Home Remedies for UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

NOTE: Consult your herbalist or doctor prior to taking anything that has been recommended below. Also please tell your health practitioner if you’re pregnant or if you’re breast-feeding.

SEEK IMMEDIATE PROFESSIONAL HELP if there is blood in your urine, if you feel pain around the kidneys or if your cystitis is recurrent/severe.

You will find great information online regarding natural remedies for UTI but I wanted to learn about this infection in depth and put together an entry I could come back to and use as reference for the future. I’m not a doctor but I do a lot of research and I get my information from trusted sources. The home remedies for UTI (urinary tract infection) and the rest of the info took me some time to put together but I think the information is accurate and quite comprehensive. The idea here is not so much for you to rush into taking something straight away but to find out in an informative way what are the natural choices for UTI you can start to explore. Learning about how your body ‘talks to you’ is important and learning about the plants that can ‘respond’ even more : ) Do let me know in the comments if I’ve missed anything though.

About UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

When an infection occurs in the body it means our resistance to diseases has become weak. Infections that affect the urinary system are really common and taking care of our body’s natural defences will help to treat them. Watch out for infections that are recurrent or that last a long time. Either way, always consult your doctor.

UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections) are caused by bacteria such as E.coli (Escherichia coli), Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus and fungi Candida albicans, and being very common UTIs can affect a great number of people. E.coli infection, for example, is common in urinary tract infections and is usually caused by feces contamination (from the bowel) or by sexual intercourse contamination. In order to heal from UTI (urinary tract infection) inflammation of the infected areas needs decrease.

Women are more likely to develop an UTI than men because of pregnancy as well as the menopause.

Urinary tract infections can be fought with the use of natural antimicrobials which can be very inexpensive and a safer alternative to antibiotics. Please consult your herbalist or doctor before taking natural remedies. According to naturopath Anthia Koullouros:

We know that overuse of antibiotics can cause a disruption in gut flora health leading to a greater susceptibility to more infections. Gut flora makes up two thirds of our immune system.
This is where herbal remedies can be useful.

Anthia Koullouros

About Cystitis

Our urinary system comprises the bladder, ureters, uretha and kidneys. The blood gets filtered through the kidneys which then turns it into urine. The urine then goes through our bladder and ureters and finally comes out via the urethra. Cystitis (an infection of the bladder and urinary tubules) occurs when an infection affects the lower urinary tracts. Pyelonephritis (infection of the kidney) occurs when an infection affects the upper urinary tracts. If it spreads to the kidneys, cystitis can be a serious illness.

When cystitis is mild we can treat it with a mix of antiseptic herbs (marshmallow, buchu, etc) while garlic and echinacea, taken at the same time, can help improve our body’s resistance to infection.

Types of Infections

As mentioned above we can find two types of UTIs but I thought I’d display it in bulleted points:

  1. Upper urinary tract infection (Pyelonephritis – infection of the kidney)
  2. Lower urinary tract infections (Cystitis and Urethritis)

And below are the types of microbes that can cause UTI:

  • Escherichia coli (more info here)
  • Staphylococcus saprophyticus (more info here)
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae (more info here)
  • Enterococcus faecalis (more info here)
  • Proteus mirabilis (more info here)

UTI Symptoms

Symptoms include:

  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Urine with pus
  • Urine with blood
  • Abdominal pains
  • Frequent urinating
  • Strong smelling urine
  • Cloudy urine
  • Fever
  • Muscle aches

UTI Causes

  • High stress levels
  • Sexual intercourse (“To avoid infection , women are advised to always wipe from front to back, and always to urinate immediately before and after intercourse.” [source])
  • Menopause
  • Diabetes
  • Low immune resistance
  • Bowel incontinence
  • Kidney stones
  • Urinary catheter
  • Lack of healthy intestinal bacteria
  • Using tampons

