Diet vs Nutrition vs Nourishment: an Overview

Have you already gone through many different “diets” that appear with the promise of a great looking body?

Are you wanting a great looking body because you think you’ll be more appreciated by others?

You might not even be ready to answer that question. I was, a few years ago. It was a tough one. I had to admit to myself that the thought of a slim and desirable Patri was what I had in mind, most of the time.

It is not easy to spot these types of thoughts. But they’re there. Oh, yes, they’re there. How could they not, when all we hear from all channels is “lose weight” “look pretty” and so on? Human beings have been objectified to human bodies. It’s all down to how we look, then how clever we are, finally how funny we are.

Dieting is over! Say hello to nourishment. Soul, Mind, Spirit, Emotions.

My visions around food and lifestyle were as follows: try not to eat so you look thin (and hopefully pretty), try to make a lot of money so you look successful (and also others can envy you).

My thinking would believe achieving those two were the perfect recipe for that “I’ve arrived” moment. Ah! Peace at last. I got there. Happiness, here I come.

When did we start getting it THIS WRONG??


I wrote the heading in capitals, just to make sure it doesn’t go unnoticed.

So we all know diets don’t work but we still insist in doing them. Because we believe we’re at fault of not having achieved what we have been taught we have to achieve (perfect marriage, perfect car, house, children, pets, job, salary, looks, et all). You know what I mean.

We start with our body, expand to our car, house, family, job, bank account and social media. “Look at me, approve of me!”. That needs to go. Diets don’t work not only because they’re not sustainable and TOTALLY NOT NATURAL but also because even if you lost the weight you thought was the root of your problem you would realise the problem has not been removed.

Stop Learning About Diets

And start transforming your Self. That’s what I did. I went through a lifestyle transformation which was the only diet I had to go through. Certain friends had to go, certain behaviours had to go, and most definitely certain types of thoughts had to go. That’s the diet I would recommend wholeheartedly: remove toxins from your environment. Learn to identify what’s not hot in your life any longer and get rid of it. Like a bad weed or a rotting apple.

This is a Lifelong Journey, NOT a Quick Fix

Not sure what else to add here. I’ve been on this journey for over 10 years and I’m still just a baby! The more I learn about myself, the more I have to learn about myself. It’s good though: the more I go on in this journey, the deeper and more solid the happiness I feel gets.

Real Food, Real Friends, Real Life

Your body knows what it needs. Your mind also knows what it needs. You were born with an intelligent biocomputer that will do what it’s good for it if you let it. Water, not alcohol, movement, not addiction to the gym or no movement at all, rest, not laziness, respect towards people, not relationship after relationship…. your body and your mind know. They know.

Don’t Let Diet Obsession Slow Down Your Growth

You’re here to realise your Self, and that, unfortunately, means you have work to do because this realisation doesn’t just “appear” (although it has occurred for some). In general, you have to do A LOT of digging before you find the Holy Grail, but until you do this you will engage in addictive behaviours (most of society is) trying to find this thing they call Happiness, even though nobody has ever found it, if only for a few fleeting moments and usually attached to some sort of outward experience.

So What About Nutrition and Nourishment?

As you learn and grow at your own pace, you will find different meanings for the word “nutrition”. Nutrition is the act of feeding your body the right foods in order for it to grow healthy and maintain a state of well-being.

Nourishment, is “the source of the thing” you’re feeding yourself with. So, a particular movie will be good or bad nourishment for you. A particular friendship might be good or bad nourishment for you. A job, a family member, a behaviour, a thought… they could be either good nourishment or bad nourishment for you.

The above are my own definitions of nutrition and nourishment.

There are many diet theories and some are interesting while others are atrocious. I found what worked for me: an “inner-diet” that required a particular lifestyle. It hasn’t been easy because it takes a long time to:

  • Find out how you can feel comfortable with yourself
  • Live your new habits and thought processes (and feel familiar within this new territory)
  • Keep weeding out what damages you and find only the good nourishment for your body, mind and soul

You’ve Already Started Your Journey

If you’re reading this and have actually got this far, it means you’re already well on your way.

Well done.

Well done to both of us.


Patri ❤️💕

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