Frankincense vs sacred frankincense.

Learn Here the Differences Between Frankincense vs Sacred Frankincense (Young Living). All You Need to Know.

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Have you ever browsed the Young Living website for frankincense essential oil and found yourself scratching your head in confusion?

Maybe you’ve wondered why they don’t just have one frankincense oil, but two: “Frankincense” and “Sacred Frankincense.”

You might be asking yourself, “Aren’t they basically the same thing?”

Well, not exactly. And no, Young Living isn’t just being fancy with their names—there’s a REAL difference between these two oils, and it all comes down to WHERE they’re sourced and WHAT they do.

Scratching your head?

Frankincense isn’t just from one type of tree.

It’s actually a whole family of trees, the same as how there are different varieties of pine or oak.

Young Living’s regular “Frankincense” comes from a tree called Boswellia carterii.

This is the frankincense most people are familiar with—the one that’s found in most essential oil collections and products.

“Sacred Frankincense” is a different story. It comes from another tree altogether—Boswellia sacra.

This tree is a bit fussier about where it grows, and it is believed it produces a particularly special type of frankincense.

Essentially, these two different trees produce oils with distinct scents and potential benefits.

Choosing between them isn’t just about picking a name that sounds posh or cool…— it’s about finding the oil that’s right for your needs.

And I believe this is important. So, in this guide, I’ll break down the differences between Young Living’s Frankincense and Sacred Frankincense in plain English.

We’ll look at:

  • How these oils differ in scent
  • What each oil might be best suited for
  • When you might want to use one instead of the other
  • And whether the price difference is actually worth it

By the time we’re done, you’ll be able to look at these two bottles and know EXACTLY which one belongs in your diffuser, skincare routine, or whatever else you use frankincense for.

Frankincense vs sacred frankincense.

Ready to become a frankincense connoisseur?

Before we jump into the details of Young Living’s frankincense oils, let’s take a quick stroll down memory lane.

Trust me, it’ll give you a whole new appreciation for these little bottles of dramatic magic!

From ancient rituals to modern wellness

Frankincense isn’t just another essential oil that suddenly appeared on the shelves of health food stores.

This oil has a history that stretches back thousands of years, steeped in ancient traditions and revered by civilizations long before our time.

We’re talking about a substance so cherished that it played a role in the lives of Pharaohs, Roman emperors, and even biblical figures.

In ancient Egypt, the Pharaohs used frankincense in their most sacred religious ceremonies, its smoke rising like an offering to the gods.

Fast forward a few centuries, and you’ll find the Three Wise Men bringing it as a precious gift to baby Jesus.

That’s not just an oil with a reputation—it’s got serious historical weight.

But frankincense wasn’t reserved for royalty or religious leaders alone. Ordinary people found countless uses for it too. They burned it to infuse their homes with its rich, calming scent (nowadays we use air fresheners), blended it into their cosmetics, and even turned to it as a trusted remedy for different diseases.

In short, frankincense was and is a versatile, go-to resource that’s as relevant today as it was back then.

The frankincense revival: why it’s still trending

Even in our modern world, filled with cutting-edge science and countless synthetic products, frankincense is STILL standing strong—and it’s not just surviving; it’s thriving.


  • Natural Goodness: In a time when we’re all struggling to pronounce half the ingredients in our skincare products, frankincense offers a refreshingly natural alternative. It’s literally just tree sap!
  • Versatility: Whether you’re looking to unwind, give your skin a glow-up, or infuse your home with a warm, inviting aroma, frankincense has you covered. It’s a true multitasker.
  • Science is Catching Up: Researchers are beginning to dig deeper into frankincense, and they’re uncovering some fascinating insights into its potential benefits. As it turns out, there finally discovering there’s more to this ancient oil than just tradition.
  • The Nostalgia Factor: Let’s be honest—there’s something undeniably wonderful about using a product that’s been cherished for thousands of years. Simply tapping into an ancient wellness tradition that’s stood the test of time. And frankincense most certainly has.

So, when you hold that bottle of Young Living Frankincense or Sacred Frankincense, you’re not just holding an essential oil—you’re holding A PIECE OF HISTORY that’s as relevant today as it was millennia ago.

Frankincense 101: essential oil basics and benefits

The Boswellia tree: source of Young Living frankincense essential oils

As we saw earlier, frankincense resin comes from some pretty resilient trees:

  • Boswellia carterii tree: The essential oil from this tree’s resin is what you’ll find in Young Living’s standard “Frankincense” dropper bottle.
  • Boswellia sacra tree: The oil from this tree’s resin is what makes Young Living’s “Sacred Frankincense” so special.

Each of these species has adapted to thrive in its unique environment, and these adaptations are what give their oils their distinct characteristics and benefits.