At Risk of Reincidence

  • If it is in your family history
  • If you suffer from constipation
  • If your first UTI was at or before the age of 15
  • If you have a new sexual partner
  • Use spermicide jelly or a diaphragm for contraception


Preventing UTI

In order to prevent UTI, the following are helpful:

  • Drink plenty of water (one or two litres a day)
  • Avoid perfumed products in the genital area
  • Don’t keep waiting when you need to urinate – make it a priority to visit the restroom when in need
  • Keep up with hygiene when it comes to your genital area
  • Shower are more recommended than baths

Home Remedies for UTI (in Alphabetical Order)

Find below some natural remedies for urinary tract infection that can help you. While living in the UK I got used to not taking antibiotics and I’m trying to stick by it. The problem with antibiotics is that we’re building resistance to them and to prevent this we should really take them as little as possible. The last time I took antibiotics was for a HORRENDOUS flu (A-type) that gave me a good scare and I just felt I had no choice as it was a really strong one. But I was also aware how the Spanish healthcare didn’t even blink when handing me the prescription with the antibiotics. I could see they still give them away a little too easily in my personal opinion.

I recently wrote a blog on dandelion (a natural diuretic) – there’s so much to explore regarding natural remedies that help with UTI which have antimicrobial properties that are also excellent natural diuretics, like dandelion!

I’ll leave below all the notes I’ve gathered from my research so please read carefully as each natural remedy has its own idiosyncrasy in terms of how it needs to be taken. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR HERBALIST OR DOCTOR PRIOR TO TRYING ANY OF THE BELOW.

Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedies

Let’s get started, this is a long list!

Apple Cider Vinegar to Kill Bacteria

ABOUT: Apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic that can treat the infection as it has acetic acid which is a fantastic natural compound for disinfection. It can kill resistant bacteria, boost your body’s detoxification thus strengthening the immune system. It is a great source of potassium, enzymes and minerals which prevent the bacteria from growing. When we drink the apple cider vinegar we increase the acidic environment in the urinary tract. This will discourage the growth of the bacteria that causes the problem.

HOW TO TAKE: In a glass of water mix 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar with 1 spoon honey. Take 3 times a day.

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Baking Soda to Prevent Infection from Spreading

ABOUT: Baking soda will prevent the infection from spreading and at the same time help relieve the pain as it neutralises acidic urine. Baking soda is also good at preventing future UTIs.

HOW TO TAKE: 1tsp baking soda in a glass of water. Stir well and drink once or twice a day.

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Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) for UTI

Bilberry can be used for UTI.

HOW TO TAKE: Make a decoction of the berries and drink 450-600ml [1pt – 1.2pt] a day (no access to bilberries? Don’t worry, you can substitute the bilberry decoction for cranberry juice then. Probably easier, but it is good for you to know that bilberry can also help with UTI).

Blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) to Stop Bacteria from Reproducing

ABOUT: Blueberries can be used to treat UTI, they boost your immune system and prevent bacteria from growing. The juice is rich in proanthocyanidins and vitaminc C.

HOW TO TAKE: Drink the juice in the morning and at night to help get rid of the bacteria.

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Buchu (Barosma betulina) for UTI

ABOUT: Buch is used in traditional herbal medicine as an urinary tract diuretic and disinfectant [source].

HOW TO TAKE: Make an infusion with 5g of buchu [NOT DURING PREGNANCY], 5 grams of cornsilk and, marshmallow to 750ml of water. Divide into 4 doses and drink throughout the day. You can substitute buchu for juniper [NOT DURING PREGNANCY] or goldenrod.

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Celery (Apium graveolens) for Cystitis

ABOUT: Celery is mildly diuretic and has a significant antiseptic action. It can be an effective treatment for cystitis because it helps to disinfect the bladder and urinary tubules.

NOTE: Do not take celery seeds if you’re pregnant or suffer from kidney disease.

