Woman with bag of flaxseeds

Flaxseeds Benefits for Women: Your Personal Hormone Balancer!

Hey there, lovely ladies! 🌸

Ever wonder how something as tiny as a flax seed can be a health and wellness powerhouse for us women?

Loving my flax seeds. What’s there not to love?!

As a certified health coach, I love to write (and talk!) about the benefits these little seeds can have on us women.

These little seeds go beyond the fleeting trends that come and go in the wellness world (and, trust me, I share your eye-roll at those “trendy health fads” that seem to pop up every other week!).

They’re not just a sprinkle on top of your meals for that Instagram-worthy photo. No. Flax seeds are a rich source of essential nutrients that our bodies crave and need to thrive.

From their impressive omega-3 fatty acid content to their hormone-balancing lignans, these seeds support our health in ways that are both profound and, frankly, essential.

So you can see why I’m so excited to share with you how these tiny wonders can make a big difference in the lives of us, women. 💪✨

Yes, I link to Amazon towards the end, which means I will most probably earn a commission if you buy through my links.

More benefits for women below. These are just a few of them.

#Benefit 1: Omega-3!!

Omega-3 fatty acids are like your body’s best friends, always looking out for your heart and brain health. They’re great at fighting inflammation and keeping your heart beating happily.

How exactly does this benefit us women?

As a woman, you’re multitasking, managing work, family, and so much more. Omega-3s in flax seeds are like your personal health guardians.

They help keep your mind sharp (hello, brain power!) and your heart strong, especially important as we grow wiser with age.

Plus, if you’re expecting, they’re fantastic for your baby’s development.

Below I discuss how they help when it comes to beauty (skin and hair). But, before, let’s look at other crucial benefits.

(Find here 21 Ways to Eat Flax Seed!)

#Benefit 2: Lots of fibre

Packed with fibre! Crunchy when whole. Will gel your meals when ground if mixed with liquids (i.e. porridge or smoothies).

Think of fibre as your digestive system’s BFF. It keeps things moving smoothly and helps you feel full longer, which is great for weight management.

How exactly does this benefit us women?

We all know that bloated, uncomfortable feeling, right?

Fibre in flax seeds to the rescue! It helps ease those annoying digestive issues and keeps your tummy happy.

And it is such a natural way to help keep your weight in check! (Always a win in my opinion).

#Benefit 3: The lignans (estrogen-like compounds)

Lignans in flax seeds are kind of like plant-based estrogens. They do a lot of behind-the-scenes work for your body.

How exactly does this benefit us women?

Here’s where flax seeds are like your personal hormone balancer. These lignans can ease menopausal symptoms (goodbye, hot flushes!) and might even help protect against breast cancer. Check the study here.

#Benefit 4: Lower the bad cholesterol

Flax seeds are like little cholesterol warriors. They work hard to lower the bad cholesterol in your body.

How exactly does this benefit us women?

Heart health is super important for us, especially as we age. By keeping cholesterol in check, flax seeds help keep our hearts strong and healthy so we can keep doing all the amazing things we do every day.

#Benefit 5: Great for our bones!

The ALA in flax seeds is like a secret weapon for your bones, helping to keep them strong.

How exactly does this benefit us women?

As we get older, our bones can use a little extra love. Flax seeds are like a cozy blanket for our bones, helping to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and keeping us strong and active.

#Benefit 6: Controls our blood sugar

The fibre in flax seeds helps stabilise your blood sugar levels, keeping them in a healthy range.

How exactly does this benefit us women?

Stable blood sugar means more consistent energy levels and mood. This is super important for us, especially on those extra busy days.

It’s like having a steady hand guiding you through the day, keeping you balanced and focused.

#Benefit 7: Helps menstrual health

Flax seeds might help in making your menstrual cycles more regular and less painful.

How exactly does this benefit us women?

Self-explanatory. Anything that makes periods easier is a big plus, right?

Flax seeds can be your little monthly comfort, helping to reduce cramps and mood swings. Here’s a study that discusses the topic.

It’s like a natural, gentle hug for your body during that time of the month.

#Benefit 8: Great for beauty (skin and hair)

The essential fatty acids in flax seeds nourish your skin and hair from the inside out.

I have written EXTENSIVELY on this on Oh Mighty Health.

How exactly does this benefit us women?

Flax seeds are like your personal beauty elixir, giving your skin that healthy glow and your hair that shine. It’s natural beauty support that you can feel good about.

Let’s break it down, just so you can understand WHY EXACTLY flax seeds help our skin and hair.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Flax seeds are packed with Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 that’s like a drink of water for your skin and a deep conditioner for your hair.

Omega-6 fatty acids: They help your skin and hair grow healthy and strong, keeping everything soft and vibrant.

Lignans & antioxidants: These protect your skin from ageing by fighting off damage from the environment. It’s like having a little shield around your skin to keep it youthful.

My Recommendation

**If you buy through my links I will most probably earn a commission at no extra cost to you.

This is the WHOLE, ORGANIC FLAXSEED I recommend (to add a nice crunch)

This is the MILLED ORGANIC FLAXSEED I recommend. (ground seeds)

You can grind the seeds with this INEXPENSIVE COFFEE GRINDER that I recommend.

Super flax yourself!

As you can see, flax seeds have got you covered.

Next time you sprinkle some on your breakfast or blend them into your smoothie, know you’re doing something great for both your health and beauty.

It’s a simple, natural way to support your glow, making you feel as good on the inside as you look on the outside. ✨💖

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