From frankincense resin to essential oil: the extraction process

The journey from a Boswellia tree to a bottle of essential oil is truly fascinating:

  • Harvesting: Skilled workers make small cuts in the tree bark, causing the tree to release a milky sap. This sap slowly hardens into what we call resin.
  • Collection: After a few weeks, the hardened resin—often referred to as “tears”—is carefully gathered. These tears are the raw frankincense you might recognise from incense.
  • Distillation: To turn the resin into essential oil, it goes through a steam distillation process. This involves steaming the resin to capture the volatile compounds that give frankincense its unique aroma and wide range of benefits.

This extraction process is crucial because it preserves the delicate, beneficial compounds that make frankincense so special.

These compounds are what contribute to the oil’s potential benefits, from promoting healthy skin to encouraging relaxation and spiritual awareness.

Understanding this process helps explain why Young Living’s Frankincense and Sacred Frankincense oils can differ in scent and properties. The source of the resin, the way it’s harvested, and the careful distillation all play a part in creating the final product you hold in your hands!

Young Living’s Dynamic Duo: Frankincense vs Sacred Frankincense

Now that we’ve got the basics down, let’s look into what sets Young Living’s Frankincense apart from their Sacred Frankincense.

This is where it gets really interesting!

Frankincense (Boswellia carterii): The versatile all-rounder

Frankincense vs Sacred Frankincense (Young Living) - Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) quick profile.

Where it comes from

Young Living’s standard Frankincense comes from Boswellia carterii trees, which grow in the tough, rugged landscapes of Somalia. These trees are true survivors, thriving in some of the harshest, driest places on the planet.

How it smells

Imagine a warm, woodsy scent with a touch of spice—that’s Boswellia carterii for you. It’s slightly sweeter and more balanced, making it a favourite for many who love a comforting, grounding aroma.

Why you’ll love it

Here are the key benefits and uses:

  • For Your Skin: This oil is a go-to for helping your skin look and feel its best.
  • For Your Mood: Its soothing scent is perfect for creating a relaxed atmosphere.
  • For Your Spirit: Many people use it during meditation or prayer to feel more grounded.

How to use it

Here are Young Living’s suggested uses:

  • Add a drop to your moisturizer for a healthy-looking glow.
  • Diffuse it to fill your space with a peaceful, relaxing vibe.
  • Dab a little on your pulse points during yoga for an extra grounding boost.

With these tips, you’re well on your way to understanding what makes Frankincense so special.


But hold on, Sacred Frankincense has its own unique qualities too.

Let’s take a look at what makes it stand out!

Sacred Frankincense (Boswellia sacra): The Spiritual Powerhouse

Frankincense vs Sacred Frankincense (Young Living) - Sacred Frankincense quick profile

Where it comes from

Sacred Frankincense is sourced from Boswellia sacra trees, which grow in the dry, arid landscapes of Oman.

This variety is often considered THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS OF ALL FRANKINCENSE TYPES, known for its rarity and rich history.

How it smells

If you think regular Frankincense is warm and woodsy, Sacred Frankincense takes it to the next level. It has a richer, deeper scent with pronounced balsamic notes, offering a more complex, nuanced fragrance that many people find truly sacred.

Why you’ll love it

Here are the key benefits and uses:

For Your Skin: People often notice even better results with Sacred Frankincense, especially when it comes to improving skin texture and appearance.For Your Spirit: This oil is a favorite for meditation and spiritual practices, helping you feel more deeply connected.For Your Emotions: Its complex aroma is believed to promote feelings of grounding and emotional stability.

How to use it

Here are Young Living’s suggested uses:

  • Add a drop to your premium skincare products for an extra nourishing boost.
  • Diffuse it during meditation or prayer to enhance your spiritual experience.
  • Use it in a massage, diluted with a carrier oil, for a luxurious, grounding sensation.


Choosing between the two

While both oils offer similar benefits, many people find that Sacred Frankincense delivers a more potent and complex experience.

This added depth and richness often come with a higher price tag, reflecting its rarity and special qualities.

In the next section, I’ll help you figure out how to choose between these two exceptional oils based on your personal needs and preferences.

Whether you’re looking for emotional balance, skincare perks, or a deeper spiritual connection, I’ll guide you to the right choice if you stick with me.

Choosing your frankincense: a decision-making guide

So, you’ve learned about both Young Living’s Frankincense and Sacred Frankincense, and now you’re wondering, “Which one should I choose?”

Let’s break it down and help you find your perfect frankincense match.

When to go for regular frankincense

You’re New to Essential Oils

If you’re just starting out on your essential oil journey, regular Frankincense is the perfect place to begin. It’s versatile, widely loved, and usually more affordable, making it an easy choice for beginners.