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Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

ABOUT: Cinnamon can stop the bacteria from growing and reduce inflammation which will help ease pain when urinating. This well known spice can has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and antimicrobial properties. According to the Plant Journal, “it has been shown to work against two of the biggest UTI culprits: Staphylococcus aureus and E.coli.”

HOW TO TAKE: Take 1 to 4 grams of bark powder a day. Mix with your favourite juice if you have time or just add to hot water but beware, the taste can be strong and a little off-putting.

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Cornsilk (Zea mays) for Cystitis

ABOUT: Cornsilk (the silky fronds wrapped around the cob) has soothing mucilaginous or demulcent properties which soothes the mucous membrane which has been irritated and is very good at treating urinary conditions. One of its key actions is having a gentle diuretic effect which acts also as an antibiotic. Cornsilk is very good at helping with acute and/or chronic cystitis as well as bladder irritation and/or frequent urination. It is rich in silica and other minerals which is good for strengthening the tissues.

HOW TO TAKE: For cystitis drink 1 pint (500ml) daily. You can make an infusion from the tea bags but if you can get a hold of the dried herb, below are the instructions on how to make it:
FOR A POT (1 pint) mix 0.70oz (20gr) dried herb to 1 pint (500ml) of boiling water. Steep for around 7 minutes and take 3 to 4 doses daily (this would make the 1 pint / 500ml).
FOR ONE CUP make an infusion with the tea by adding 1tsp of the dried herb to a cup of water (this would make 1 dose).
STORAGE: Store in a covered glass jug [aff link] in the fridge or cool area in your home for up to 24 hours.

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Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon or Vacinnium oxycoccus) Juice for UTI

Cranberry juice seems to be the n.1 remedy for UTI, but before reading any further have a look at this article. Confused? Me too. I’d say give it a try, if anything the juice is nice (although I’m not a big fan if berry juices myself). According to Plant Journal, cranberry can prevent E.coli bacteria from clinging to the urinary tract. This will help reduce the possibility of future infections as well. And according to my Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine a research published in 1994 found that “cranberry juice reduced the need for antibiotics in women suffering from chronic urinary tract infection. It seems likely that cranberry works by making it more difficult for bacteria to cling to the urinary tract wall, and infection is therefore more easily flushed out. The proanthocyanidins and catechins are probably responsible for this action.” So, consult with your herbalist or doctor so you can make up your own mind about this.

More on cranberry: as mentioned above, it contains tannins (catechins, proanthocyanidins and polyphenos), flavonoids and vitamin C. Last but not least cranberry can help with regulating urine pH as well as relieving discomfort while urinating. It improves wound healing, helps to reduce inflammation and it can also boost the immune system.

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Dandelion (Taraxacum)

ABOUT: I’m in love with dandelion and getting to know more and more about the plant. Check my posts here, here and here, more to come for sure! In terms of UTI, being a potent diuretic dandelion can help relieve symptoms. The root can be used to boost your immune system as well as the dried leaves.

HOW TO TAKE: Mix 7 tsp dry leaves to 1 litre water to infuse your tea and drink daily.

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Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)

Echinacea is a fantastic medicinal herb because of its tonic action on the body’s immune system. Echinacea treats many ailments exhibiting a great variety of health benefits and is well known for its wonderful ability to combat viral and bacterial infection and to clear toxins. Echinacea is a natural antibiotic that stimulates our immune system in order to overcome infection. A great treatment for flu and colds.

When it come to UTI echinacea can be taken in capsules, as an herbal extract, as infused tea or in a tincture.

NOTE: If the UTI is chronic it is important to support the immune system as a whole and echinacea helps with this.

I’ll leave you two options below:

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Eucalpytus (Eucalyptus globulus)

ABOUT: There are several types of eucalyptus essential oils, the eucalyptus globulus variety can help treat the bladder infections because of its healing and soothing properties. Also eucalyptus globulus can help with treating thrush.

HOW TO TAKE: Mix 2 or 3 drops of eucalyptus globulus with a carrier oil like olive oil [aff link] and massage the bladder area until the symptoms reduce.

