One of the Best Self-Care Tips: Connection

One of the best healthcare tips is connection.

The goal of any good health plan is to make individuals feel healthy, safe, and loved.

And that’s easy to do when you’re surrounded by people who care about you as a person and also want to get better for you.

That’s not just pie in the sky talk either; studies have proven that this kind of closeness can make a significant difference in one’s overall health and wellbeing.

NOTE: I wonder if patients who are allowed to have visitors at the hospital end up staying for shorter lengths of time and recover more quickly. There is no doubt that people with strong social networks and support can feel safer, more secure and more confident.

Do you know what else helps? When authority figures show respect and kindness instead of yelling at you. This is especially true when there are health issues involved.

What exactly is “connection”?

There’s a lot of talk about “connection” and it’s not exactly clear what that means. However, we can get an idea by taking a closer look at what “connection” is not.

Connection is not some kind of touchy-feely hug-fest or the kind of thing where you share your deepest darkest secrets with someone and they do the same with you. Sure, there is a type of connection when these examples take place but I’m talking about something else.

Connection is about a feeling. It’s about the kind of feeling that you get when you’re in a room with friends, or even complete strangers, and there’s something honest and pure in the air. Do you know what I’m pointing at? I’m talking about the kind of feeling when you’re in the company of others and there is no hidden agenda; no one is trying to control you or manipulate you, and vice-versa. It is about a sense of security, of trust, and of belonging. It’s about not being alone, either as an individual or as a group.

Connection is when you are amongst people who know what it’s like to be you and who can help you understand where they’re coming from.

Connection is also about putting others first and thinking about how you can help other people feel good. If a person is in pain, you can be there for them by offering support. You can help them feel better by listening attentively or by giving them a shoulder to cry on.

INFO: Check my amazing 100 self-care tips post.

Connection is when a doctor shows you that they understand how much effort it takes to deal with certain health problems, and then backs you all the way up. A lot of people think that healthcare tips are just about medicine, but that’s not always the case. The most important healthcare tips to remember are about getting along with your doctor and building up a relationship of trust, compassion and support. The best health plan is one that cares.

Connection is when you are part of a bigger team that makes you feel like you’re a valued member of the group. It’s when those who are close to you can help you feel better by listening to what’s going on and providing the right kind of support.

Finally, connection is about being one of the group and knowing that everyone who is part of the group is there for each other and cares about everyone’s well-being.

It’s a great feeling whenever you can feel connected to those around you. It fills you with strength and reassurance.

Since to connect is, literally, to “join together”, another word we could use for connection is “community”.

How does “connection” help you feel better?

Being understood is a key factor in getting healthy and staying that way. When you’re talking to, let’s say, your doctor, it’s easy to feel like they aren’t really hearing you and that they’re just giving you a bunch of random pieces of advice without really understanding the passions and aspirations that drive you. If you want to feel better, make sure that a doctor understands your vision, dreams, goals and motivations. It is not just about “fixing” the body. It is about the spirit as much as the body and mind (if not more!).

TIP: If you want to feel healthier and happier, then you have to be willing to make a difference in other people’s lives. Be that friend who stands by their friends no matter what.

Connection with yourself

Connecting with yourself means connecting with your inner resources. It is important to take care of yourself, since many health challenges can be a sign that you’re not being connected to your inner resources.

It’s possible that a doctor can be really helpful, but she will not know how to help you as a person if they don’t understand you as a person. Part of growing and learning what it takes to get healthy is understanding who you are and working at being the person you want to be from the inside out.

Connecting with oneself means being alive and fully present while being environmentally aware. It means understanding your own physical, mental, and emotional needs. Part of understanding yourself is also to understand how these three aspects connect in important ways.

If you’re really struggling with a health challenge, it’s always helpful to remember that your body is a magnificent machine that does amazing work for you every day of your life.

Connection with others

One of the best healthcare tips is a connection with other people, and that often means connecting with others who are working on themselves continuously (in order to become better people).

The healthier the people involved in your life are, the more likely it is that you will end up making better decisions because of the impact these people have on you.

Connection is all about being with yourself while at the same time being with others and the planet. It’s about appreciating the many other people, places, and things that make life great while being centered in your own place and what makes you, you.

It’s also about feeling connected to the past so that you can learn, and with the future so that you can grow. Sometimes the best way to connect with your future is to take some time out to enjoy nature and think about what your hopes are for yourself and how far you want to go in life.

Connection is a check-and-balance system for your brain, body and soul.

Connection with love

If you are feeling a little bit depressed, take a look around and notice how many people love you. You might be amazed at how many people care about your well-being even if they’re not actually telling you.

Connection with love is about understanding that love exists and that you can both receive it and give it away.

SUGGESTION: The best healthcare tip I have for you is to remember every time you feel down, because of a health problem or anything else, to connect with people who love you so they can help you reconnect with yourself.

Connection with nature

When you’re in nature, nature has a way of making you feel grounded and connected. Nature can be especially helpful when your health issues aren’t going so well.

Connection with the divine

Connecting with the divine means realizing that our existence is part of something much bigger. The universe is not only a place of beauty, it’s also a place where many things come together to make it what it is.

I hope that this post is helpful to you. Connection with myself has been the key to my constant inner happiness!

Patri ❤️💕

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