time moisturiser: Mix a few drops into your usual moisturiser for an extra boost of hydration.
  • Oil cleansing: Combine castor oil with a lighter oil (1:3 ratio with jojoba) to cleanse your skin and remove makeup.
  • Dry spots treatment: Apply castor oil to extra dry areas like elbows and heels before bed.

Tips for using castor oil on your skin

  • Start small and see how your skin reacts.
  • Always patch test, especially on sensitive skin.
  • Mix with a lighter oil for easier application.
  • Use at night for best results, and remember sunscreen if using during the day!

CAUTION: I know castor oil is very popular at the moment. And, yes, while castor oil offers a range of benefits, it can be a bit TOO STRONG for those with sensitive skin. Many people have reported having problems with it, this is from personal experience, I get feedback all the time! Its thick consistency and potent properties, especially the high concentration of ricinoleic acid, can sometimes cause irritation or dryness in people prone to skin sensitivities. If you’re new to using castor oil, it’s always a good idea to dilute it with a lighter carrier oil, such as jojoba or almond oil, and perform a patch test before applying it to larger areas.

3. Eyebrow and eyelash boost

If you’ve been dreaming of fuller brows and longer lashes, castor oil might be the secret you’ve been missing.

Why castor oil works for brows and lashes

Castor oil’s ricinoleic acid is the key here. It:

  • Nourishes hair follicles, promoting healthy growth
  • Keeps follicles clean with its antimicrobial properties
  • Coats hair for a fuller appearance
  • Helps prevent breakage, allowing hair to reach its full potential

A simple brow and lash routine

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Start with clean brows and lashes.
  2. Use a clean mascara wand or spoolie to apply a small amount of castor oil.
  3. Brush it through your brows and carefully apply it to the base of your lashes.
  4. Leave it on overnight and rinse off in the morning.

Do this every night before bed, and after a few weeks, you may notice your brows and lashes are looking fuller and healthier.

Tips for success

  • Consistency is key—stick to it every night.
  • Use just a small amount to avoid greasy pillowcases.
  • Be patient—it can take 4-6 weeks to see results.
  • Always use clean applicators, and patch test if you have sensitive skin.

Be careful with the oil near your eyes

Castor oil is generally safe, but be cautious when using it near your eyes. If irritation occurs, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional.

4. Soothe aching joints

Let’s shift from beauty to wellness and explore how castor oil can be a natural remedy for joint pain. Whether it’s from exercise, ageing, or just a bit of everyday stiffness, castor oil’s can help because of its soothing properties, which make it a great option for easing joint pain.

*The science behind castor oil for joint pain*

Castor oil’s ricinoleic acid is known for its anti-inflammatory effects. When applied to sore joints, it can:

  • Help reduce inflammation
  • Improve circulation
  • Relieve pain and stiffness

Plus, massaging the oil into the skin can increase blood flow to the area, providing extra relief.

Here’s some research if you’re interested in finding out a little more about castor oil for joint pain.

An effective oil blend

While castor oil alone is effective, combining it with other oils creates an even more powerful blend. Try this simple recipe:

  • 2 tablespoons castor oil
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (for added anti-inflammatory benefits)
  • 5 drops peppermint essential oil (for cooling)
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil (for calming)

To use:

  • Warm the blend by placing the jar in a bowl of warm water (bain marie or double boiler. I personally never use the microwave any longer).
  • Apply generously to the affected joint.
  • Massage for 5-10 minutes, then wrap the area in a warm towel for 15-20 minutes.

Tips for using castor oil for joint pain

  • Apply after a warm shower or before bed for the best results.
  • Use daily, especially during flare-ups.
  • Always listen to your body, and discontinue use if any irritation occurs…

A word of caution

While castor oil is a great natural remedy, it’s not a substitute for medical advice. If you have ongoing joint issues, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment. PLEASE TAKE PAIN SERIOUSLY.

5. For acne blemishes

Let’s talk about acne, a struggle for many. Surprisingly, castor oil can be a powerful oil for blemishes. Its unique properties make it an effective, natural solution for breakouts.

Why castor oil works for acne

You might be wondering if applying oil to acne is counterintuitive, but castor oil has some impressive benefits:

  • Antimicrobial: Its ricinoleic acid fights acne-causing bacteria.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Reduces redness and swelling.
  • Non-comedogenic: Won’t clog pores, despite being an oil.
  • Cleansing: Helps dissolve excess sebum and dirt.

Simple acne spot treatment

Here’s an easy spot treatment to try:

  • 1 teaspoon castor oil
  • 2-3 drops tea tree essential oil (for antibacterial effects, this essential oil is very effective when it comes to acne, my clients love my anti-acne cream, which has tea tree essential oil in it)
  • 1 drop lavender essential oil (for soothing)


  1. Mix the oils in a small, clean container.
  2. Cleanse your face.
  3. Using a clean cotton swab, apply the blend directly to blemishes.
  4. Leave on overnight and rinse in the morning.

Tips for using it for acne

  • Start slowly and introduce it a few times a week.
  • Always patch test first, especially if you have sensitive skin.
  • Consistency is key—stick with it for a few weeks.
  • Don’t overuse; a small amount goes a long way.

Oil cleansing

For those who want to try oil cleansing, mix castor oil with jojoba oil (1:2 ratio) for a deep cleanse that can be surprisingly effective for acne-prone skin.

A note of caution

Remember, everyone’s skin is different. If irritation occurs, stop using it and consult a dermatologist.

6. Strengthen your nails naturally

Castor oil can be a game-changer for nail care, offering natural nourishment that helps your nails grow stronger and healthier.