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Garlic (Allium sativum)

ABOUT: Next to echinacea, garlic is a fabulous medicinal remedy that contains a lot of antibacterial properties. It can suppress inflammation and provide immune support. Both tea tree and garlic have strong antifungal properties.

HOW TO TAKE: Garlic extract can treat UTI. It can alleviate the pain associated with the area as well as decrease the frequency as well as urge to urinate. As with echinacea, it is good to take garlic in addition to other remedies.

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Goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea)

Goldenrod can substitute buchu (Barosma betulina – see above).

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Read here the differences between goldenrod and goldenseal.

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)

Goldenseal is a potent antibacterial and can be used to treat the inflammation of the urinary tract walls.

[amazon box=”B00JJZM8XY”]

Below you have echinacea and goldeanseal together:

[amazon box=”B013F8547C”]

Read here the differences between goldenrod and goldenseal.

Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi)

ABOUT: sGrapefruit contains antifungal, antiseptic, antibacterial / antiviral properties, with broad spectrum activity. It can fight the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella and Psudomonas aeruginosa.

HOW TO TAKE: Read the label and take accordingly.

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Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) for UTI

CONSTITUENTS: Silica (up to 70% in soluble form), saponins (including equisetonin), traces of alkaloids (nicotine, palustrine and palustrinine), flavonoids, manganese, potassium, sulphur, magnesium, tannin.

ABOUT: horsetail is a potent medicinal plant, and the herb contains a great source of silica which menas that the tea is good if you have broken nails or white spots on your nails (as the silica helps with the absorption of calcium). Being an astringent it can be used to treat bedwetting. Mildly diuretic, it can be useful in treating urinary stones as well as cystitis. If the urine has blood in it and urinating is painful and/or suppressed (full bladder but not able to relieve urine) horsetail is a good option. As an astringent it can help relieve the pain this can cause as well. On its own, horsetail might not be enough for everyone.

FOR A POT (1 pint / 500ml) mix 0.70oz (20gr) dried herb to 1 pint (500ml) of boiling water. Steep for around 7 minutes and take 3 to 4 doses daily (this would make the 1 pint / 500ml).
FOR ONE CUP make an infusion with the tea by adding 1tsp of the dried herb to a cup of water (this would make 1 dose).
STORAGE: Store in a covered glass jug [aff link] in the fridge or cool area in your home for up to 24 hours.
NOTE: Consult with your herbalist or doctor as it shouldn’t be used for longer than a month because of its high content in minerals (as elimination of the minerals can cause kidney strain).

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Resources: You can check this link, this link.

Juniper (Juniperus comunis)

ABOUT: Juniper can substitute buchu (above).


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Lemongrass (Cymbopogan citratus)

ABOUT: I love lemongrass although I haven’t been very lucky when trying to grow it. The smell is glorious; lemongrass (Cymbopogan citratus) essential oil can effectively fight the different bacteria including E.coli. s

HOW TO TAKE: Steep 5 or 6 blades of fresh lemongrass into a tea pot with just boiled water and leave for 10 to 15 minutes. The idea is that you make enough to drink it 3 times a day.

Marshmallow Root (Althea officinalis)

ABOUT: Marshmallow can have a demulcent effect on the irritated mucous membrane of the urinary tract.

HOW TO TAKE: Make an infusion with 5gr of marshmallow, 5gr buchu [NOT DURING PREGNANCY] and 5gr of cornsilk to 750ml of water. Divide into 4 doses and drink throughout the day. You can substitute buchu for juniper [NOT DURING PREGNANCY] or goldenrod.

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Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)

ABOUT: I use myrrh essential oil as part of my natural skincare for mature skin together with frankinsence essential oil. Myrrh essential oil has antifungal, antriparasitic and antibacterial properties and can be used to provide relief

HOW TO TAKE: Mix 10 drops of myrrh essential oil with 10 drops of clove essential oil and 5 drops of oregano oil and pour the mixture into a roller bottle. Roll the blend to your feet before going to sleep and wear socks will help. This recipe is from Plant Journal and I really like the fact that they consider the body a whole system. All the parts being connected to each other means that rolling this blend on your feet will help with UTI.