For Everyday Use

Whether it’s for your daily skincare routine or regular aromatherapy sessions, standard Frankincense is a great go-to. It works wonderfully for everyday needs.

Blending with Other Oils

Love mixing your own essential oil blends? Regular Frankincense is a team player. It blends seamlessly with other oils without overpowering your DIY diffuser creations.


Let’s be honest, essential oils can get pricey. If you’re keeping an eye on your budget, regular Frankincense offers fantastic benefits without breaking the bank

When to splurge on sacred frankincense…

Deep Spiritual Practice

If meditation or prayer plays a big role in your life, Sacred Frankincense’s rich, complex aroma can elevate your spiritual practice to the next level. It’s perfect for those seeking a deeper connection.

Luxury Skincare

On those special self-care days or when you’re creating a high-end skincare product, Sacred Frankincense brings an extra touch of luxury. It’s like pampering your skin with something truly special.

Aroma Aficionado

If you’re someone who loves nuanced, complex scents, Sacred Frankincense is your go-to. It offers a more intricate and layered aromatic experience that’s sure to impress.

Specific Therapeutic Use

Some people find Sacred Frankincense to be more potent for certain therapeutic uses. If you’ve tried regular Frankincense and feel like you need something a bit stronger, Sacred might be the perfect upgrade.

The case for having both in your arsenal

Here’s a little secret: many frankincense fans keep both oils on hand. Why? Because each has its own time and place.

  • Regular Frankincense: Perfect for daily routines, general purposes, and when you need something reliable and versatile. It’s your go-to for everyday use.
  • Sacred Frankincense: Save this one for special occasions, deeper spiritual work, or when you’re looking for an extra boost in your self-care or wellness practices.

Remember, the “best” choice is the one that fits your needs. Your preferences, your skin, and your experiences are unique, so don’t be afraid to explore and find what works best for you!

What’s next?

In the next section, I’ll show you creative ways to incorporate both types of frankincense into your daily life.

Get ready for some aromatic inspiration!

Frankincense in action: creative ways to use your oils

Now that you’re a frankincense aficionado, let’s dive into some fantastic ways to put your Young Living Frankincense and Sacred Frankincense to good use. Whether you’re into DIY beauty, aromatherapy, or natural wellness remedies, there’s something here for everyone. Let’s get creative!

DIY beauty recipes

Frankincense facial serum

Enhance your skincare routine with this simple yet powerful facial serum. It’s perfect for nightly use to nourish and rejuvenate your skin.



  1. Combine all the ingredients in a dark glass bottle to protect the oils from light, which can degrade their potency.
  2. Shake well to mix.
  3. After cleansing your face at night, apply a few drops of the serum to your fingertips and gently massage it into your skin, focusing on areas that need extra care.

This serum is packed with antioxidants and essential fatty acids that help support a healthy-looking complexion.

Sacred frankincense eye cream for mature skin

Give your eyes the luxury treatment with this rich and soothing eye cream. Perfect for those looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.



  1. Melt the shea butter and coconut oil together in a double boiler over low heat.
  2. Once melted, remove from heat and allow to cool slightly before adding the essential oils.
  3. Stir well to combine.
  4. Pour the mixture into a small jar and let it solidify at room temperature.
  5. Once solidified, gently apply a small amount around your eyes, tapping lightly with your fingertips.

This eye cream is deeply moisturizing, helping to nourish the delicate skin around the eyes and reduce signs of aging.

Aromatherapy blends

Stress-busting diffuser blend

Create a calm and peaceful environment with this soothing diffuser blend, perfect for unwinding after a long day.



  1. Add the essential oils to your diffuser.
  2. Fill with water according to your diffuser’s instructions.
  3. Turn on the diffuser and breathe in the relaxing aroma as the stress of the day melts away.

This blend combines the grounding scent of frankincense with the calming properties of lavender and the uplifting notes of bergamot.

Sacred meditation blend

Enhance your meditation or spiritual practice with this grounding and centering blend.



  1. Add the essential oils to your diffuser or mix them with a carrier oil for a roll-on blend.
  2. If using a diffuser, fill it with water according to the instructions and start diffusing during your meditation session.
  3. If creating a roll-on, apply it to your pulse points before beginning your practice.

This blend creates a serene atmosphere, helping you to connect more deeply with your inner self during meditation or prayer.

Wellness remedies

Respiratory support steam inhalation

Breathe easier on those stuffy nose days with this simple steam inhalation technique.



  1. Pour hot water into a large, heat-safe bowl.
  2. Add the essential oils to the water.
  3. Drape a towel over your head to create a tent and lean over the bowl, keeping your face a comfortable distance from the steam.
  4. Inhale deeply for 5-10 minutes, letting the steam soothe your respiratory system.