Why castor oil works for nails

Castor oil is packed with nutrients that support nail health:

  • Rich in fatty acids: Nourishes the nail bed and cuticles for healthy growth.
  • High in vitamin E: Protects nails from damage and strengthens them.
  • Antimicrobial properties: Helps prevent fungal infections.
  • Moisturising effects: Keeps nails and cuticles hydrated, reducing brittleness.

My Go-To Nail Strengthening Treatment

Here’s an easy nail treatment to try:

  • 1 tablespoon castor oil
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil (great for nails as well)
  • 2 drops lemon essential oil (optional, don’t worry about it if you haven’t got it)


  1. Mix the oils and warm the blend slightly.
  2. Massage into your nails and cuticles for 5 minutes.
  3. For deeper hydration, wear cotton gloves overnight.
  4. Repeat 2-3 times a week for best results.

Tips for using it for nail care

  • Regular use brings the best results—stick with it.
  • Focus on cuticles as they support healthy nail growth.
  • Massage any leftover oil into your hands as a bonus treatment.

Incorporating the oil into your manicure routine

  • Pre-manicure soak: Add a few drops to warm water and soak your nails for 10 minutes.
  • Nightly treatment: Apply castor oil to your cuticles, even with polish on.
  • On-the-go care: Keep a small bottle in your bag for quick cuticle touch-ups.


While castor oil is generally safe for topical use, if you have any existing nail conditions or infections, it’s best to consult with a dermatologist before starting any new nail care routine.

7. Massage away muscle tension

Whether you’re an athlete, spend long hours at a desk, or just overdo it in the garden (like I do) tight muscles can be a real pain. Castor oil is a fantastic natural remedy to help ease sore muscles and tension.

Why castor oil works for muscle tension

Castor oil’s properties make it ideal for relieving muscle discomfort:

  • Anti-inflammatory: Reduces swelling and discomfort.
  • Improves circulation: Boosts blood flow, promoting healing.
  • Deep absorption: Penetrates the skin to reach underlying muscles.
  • Perfect for massage: Its lubricating properties allow smooth, easy movement during a massage.

Muscle relief blend

Here’s an effective blend for soothing muscle tension:

  • 2 tablespoons castor oil
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 5 drops peppermint essential oil (for cooling)
  • 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil (anti-inflammatory)
  • 3 drops lavender essential oil (for relaxation)


  1. Mix the ingredients in a clean jar.
  2. Warm the blend slightly.
  3. Massage into the affected area for 5-10 minutes, using circular motions.
  4. For deeper relief, cover with a warm towel for 15-20 minutes.

Tips for relieving muscle tension

  • Use after a warm shower for the best results.
  • Incorporate into your routine to prevent tension buildup.
  • Stay hydrated to help reduce muscle soreness.
  • If discomfort increases, stop and consult a professional.

Enhancing your massage

Start with light strokes to warm up the muscles. Gradually increase pressure on areas of tension. Use palms for broad strokes and fingertips for focused pressure. Deep breathing enhances relaxation during the massage.


If you’re dealing with a specific injury or chronic pain condition, PLEASE consult a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment regimen. This includes all natural remedies.

8. Luscious lips!

My DIY lip balm

Here’s to achieving soft, smooth, and kissable lips with castor oil (my favourite).

Castor oil has proven to be a true game-changer for lip care, offering deep hydration and protection. My clients LOVE my lip balm, and castor oil is a big part of the success.

Why castor oil works wonders for lips

Castor oil is perfect for lip care because it:

  • Deeply moisturises: Its fatty acids combat dryness and chapping.
  • Adds a plumping effect: Helps lips look fuller.
  • Protects: Shields lips from environmental stressors like wind and cold.
  • Heals: Repairs cracked or damaged lips.

DIY castor oil lip treatment

Try this simple lip treatment for softer lips:

  • 1 teaspoon castor oil
  • 1 teaspoon agave syrup or maple syrup (I’m vegan so I don’t use honey)
  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 2 drops vitamin E oil (optional, this is another viscous oil)


  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Apply to your lips and leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Wipe off the excess or leave it on overnight for deeper hydration.

Tips for using it on your lips

  • Exfoliate gently before applying for better absorption.
  • Use sparingly—a small amount goes a long way.
  • Make it part of your routine, especially in cold weather.
  • Layer under your lip balm or lipstick for extra moisture.

Incorporating it into your lip care routine

  1. As a lip mask: Use once or twice a week for deep hydration.
  2. Daily lip oil: Keep a small bottle in your bag for on-the-go use.
  3. DIY lip gloss: Mix with a bit of lipstick for a custom gloss.
  4. Overnight treatment: Apply before bed for ultra-soft lips by morning.


While castor oil is generally safe for use on lips, if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies, it’s always a good idea to do a patch test first. Apply a small amount to the inside of your wrist and wait 24 hours to check for any adverse reactions.

Embracing the magic of castor oil

One of the joys of working with natural ingredients like castor oil is the flexibility to experiment. You can easily adjust the recipes and blends I’ve shared to fit your specific needs and preferences. However, it’s important to stick to the recommended amounts of essential oils in relation to the carrier oils, as exceeding these guidelines can be harmful. Always respect the proper ratios for safe and effective use!

So, there you go. You might discover a new favourite use for castor oil that we haven’t even covered here (I was careful not to share on the more health-related ones as I prefer you find those uses somewhere else, with medical professionals behind the information).

A last thought…

I hope you’re feeling inspired to incorporate this versatile oil into your daily routine. Whether you’re looking to boost your beauty regimen, soothe aching muscles, or just pamper yourself a little, castor oil will do the job very nicely!

Remember, castor oil can be a wonderful tool in your self-care kit, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Pair it with a balanced diet, plenty of water, good sleep, and a positive attitude, and you’ll be glowing from the inside out. For sure.

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