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Oregano (Origanum vulgare)

ABOUT: Oregano is a wonderful aromatic herb and we have it growing wild here in the mountains. I find oregano is a most wonderful herb which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Oregano oil contains carvacrol, a volatile oil and powerful antibacterial agent that fight against E.coli and Salmonella. Oregano essential oil contains antibacterial property which inhibits the growth of E. coli and P. aeruginosa bacterial strains. Its antimicrobial property has been found to target drug resistant E. coli, which is common causative agent of UTI. It also fights against
Streptococcal infections.

Plants Journal

Pineapple (Ananas comosus)

ABOUT: Pineapple can help reduce UTI symptoms because of its anti-inflammatory enzyme Bromelian.

HOW TO TAKE: Drink one glass of fresh pineapple juice daily. Consult with your doctor as you may also need to take prescribed medicine.

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)

ABOUT: Nicknamed ‘the plant catheter’, saw palmetto can strengthen the neck of the bladder and it is very useful in treating lower urinary tract symptoms (like pain) as well as urgent and frequent urination. It is a great remedy for cystitis.

HOW TO TAKE: Make an infusion to use it as a diuretic.

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Spiny Restharrow (Ononis spinosa)

ABOUT:Spiny restharrow root contains lectins, triterpenoids, phenols and a volatile oil which is diuretic. Because the non-volatile oil is anti-diuretic, if a diuretic is desired the root is made into an infusion.

The root is used to prevent bladder and kidney stones and it can help with gout, stones and cystitis.

Here’s an Urinary Tract Support Supplement that uses spiny restharrow as part of the mix:

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Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)

ABOUT: The wonderful tea tree oil which is so helpful with so many things. Definitely a must in your first aid kit at home. Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties and the mix below is good to use if your UTI is painful.

HOW TO TAKE: Mix 2 or 3 drops of tea tree with 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil into a tablespoon of olive oil [aff link] and massage the bladder area. Repeat for a few days to get results.

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Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

ABOUT: I had never heard of Uva ursi before til doing the research for this article. It seems that Uva ursi is a urinary antiseptic and astringent can help treat UTI. I would enquire further about this herb, as, according to Plants Journal:

Adverse effects of this herb are brown/green coloured urine, nausea, ringing in the ears, indigestion, cancer or even death when taken in large amounts for long periods of time.

Plants Journal

NOTE: Do not take it if you’re pregnant or nursing. Also not for children or those suffering with kidney and liver diseases.

Vitamin C

ABOUT: Vitamin C fights infection, consult with your doctor to see how to take it and also dosage.


ABOUT: Out of all the urinary tract infection natural remedies around, water is probably the number 1 must when it comes to UTIs. Drink at least 9 or 10 glasses daily so the bacteria can be flushed out. It is also a good idea to drink vegetable juice, fruit juice, minerals and vitamins.


Antibiotics can have their drawbacks and it is always a good idea to at least find out about natural remedies for UTI so you can explore healthier, alternative routes. Plants have been proven to help for a wide variety of infections and their antimicrobial properties can really help when it comes to UTI.

Is there a herb or natural UTI remedy I haven’t mentioned above? Please leave it in the comments below!

Helpful Web Resources

– An EXCELLENT journal on natural remedies for UTI here: Plants Journal
7 Herbal Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (this is a good, genuine article)
Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection

Herbal Books I Own and Use as Resources

Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine: 550 Herbs and Remedies for Common Ailments by Andrew Chevallier
The Complete New Herbal: A Practical Guide to Herbal Living by Richard Mabey (as recommended by my tutor when doing my Neal’s Yard Remedies Intro to Herbalism course)

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