This steam inhalation helps clear congestion and supports easier breathing.

Soothing massage blend for aches

Ease muscle tension and discomfort with this soothing massage blend.



  1. Mix the sweet almond oil with the essential oils in a clean bottle.
  2. Shake well to blend.
  3. Massage the oil into sore muscles, focusing on areas of tension and discomfort.

This blend combines the soothing properties of frankincense with the cooling effect of peppermint and the anti-inflammatory benefits of copaiba.

A few final tips

Remember, these recipes are just starting points. Feel free to experiment and adjust the ratios to suit your personal preferences. And always do a patch test before applying new blends to your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin.

In our next section, we’ll cover some important safety tips to ensure you’re using your frankincense oils like a pro.

Be a pro: essential safety tips for using frankincense

When using essential oils we need to ALWAYS think of safety first. Follow the guidelines below so you can start using frankincense oils like a pro.

The below is important if you want to enjoy all the benefits of your Young Living Frankincense and Sacred Frankincense without any unexpected surprises.

Dilution guidelines: less is more

When it comes to essential oils, the old saying “less is more” couldn’t be more accurate.

Here’s a quick guide to diluting your frankincense oils for safe use:

  • For facial use: 1-2 drops per 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of carrier oil.
  • For body use: 3-5 drops per 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of carrier oil.

Both Frankincense and Sacred Frankincense are powerful, so it’s always a good idea to start with a smaller amount and gradually increase as needed.

Patch testing: your skin’s best friend

Before you start applying frankincense oil all over, it’s wise to do a quick patch test. Here’s how:

  1. Mix a drop of frankincense with a bit of carrier oil.
  2. Apply it to a small area on your inner forearm.
  3. Cover with a bandage and wait 24 hours.

If there’s no reaction, you’re all set!

Storage tips for longevity

To keep your frankincense oils in top shape:

  • Store in a cool, dark place—a bathroom cabinet works great.
  • Keep the cap tightly closed when not in use.
  • Use dark glass bottles for any DIY blends you make.

Pro tip: Young Living’s frankincense oils can last 2-3 years when stored properly, and Sacred Frankincense might even last 3-4 years!

When to be extra cautious

While frankincense is generally safe for most people, you should be careful if you are:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding: Always consult your doctor first.
  • Taking blood-thinning medication: Frankincense may interfere with these medications.
  • Prone to seizures: Essential oils can sometimes trigger seizures in sensitive individuals.
  • Preparing for surgery: It’s best to stop using frankincense at least two weeks before any scheduled surgery.

A word on ingestion

You might come across advice online about ingesting frankincense oil. THIS IS A CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC and many experts advise against it. Stick to using frankincense aromatically and topically unless you’ve been specifically directed otherwise by a qualified professional.

Remember, these safety tips apply to both Young Living Frankincense and Sacred Frankincense. Treat these oils with respect, and they’ll reward you with all their amazing benefits.

Final thoughts: your frankincense journey begins!

The power of choice in essential oils

We’ve covered a lot in our frankincense exploration! Let’s quickly recap:

  • Frankincense (Boswellia carterii): Your versatile, everyday hero. Perfect for skincare, relaxation, and general wellbeing. It’s your go-to oil for daily use.
  • Sacred Frankincense (Boswellia sacra): The premium choice. Known for its rich, complex aroma, it’s ideal for deep spiritual practices and luxury skincare. Think of it as your special occasion oil.

The “best” choice between these two really comes down to your personal needs, preferences, and budget.

Embracing the ancient wisdom of frankincense

Whether you opt for Young Living’s Frankincense, Sacred Frankincense, or decide to keep both in your essential oil collection, you’re tapping into a tradition that’s thousands of years old. How cool is that?

These oils provide a natural way to enhance your wellness routine—supporting healthy-looking skin, creating a calm atmosphere for meditation or yoga, or making your home smell like a luxurious spa with just a few drops.

Your frankincense adventure awaits

As you begin your frankincense journey, remember:

  • Start small and experiment to find what works best for you.
  • Always prioritise safety with proper dilution and patch testing.
  • Don’t be afraid to mix and match—some of the best oil blends come from creative combinations!
  • Listen to your body and your nose—they’re your best guides in the world of essential oils.

Whether you’re using frankincense for skincare, its aromatic qualities, or as part of your spiritual practice, you’re joining a long line of enthusiasts that stretches back to ancient times.

So, open that bottle of Young Living Frankincense or Sacred Frankincense, take a deep breath, and let your aromatic adventure begin. Your perfect frankincense experience is out there—happy exploring!

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