Effective Natural Skincare for Men & How to Get Started

This entry is for men looking to get started in the world of skincare. You don’t need a lot of products that are expensive to keep your skin radiant and healthy. Below I’ll recommend products that are inexpensive and should make a difference to your skin in little time (1 or 2 months, depending on your age). 

But there are some thing I think you should know first: I’ll show you how your skin is different to women’s skin and that’s why your products should also have been formulated differently.

**I link to Amazon below which means I will most probably get a commission if you purchase through my links at no extra cost to you.

Men Can (and Should) Be Fussy! 

My brother has asked me, many times, to formulate lip balms, eye creams and day/night moisturizers specifically for his skin type. At first I thought I would look into his skin type (combination skin) and just formulate a regular day cream for his skin type.

I’ve asked him what would he like the cream to ‘feel like’ on his skin and he said: “definitely NON GREASY!”. He also mentioned no scent and something that was absorbed really fast.

That’s quite a lot to take into account. As a skin care formulator I can most definitely produce something that covers what he needs, but, would I be able to succeed into creating something he was happy with and use on a daily basis??

My brother is SUPER fussy when it comes to his skin and I was not one to disappoint! 

Formulating for Men is Different than Formulating for Women

Formulating for men is different than formulating for women. There are many things I needed to take into consideration when formulating his day cream.

I thought every man should know what these considerations are, and so this post will cover them. Good to know before you purchase your first products.

Table of Contents

Men’s Skin VS Women’s Skin

The fact that male skin differs greatly to women’s skin is a topic not commonly spoken about and I think this is for several reasons:

  • Men’s interest in the topic, although growing over time, is not extremely popular
  • When purchasing men’s products you don’t necessarily need this information as your skincare products would already have been formulated taking into account the things I mention in this article (hopefully!)

I think it is important you understand why your products should be different to women’s and also what is it that formulators and companies are looking at when fulfilling your skin-needs.

Is It OK for Men to Use Women’s Skin Care Products?

Not really.

Skin care takes care of skin issues (dry skin, irritated skin, combination skin, ageing skin, and so on) but we need to take into account gender as well.

Why Do Men Need Different Products?

Because men’s physiology and anatomy (microflora) is different to women’s. 

Let’s look at some factors:

  • Skin differs from individual to individual (skin type and age) but also within the gender you identify with, the main factor being hormones
  • Men’s skin differs in the following: hydration, transepidermal water loss, sebum, microcirculation, pigmentation, thickness and higher pH (see link below)
  • Skin health, odour and condition are the result of different yeast species as well as bacteria, which is balanced differently between female and male skin

So, wether we’re talking anti aging creams, a basic face wash or simple grooming products, your skin care needs to be formulated according to your skin type and gender. 

The studies show that the skin parameters of hydration, transepidermal water loss, sebum, microcirculation, pigmentation, and thickness are generally higher in men but skin pH is higher in women.


1. FACT. Men Produce More Sebum

Men and women produce sebum through the sebaceous glands (the oil that our skin secretes is known as sebum). Because it is an oil, sebum is great for preventing transepidermal water loss but it can also be responsible for acne.

Comparisons of male and female skin microbiota suggest that females harbour a greater diversity of bacteria on their hands, but it remains unclear whether this observed difference is due to physiological factors or differences in hygiene and cosmetic usage



  • Men can produce more sebum (oil) than women because they have more sebaceous glands than women
  • Sebum is good for preventing transepidermal water loss, helping to hydrate the skin and give it a soft feel
  • Sebum will help your skin keep its elasticity as well as preventing moisture loss
  • Acne can be a problem as overproduction of sebum can lead to oily skin and/or acne

Men have more active sebaceous glands, and therefore more pores, than women. Both their sebaceous glands and their pores are larger than those of women. Sebum production is double than that of women, so male skin is oilier and shinier than female skin. … 

But, in general, adult males are less prone to dry skin than adult females.

Men have more active sebaceous glands, and therefore more pores, than women. Both their sebaceous glands and their pores are larger than those of women. Sebum production is double that of women, so male skin is oilier and shinier than female skin. … Adult males are less prone to dry skin than adult females.


2. FACT. Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (Razor or Shaving Rash)

(razor rash or shaving rash) occurs when the skin gets irritated due to shaving facial hair. This can result in papules, pustules and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) is a chronic inflammatory disorder of follicular and perifollicular skin characterized by papules, pustules, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. […] Shaving or plucking the hair precipitates the onset of an inflammatory reaction that results from the penetration of the adjacent skin by the growing sharp tips. The curved shape of the hair follicle allows for the downward curvature and penetration of the growing hair tips into the skin. The onset of the foreign body reaction leads to itching and the development of papules, pustules, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, especially in the beard area although other shaved areas of the body may be affected.


3. FACB. Skin pH in Men is Different!

Let’s have a look at pH (check out about skin pH here)

  • Men have more alkaline skin (higher pH) than on the surface and more acidic skin (lower pH) below the skin than women, making the skin more susceptible to skin infection. Skincare for men should always take into account the difference in pH!

4. FACT. Lifestyle.

Men’s lifestyles differ to that of women’s, in general being more exposed to the outdoors. Pollution and the sun will have a bigger impact on our skin when we’re with exposure. Women are much more likely to protect their skin against the sun’s rays with sunscreens.

