Essential oils

🌿✨ Embrace the Magic of Essential Oils for a Blissful Menopause Journey! 🌼💫

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🌿 Ladies, it’s time to ditch the chemicals and embrace the enchanting world of essential oils for menopause relief!

Say goodbye to mood swings, hot flushes, and sleepless nights with these natural wonders that will have you feeling like a goddess again. 💃

Get ready to experience the delightful scents that will help balance your hormones, calm your thoughts, and rejuvenate your body during this special time in your life.

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Clary sage: The magical potion for balanced moods and hot flush relief! ✨

  • Diffuser: Add 3-5 drops of clary sage essential oil to 100ml of water in a diffuser. Inhale the aroma for 15-30 minutes, up to 3 times a day. Helps with stress, anxiety, and hot flushes associated with menopause.
  • Massage oil: Mix 2-3 drops of clary sage essential oil with 1 tablespoon (15ml) of a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, or almond oil. Gently massage the blend onto your abdomen, back of the neck, or bottoms of your feet, up to 2 times a day. Helps balance hormones and relieve menopause symptoms.
  • Bath soak: Add 5-7 drops of clary sage essential oil to a warm bath. Soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes, up to 3 times a week. Helps relax your body and mind, reducing stress and anxiety related to menopause.


Dilute with carrier oil before applying to skin, patch test before use, avoid if sensitive skin or allergies, and consult healthcare professional before use.

Geranium: The fragrant friend for taming menopause mood swings! 🌿

  • Diffuser: 3-4 drops per 100ml water, inhale 10-15 min, up to 3x/day. Relieves anxiety, stress, mood swings.
  • Massage: 2-3 drops per 10ml carrier oil, massage on lower abdomen, up to 2x/day. Balances hormones, reduces inflammation.
  • Compress: 2-3 drops in a bowl of cool water, soak cloth, apply to back of neck or forehead for 10-15 min, up to 2x/day. Relieves hot flushes, headaches.


Dilute with carrier oil before applying to skin, patch test before use, avoid if sensitive skin or allergies, and consult healthcare professional before use.

Jasmine: The sweet scent for a calmer mind and cooler body during menopause! 🌼

  • Diffuser: 2-3 drops per 100ml water, inhale 10-15 min, up to 3x/day. Reduces stress, improves mood, promotes relaxation.
  • Massage: 1-2 drops per 10ml carrier oil, massage on wrists, neck, or temples, up to 2x/day. Balances hormones, relieves hot flushes.
  • Aromatherapy bath: 4-5 drops in a warm bath, soak 15-20 min, up to 2x/week. Promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety.


Dilute with carrier oil before applying to skin, patch test before use, avoid if sensitive skin or allergies, and consult healthcare professional before use.

Bergamot: The citrusy sunshine for lifting spirits and easing menopause stress! 🍊

  • Diffuser: 3-5 drops per 100ml water, inhale 10-15 min, up to 3x/day. Uplifts mood, reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Massage: 2-3 drops per 10ml carrier oil, massage on solar plexus, up to 2x/day. Relieves digestive issues, promotes relaxation.
  • Inhalation: Place 1-2 drops on a tissue, inhale deeply for 5-10 min, up to 3x/day. Boosts mood, reduces fatigue.


Dilute with carrier oil before applying to skin, patch test before use, avoid sun exposure after using bergamot due to photosensitivity, and consult a healthcare professional before use.

Sage: The wise herb for soothing hot flushes and night sweats during menopause! 🍃

  • Diffuser: 2-4 drops per 100ml water, inhale 10-15 min, up to 3x/day. Relieves hot flushes, night sweats, and mood swings.
  • Massage: 1-2 drops per 10ml carrier oil, massage on lower abdomen or back of neck, up to 2x/day. Balances hormones, reduces inflammation.
  • Aromatherapy spray: Mix 10-15 drops with 100ml distilled water in a spray bottle, spritz in room or on linens, up to 3x/day. Promotes relaxation, improves sleep.


Dilute with carrier oil before applying to skin, patch test before use, avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding, and consult a healthcare professional before use, especially if you have a history of seizures or high blood pressure.

Red thyme: The spicy little helper for boosting energy and reducing menopause fatigue! 🌿

  • Diffuser: 1-2 drops per 100ml water, inhale 5-10 min, up to 2x/day. Relieves stress, anxiety, and fatigue.
  • Massage: 1 drop per 10ml carrier oil, massage on soles of feet or pulse points, up to 1x/day. Improves circulation, reduces inflammation.
  • Bath: 2-3 drops in a warm bath, soak 10-15 min, up to 2x/week. Promotes relaxation, relieves muscle tension.


