Top/Best Essential Oils for Immune Boosting: Tea Tree, Niaouli & Ravensara

When it comes to our health most essential oils will have a multitude of therapeutic applications. The major obstacle I find when it comes to essential oils, though, is to choose the right ones for the different ills.

This is also the case when it comes to essential oils for our immune system. Most essential oils will be beneficial for our immune system since essential oils themselves are what plants produce for their own immune system. Like the essential oils for respiratory congestion, I find it is best to simplify and find out which oils are really the best for this particular function in order to make things easy.

Tea Tree, Niaouli & Ravensara: Top, Anti-Microbial, Immune Boosting, PURE MAGIC Essential Oils

Most essential oils will have anti-microbial properties as this is the very reason the plants produce them (to protect themselves from bacteria, viruses and fungi).

I recommend tea tree, niaouli and ravensara essential oils when it comes to boosting your immune system (more on each oil below) as this group are the best representative essential oils when it comes to your immunity system. Their anti-microbial properties are powerful which makes this group a very good choice when it comes to immune boosting essential oils.

1. Tea Tree (Malaleuca alternifolia) Essential Oil for Immune Boosting

Tea tree (Malaleuca alternifolia) is well known for its powerful antiseptic properties. It is an oil that should be kept in your herbal/natural first-aid kit being very effective against fungi and bacteria. It has immune-stimulating properties and will help the body fight off infection, boosting immunity.

This oil will act as a barrier against fungi, viruses and bacteria, fighting skin infection. Great for fighting flu and cold symptoms because of its antiseptic properties. If a cold has set in you can use the steam inhalation method and the oil will ease breathing as well as the congestion.

Here’s an example of how tea tree essential oil helps when it comes to immune defense. Terpene molecules are actually attracted to the lipid (oily) part of the bacteria. When we diffuse the essential oils into the atmosphere these terpenes inject themselves into the cell walls of the bacteria, thus degrading and damaging the cell membranes and physically destroying the cell wall. At the same time, the terpenes will also suck out the potassium ions from the bacteria micelles and bleed it to death, therefore blocking the transference of gases into the membrane and finally suffocating it. The bacteria won’t be able to develop resistance because terpene is one compound of hundreds, if not thousands that tea tree oil has. If we were to isolate this compound the bacteria would stand a chance of developing some sort of resistance. But it doesn’t.

I think this is the above is the most important information you need about tea tree oil when it comes to boosting the immune system, so you understand why. It is just one example as tea tree oil is very vast and complex, but it does give you a pretty good idea of how powerful this essential oil is. Just in case you also wanted a general ‘view’ of this essential oil, I’ll summarise in bulleted points below a little more about it.

  • Traditionally used by the Australian aborigines to boost immunity
  • Extensively researched by the scientists
  • A great oil to use during the winter season as it effectively supports wellness
  • Scent: pure, quite strong and pungent, camphoraceous, bittersweet, balsamic

How to Use Tea Tree for Immune Boosting

**If you’re new to essential oils I suggest you get started with the diffuser before moving on to other methods. NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 2.**

  • Diffuser: Tea tree is a lovely and natural air freshener. You can diffuse tea tree essential oil on its own or combine it with niaouli and ravensara (see below). 1 to 3 drops of tea tree essential oil.
  • Facial Steam: This is to help you clear nose and head. Add 1-5 drops in a steaming bowl of hot water and cover both head and bowl with a towel. Enhances skin health and very good for respiratory system and sinuses.
  • Bath/Shower: Te tree essential oil can also be absorbed via the skin. Add up to 5 drops in 2tbsp carrier oil, bath oil or shower gel. If you have sensitive skin only add 2 drops per 2 tbsp.
  • Massage: Use up to 15 drops in 2 tbsp of carrier oil.


Non-toxic. Do not take internally. Do not put directly on skin.
Dermotoxic potential: Medium to high, depending on the quality of the oil.

Principal Constituents


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Helpful Resources

Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil: a Review of Antimicrobial and Other Medicinal Properties
Comparative study on the in vitro antibacterial activity of Australian tea tree oil, cajuput oil, niaouli oil, manuka oil, kanuka oil, and eucalyptus oil
The Influence of Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) on Fluconazole Activity against Fluconazole-Resistant Candida albicans Strains
Terpenine-4-ol Benefits
The Roles and Regulation of Potassium in Bacteria

2. Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia) Essential Oil for Immune Boosting

Niaouli is an essential oil with great disinfecting properties that will help fight a range of infections. It is known as a ‘gentler version of tea tree’ which makes it suitable for sensitive skin. This oil will help fight cold and flu symptoms being a decongestant and expectorant. It will help break up congestion in the bronchi, nasal passages and lungs.

With antiviral and immune-boosting properties niaouli is an important essential oil when it comes to the treatment of colds and flu.

Scent: Similar to tea tree oil but with a sweeter, softer aroma.

How to Use Niaouli for Immune Boosting

**If you’re new to essential oils I suggest you get started with the diffuser before moving on to other methods. NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 2.**

  • Diffuser: Add 1 to 3 drops in a diffuser. You can also add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil.
  • Facial Steam: Add 4 to 6 drops of niaouli essential oil (you can mix in tea tree with it if you like) in a steaming bowl of hot water and cover head and the bowl with a towel.
  • Bath/Shower: Niaouli essential oil can also be absorbed via the skin. Add up to 5 drops in 2 tbsp carrier oil, bath oil or shower gel. If you have sensitive skin only add 2 drops per 2 tbsp.
  • Massage: Use up to 15 drops in 2 tbsp of carrier oil. If you have sensitive skin use up to 6 drops in 2 tbsp of carrier oil.