5. FACT. Women lose collagen faster than men

That’s right. In case you don’t know, collagen is the protein that keeps our skin elastic making it feel supple and plump.

It is a fact that women lose collagen faster than men which simply means men will take longer to show fine lines and wrinkles.

Go for Natural Grooming Products that Work!

My brother has been buying face wash, shaving cream, moisturiser for his particular skin, etc, for many years now. He must be one of the few men that loved using skincare from an early age that I know of. 

Taking care of your skin has got nothing to do with ‘women’s culture’ and everything to do with health. Your skin suffers innumerable conditions on a daily basis which, for some men, can get quite severe. Be watchful. 

New to Male Skincare Products?

Are you new to the world of lotions and potions? You might have sensitive skin or have read about the power of the essential oil. Maybe you’ve heard of brands like Burt’s Bees or your best friend told you about his new skin care routine. Whatever got you here, I’ve got you covered with some GREAT product recommendations.

I make my own products: from a beautiful almond and clay face scrub that remove dead skin cells, a beautiful mango butter lip balm to an eye cream that takes care of dark circles and inflammation. But you don’t have to worry about having to apply a myriad of different products in order to happy, healthy healthy skin. 

Just a good, reputable natural, organic brand can be your solution. One or two products can really make the difference between a blackhead and clean skin. By avoiding men’s skin care with harsh chemicals, i.e. parabens, you’re already on your way! 

A good beard oil, a great moisturiser that stops that ingrown hair from infecting your skin or a natural deodorant can be part of your new grooming routine. 

I highly recommend the below brands because of the ingredients they use in their formulas but have also taken into account company ethos (sustainability amongst other things).

In a nutshell, here’s what I think you should be looking for:

If the sebaceous glands are too active – leading to oily skin and acne formation – products that balance sebum production (eg niacinamide) are an effective choice. In acne-prone skin, soothing and anti-inflammatory ingredients, such as calendula and green tea extract, are beneficial.

Natural Skincare I Recommend: From Top to Bottom

See below my personal recommendations. I’ve really looked into different brands that have been recommended by other pages like this one here, this one here and this one here but I haven’t agreed with many of their choices because of the two following reasons:

  • the type of preservative the cosmetic uses in the formula
  • too many ingredients (and some of the ingredients being of questionable nature, i.e. PEGs)
  • too expensive!

Taking all of that into consideration, find below my choices for you:


Step 1: Cleanse (Optional)

You might just wash your face in the shower with your usual shower gel or soap that’s fine. But, if you wanted to wash your face with a dedicated product then I recommend this facial wash:

**You can cleanse your body as well with this cleanser

Step 2: Tone (Optional)

I don’t want to bore you with regime steps but I’ll add this for those who are interested in a full cleanse-tone-moisturize regime. A toner will set your pH to the right level again, I recommend this one:

Step 3: Moisturizer (A Must!)

Moisturizing your skin is a must. I found a product by Brickell that is light, fast-absorbing with great ingredients that will nourish your skin without making it feel oily or greasy.

Beard? Here’s What I Recommend (Optional)

I loved Shea Moisture products for men. Simple, efficient, excellent pricing point, no more ingredients than needed.

If you need a kit, this is a spectacular kit for a spectacular price:

Step 4: Eye Cream (Optional)

If you’d like to take your skincare routine to the next level check out the below eye cream also by Brickell. Eye creams are not really necessary if you’re not above 40 or 50. Even then, don’t feel you have to, this is a very personal thing. I don’t really apply cream around my eye area although I used to for some time. It depends on how I feel. Anyway, in case you’d like to give it a try, the below is the one I recommend:


A Great Body Wash

Shea Moisture has a fantastic body wash that is inexpensive and really good. 

Try Natural Deodorant

Here’s a deodorant I loved:

Your Daily Face Regime

The above are just a few natural products to get you started. Again, these are products that use ingredients that are safe and will nourish your skin without braking the bank.

If you just want SIMPLE, carefree skincare routine, just apply your moisturizer on a daily basis, day and night if possible (always make sure you apply it over clean skin).

If you want to add steps to your routine then I recommend washing with the right face product and adding a toner would really make a nice little addition (see my recommendations above).

If I had to choose the one MUST product then go for the moisturizer.

Finally, if you want to really pamper your skin add the eye cream to your routine. 

If I had to choose the one MUST product then go for the moisturizer.

How Often Should Men Use Their Skincare Products?


Men’s Skincare: the Perfect Grooming Product Can Truly Make a Difference

Skin care products can feel overwhelming but you only need cleansing, toning and moisturizing which can be literally done within 1 minute. Natural skin care will make a difference to your skin.

Last Words

The right skincare brand can make the difference between bad skin and good skin. My recommendations above are by no means the only options. You might also want to extend your routine by adding a good scrub, a refreshing gel, trying natural ingredients like shea butter or aloe vera, testing products that help with a better shave, etc etc.

But at least the above mentioned products will get you get started and hopefully now you know much more about your skin!

Please leave me your comments below.

Further Reading

Male versus female skin: What dermatologists and cosmeticians should know

The Skin Microbiome

Understanding Skin – How Does Male and Female Skin Differ?

Pseudofolliculitis Barbae; Current Treatment Options

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