Dilute red thyme with carrier oil before applying to skin to avoid irritation, perform a patch test before use, avoid if pregnant, breastfeeding, or have sensitive skin, and consult a healthcare professional before use, especially if you have a history of high blood pressure or are on blood-thinning medications.

Rosewood: The sweet wood for calming nerves and cooling hot flushes during menopause! 🌳

  • Diffuser: 2-3 drops per 100ml water, inhale 10-15 min, up to 3x/day. Reduces stress, anxiety, and mood swings.
  • Massage: 1-2 drops per 10ml carrier oil, massage on temples, back of neck, or wrists, up to 2x/day. Relieves hot flushes, promotes relaxation.


Dilute with carrier oil before applying to skin, patch test before use, avoid if sensitive skin or allergies, and consult healthcare professional before use.

Nutmeg: The warming spice for balancing hormones and soothing menopause aches! 🌰

  • Diffuser: 1-2 drops per 100ml water, inhale 5-10 min, up to 2x/day. Relieves stress, anxiety, and fatigue.
  • Massage: 1 drop per 10ml carrier oil, massage on lower abdomen or soles of feet, up to 1x/day. Balances hormones, reduces inflammation.


Dilute with carrier oil before applying to skin, patch test before use, avoid if pregnant, breastfeeding, or have sensitive skin, and consult a healthcare professional before use, especially if you have a history of seizures or are taking anticoagulant medications.

Coriander: The fresh herb for uplifting moods and digestion during menopause! 🌱

  • Diffuser: 2-4 drops per 100ml water, inhale 10-15 min, up to 3x/day. Reduces anxiety, improves mood, and promotes relaxation.
  • Massage: 1-2 drops per 10ml carrier oil, massage on lower abdomen or back, up to 2x/day. Relieves digestive issues, balances hormones.


Dilute with carrier oil before applying to skin, perform a patch test before use, avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding, and consult a healthcare professional before use, especially if you have a history of low blood sugar or are taking diabetes medications.

🌟💡Tips, hacks, and tricks

🍊 Citrus boost: Start your day with bergamot in your diffuser for a citrusy uplift. This cheerful aroma can boost your mood and set a positive tone for the day.

🌼 Soothing sleep: To promote better sleep, blend clary sage and jasmine for your evening bath. This combination not only calms the mind but also cools the body, preparing you for a restful night.

🍃 Cool compress: For immediate relief from hot flushes, prepare a cool compress with a few drops of sage essential oil. Apply it to your forehead or the back of your neck during those intense moments.

🌿 Personalised perfume: Mix geranium, clary sage, and rosewood to create a personal perfume roller. This blend not only smells wonderful but also helps balance hormones and manage mood swings throughout the day.

🌸 Relaxing rituals: Incorporate a relaxing ritual into your routine by using jasmine in a diffuser or as a massage oil in the evening. Its soothing scent can help reduce stress and create a serene atmosphere in your home.

🔥 Hot flush spray: Mix red thyme and sage with cool distilled water in a spray bottle for a quick cooling spray. Use it whenever you feel a hot flush coming on for instant relief.

👣 Feet retreat: Massage a blend of nutmeg and clary sage oils into the soles of your feet before bedtime. This can help soothe menopause aches and balance your body’s hormones as you sleep.

🌱 Aromatic anchoring: Use coriander in your diffuser during meditation or relaxation time. Its fresh, herbaceous scent can improve mood and aid digestion, making it a perfect companion for quiet moments.

💁‍♀️ Custom blends: Don’t be afraid to experiment with creating custom blends that cater specifically to your symptoms. Try combining different oils mentioned to maximise their therapeutic benefits and discover what works best for you.

📘 Tracking triumphs! Keep a journal of which oils and methods provide the most relief. This record-keeping will help you refine your approach to managing menopause symptoms and can be a wonderful way to reflect on your journey.

There you have it!

🌿 And there you have it, my dear friends!

A wonderful collection of essential oils to help you sail through menopause with a smile on your face. 🌼

Keep in mind, these natural goodies are here to be your lovely friends, giving you a comforting hug when you need it most. 🌱

So go on, create your own cosy scent haven, and let these essential oils do their thing as you step into this exciting new phase of your life.

Here’s to a happier, healthier, and more balanced you during menopause and beyond! 🌈

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