The Easiest Way to Make Your Own Dandelion Juice (the Ultimate Detox Drink)

How much do you know about dandelions? I’ll bet you’ve picked one up in your backyard every once in a while without giving them much thought (I know I have). But in the past few years I’ve noticed they’ve become much more popular on the Internet as a source of this ´seemingly´ magical power.

Seed Needs, Dandelion Herb (Taraxacum officinale) Twin Pack of 250 Seeds Each Non-GMO & Untreated

I’ll be the first to admit that I was once one of those people, but the more I read and learn about all the benefits of this drink, the more my curiosity sparked and a desire to try it eventually grew within me.

Dandelion is a perennial herb that grows in almost everyone’s backyard. It’s a simple plant with no thorns or prickers and it has a yellow flower that resembles a puffball. The entire plant is used in herbal and medicinal preparations, especially for its amazing healing properties.

Regarded a Bad Weed!

Dandelion is known as a “bad weed” in many countries, it is definitely not regarded as a medicinal herb by many people here in Tenerife. When used as a medicinal herb, it’s alleged to purify the blood (because of its content in flavonoids), increase the flow of urine, promote bile production and improve digestion amongst other properties. Being highly nutritious food, dandelions can make a great addition to your cooking as they’re are packed with Vitamin A, C, the micronutrient choline, many minerals and more.

But Do Dandelions Help with Detox?

We’ve all heard about the benefits of certain foods for detoxification, but dandelion can be one of the most effective and versatile herbs for your detoxification process. Dandelion has been used to help with our digestion, stimulate kidneys, cleanse the blood and also for the liver function for centuries. The herb itself contains many beneficial enzymes that act as antioxidants in our cells. The root will help to detoxify the liver and in the recipe below we will use the leaves and root to make your juice.

Can You Juice Dandelion Greens?

The easiest and best way to make dandelion juice is using the leaf and root together. This will give the juice a nice, thick consistency. The leaves and roots should be ready to harvest after the plant has matured, which is usually around 2 years. The root can be very fibrous; it will need to be peeled before juicing, soaking in water overnight then rinsed before juicing will help.

NOTE: Dandelion juice has been traditionally used for treating kidney stones, arthritis, hypertension and gout. It will make a delicious and very nutritious drink.

How to Make Dandelion Juice at Home – Easy Recipe!


  • 2 Cups of fresh dandelion leaves
  • 1 Dandelion root

Wash the leaves. If you want to get rid of the little bugs and insects you can place in a bowl full of water and add some vinegar to the water. After a few minutes, take the leaves out and rinse.

Make sure to rinse the dirt off the roots. Peel the root and cut it into small pieces. Run leaves and root through your electric juicer.

NOTE: You can add other greens to your juice like spinach or kale.

Drink right away. If storing in the fridge, place in a glass jar with an airtight lid. It will keep for up to 4-5 days. You can take up to 6-7 tablespoons a day.

Dandelion Juice Benefits

Dandelion juice is often used as a liver and kidney cleanse as it’s believed to be very effective in removing toxins from these organs. Dandelion juice has been traditionally used for treating kidney stones, arthritis, hypertension and gout. It will make a delicious and very nutritious drink because of its vitamin and mineral content.

Dandelion Tea is Widely Popular…

Kiss Me Organics Dandelion Root Tea - 1 Pack (20 Bags) of Organic Dandelion Root Digestive Detox Tea - Vitamin Rich Teabags to Cleanse and Help Boost Immunity

One of the most widely used preparations of dandelion is to brew the leaves and flowers in hot water and then drink it. For centuries people have been drinking dandelion tea internally as a nutritional supplement as well as a medicinal drink for various types of body problems.

While consuming dandelion tea may be a great way to benefit from the plant’s properties, making your very own dandelion juice can be a great way to get all those nutrients without having to heat them. You need to bypass how bitter the leaves can be! Anyway, tea is fantastic as a diuretic, which is beneficial for your kidneys. So win-win I’d say (I’ve got used to the bitter taste over time and just eat the leaves as I pick them).

…So Why Make Dandelion Juice?

First and foremost, making your own dandelion juice is a great way to take in the entire plant rather than drinking an extract, which is what tea is – nothing wrong with that! But by taking in the entire plant you’ll be getting the other enzymes and minerals that are present in the plant, which are not present in tea. All of those vitamins and minerals will help with your body’s overall health by boosting your energy levels, probably helping you feel more full and taking on toxins or filtering them out of your blood (not sure if tea would also do this).

Secondly, making your own dandelion juice is also a great way to make sure you’re getting all those vitamins and minerals (especially if you don’t have a strong diet). I am almost vegan now and have to think of ways to take minerals and vitamins into my body and dandelion is a really good source! (Still eat eggs).

NOTE: Making dandelion juice is extremely easy and can be completed in just a few minutes. It can make a great breakfast beverage, an afternoon or evening drink or even a snack on the go, which makes it very versatile. Tea is great for those cold days, but the juice can really fill you up, especially if you include some greens (I grow spinach and swiss chard which get added to many of my concoctions).

Last Words

Overall, dandelion juice is not only a delicious drink but can be used to detox the liver and kidneys; it can also act as an appetite suppressant and provide those vitamins and minerals that you may be missing in your diet. Remember the flowers can be added to your salads – what a lovely touch of colour!

With the right ingredients, you can make a wonderful drink out of dandelion which will benefit your health even if you already eat a wide range of fruits, veggies and grains. It’s an easy way to lose weight, removing toxic build-up from your liver.

So next time you head to the yard for some dandelions, take a moment to learn more about them. The knowledge you gain will come in handy when you’re creating a batch of dandelion juice at home.


Patri ❤️💕