Non-toxic. Do not take internally. Do not put directly on skin.
Dermotoxic potential: Medium to high (less dermotoxic potential than tea tree essential oil)

Principal Constituents


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Helpful Resources

Niaouli Links from PubMed Website
Essential oil of niaouli preferentially potentiates antigen-specific cellular immunity and cytokine production by macrophagesComparative study on the in vitro antibacterial activity of Australian tea tree oil, cajuput oil, niaouli oil, manuka oil, kanuka oil, and eucalyptus oil

3. Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica) Essential Oil for Immune Boosting

An immune-boosting oil, great for offering protection when most needed: in the winter months. Ravensara essential oil is stimulating and warming with decongestant, antiseptic and antiviral properties. A great essential oil for the winter, for the cold and flu season. Ravensara essential oil eases flu and cold symptoms as well as helping with sinusitis and coughs. It will also help cleanser the air in sick rooms.

Ravensara essential oil is great for boosting immunity. It can help support immunity especially when your defenses are at a low level (if you’re stressed or tired from working too hard). This is an essential oil that is gentle and effective, known for soothing as well as clearing the respiratory system. Make it part of your first aid kit when it comes to your natural remedies for winter. Choose ravensara over tea tree if you’re thinking of a gentler approach to healing.

Scent: camphorous, slightly fruity, clean.

How to Use Ravensara for Immune Boosting

**If you’re new to essential oils I suggest you get started with the diffuser before moving on to other methods. NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 2.**

  • Diffuser: Add 1 to 3 drops in a diffuser. You can also add 1 drop of tea tree essential oil and o1 or 2 drops of niaouli essential oil to enhance the blend.
  • Direct Palm Inhalation: You can use ravensara essential oil through a simple direct palm inhalation. Place just one drop of the oil in the palm of your hand, rub the palms together, bring near your nose and inhale deeply.
  • Facial Steam: Add 4 to 6 drops of ravensara essential oil (you can mix in tea tree and niaouli with it if you like) in a steaming bowl of hot water and cover head and the bowl with a towel.
  • Bath/Shower: Add up to 5 drops in 2 tbsp carrier oil, bath oil or shower gel. If you have sensitive skin only add 2 drops per 2 tbsp.
  • Massage: Use up to 15 drops in 2 tbsp of carrier oil. If you have sensitive skin use up to 6 drops in 2 tbsp of carrier oil.
  • Feet: Add 2 drops neat ro your feet to encourage immune boosting.


Non-toxic. Do not use during pregnancy. Do not take internally. Do not put directly on skin.
Gentler than tea tree oil.
Dermotoxic potential: Medium to high (relatively low dermotoxic potential but good to treat as medium to high because they’re not mild and safe for everybody).

Principal Constituents


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Helpful Links

Authentication of Ravensara aromatica and Ravensara anisata
About Ravensara Essential Oil
Difference Between Ravensara and Ravintsara Essential Oils

Add These Oils to Your Essential Oils for Respiratory Congestion to Increase Anti-Viral Power!

I wrote an article on essential oils for respiratory congestion blend which include eucalyptus, pine, spruce, fir and juniper essential oils (basically, the ‘forest’ essential oils which are perfect to work on your respiratory system – these are aff links). If you add to the respiratory blend the 3 essential oils mentioned in this article (tea tree, niaouli and ravensara) your blend will have a significant increase in terms of its anti-viral power, which is excellent for combating colds and flus.

For every 10 drops of the respiratory blend add 5 drops of the immunity boost group (you can use one or more of the oils).

For example:

  • 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 5 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 10 drops between eucalyptus, pine and spruce and 5 drops between tea tree and ravensara
  • 10 drops between all of the respiratory blend oils and 5 drops between all of the immunity boost oils

Other Anti-Microbial Essential Oils

Most essential oils are anti-microbial (that’s part of their ‘job’ within the plant’s defense mechanism). The essential oils mentioned above are the top pick when it comes to immune boosting but other oils worth mentioning are:

A Few Last Words

I have a feeling that current Western medicine consists of extracting those compounds that seem to target specific health problems. Nothing wrong with the concept (why shouldn’t it work?) but to me this is like taking the pianists hands and making them play the piano elsewhere. This will certainly never work. The hands are just one ‘compound’ of an entire system at work. The knees of the pianist seem totally unrelated to the piano playing, but this is not true. The entire leg needs to press the pedal at some crucial point of the musical interpretation, and without the pedals (unless intended for a particular musical piece) the piece won’t sound the same.

I think this concept works well in terms of how herbal medicine and essential oils work. Tea tree essential oil has many, many compounds and they all work together as a whole. They might seem unrelated towards targeting particular ills, but, in my opinion, they’re not, and a good example is the one above of the piano player.

If you’re a beginner with essential oils I hope this article has helped you in your understanding and also to try them out in the near future. Why not try today? Get your diffusor going with a mix of essential oils for immune boosting and enjoy the wonderful aroma while knowing those compounds are busy fighting with unwanted bacteria at home.

**Keywords: essential oils for immune boosting, essential oils for immunity, essential oils for immune health, essential oils for immunity diffuser, essential oils for immune defense.**


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