Skincare range.

12 Potential Negative Effects of Using Commercial Skincare Products

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The beauty industry has cleverly marketed commercial skincare products as the answer to all our skin woes, making us believe that the more we spend, the better our skin will be.


It’s no longer about what’s best for your skin (or bodies when we buy food at the shops…) —it’s ALWAYS about making a profit.

Many of the commercial skincare products are FILLED with synthetic ingredients designed to increase shelf life and travel the globe to be sold in as many places as possible. And, no, not to nourish, hydrate, and truly support your skin’s health—which is what they should be for. 

They might give you a QUICK fix, but at what cost? When we prioritise long-term skin health over flashy packaging and the usual empty promises, we see the truth: natural products and natural ingredients are the REAL solution for healthy, radiant skin.

Full stop.

Do you assume the below?

People often assume that commercial skincare products must be good for their skin because:

  • You pay a lot of money for them (or whatever money you pay, still money)
  • Big companies surely know what they’re doing…. right??
  • If it’s sold everywhere, it must be effective, right?

But let me tell you, this is, in my view, a scam.

Yes, it might have started with good intentions, and I truly believe that—trying to help people look and feel their best. But the truth is, it’s now all about profit.

A cream that travels across the world needs to be heavily preserved. There’s something inherently wrong with both of these aspects—using skincare made so far away and applying preservatives needed for it to survive such a long journey. RIDICULOUS!

I’m Patri, a certified organic skincare formulator and health coach, and I want to shed some light on the potential negative effects of using these commercial products. Below, I’ll walk you through the specific ways in which these products might be harming your skin.

The list of potential negative effects of commercial skincare products

Below is a detailed list of the potential negative effects of using commercial skincare products.

I really hope they help you rethink your skincare products and, if possible, switch to more natural ones, and, if possible, switch to natural ingredients (even better).

Anyway, here’s the list:

1. Silicones and mineral oils can clog your pores

Many commercial skincare products contain ingredients like silicones and mineral oils, which can clog pores, trapping dirt and bacteria. This often leads to breakouts and acne. Silicones create a layer on top of the skin, which might give it a smooth appearance temporarily but can prevent the skin from breathing properly. I keep telling people this again and again! Mineral oils are OCCLUSIVE agents that can block pores, especially if you have oily or acne-prone skin.

2. Harsh chemicals may irritate your skin

Harsh chemicals such as parabens, sulfates, and synthetic fragrances are common in commercial formulas, we’ve all heard of them by now. Here’s more on what other so called “natural preservatives” can do to you. For those who don’t know, parabens are preservatives that can mimic hormones and potentially disrupt your endocrine system, while sulfates are cleansing agents that can strip away natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Synthetic fragrances can contain MANY undisclosed chemicals, many of which can trigger allergic reactions, causing redness, itching, AND rashes—especially for those with sensitive skin. Here’s a great website if you wanted to check individual ingredients and how they can affect your skin.

3. Your skin’s natural barrier can weaken from synthetic ingredients

Frequent use of synthetic ingredients may strip your skin of its natural oils, which are essential for keeping your skin healthy and balanced. This weakens your natural skin barrier—the protective layer that keeps moisture in and irritants out. When this barrier is compromised, it can lead to increased sensitivity, redness, and dryness, making your skin more vulnerable to environmental damage.

4. Commercial products could be speeding up ageing

Ingredients like alcohol and certain preservatives found in many commercial products can dry out your skin, stripping away natural moisture that keeps it healthy. This can make your skin more prone to developing wrinkles and fine lines—ironically, the very thing many of these products claim to prevent. Alcohol evaporates quickly, which can leave your skin feeling tight and dehydrated, while preservatives like formaldehyde-releasing agents can cause long-term damage.

5. Artificial fragrances can trigger allergic reactions

Artificial fragrances or dyes can cause allergic reactions for some people. These reactions range from mild inflammation to hives or even more severe allergic responses. Synthetic fragrances can contain numerous chemicals, many of which are not disclosed on the label, making it hard to know exactly what you’re putting on your skin. Allergic reactions can vary depending on the individual and the specific chemicals involved.

6. Endocrine disruptors may mess with your hormones

Some skincare products contain endocrine disruptors like phthalates and parabens. These chemicals can mimic hormones, leading to potential hormonal imbalance and interfering with your body’s natural functions over time. Endocrine disruptors can be absorbed through the skin and may accumulate in the body, potentially affecting reproductive health and increasing the risk of certain health issues. Learn more about endocrine disruptors here.

7. Skincare products might create a dependency

Some commercial formulas are designed for short-term results, giving you a quick improvement that doesn’t last. This can make your skin dependent on continuous use, as it becomes accustomed to these products. When you stop using them, your skin may react negatively, leading to more breakouts, dryness, or other issues. This keeps you in an endless cycle of buying more products to maintain those temporary effects.

8. Microplastics in skincare are harming the environment

It’s not just your skin that’s affected—the environment takes a hit too. Microplastics and non-biodegradable ingredients in many skincare products contribute to pollution when washed down the drain, ultimately making their way into our rivers and oceans. These ingredients can harm marine life and disrupt ecosystems. Microplastics are ingested by fish and other aquatic animals, which can lead to physical harm and potentially enter our food chain.

9. Imbalanced pH can cause breakouts and dryness

Your skin has a natural pH level that keeps it healthy and functioning properly. Many commercial skincare products are not formulated to match this natural pH, which can lead to an imbalance. When the skin’s pH is disrupted, it can lead to irritation, increased oil production, or even dryness. Keeping your skin at the right pH level is crucial for maintaining a healthy skin barrier and preventing issues like acne or sensitivity.

10. Some ingredients can make your skin sensitive over time

Even if a product seems fine at first, prolonged use of certain synthetic ingredients can lead to sensitisation. This means that over time, your skin may develop a sensitivity or allergy to an ingredient that it once tolerated well. Ingredients like artificial fragrances, dyes, and preservatives are common for this delayed reaction, which can lead to chronic irritation and discomfort.

11. Antibacterial agents can disrupt your skin’s microbiome

Your skin has a natural microbiome—an ecosystem of beneficial bacteria that help protect against harmful pathogens and keep your skin healthy. Many commercial skincare products contain antibacterial agents or harsh chemicals that can disrupt this microbiome, leading to imbalances. A disrupted microbiome can cause increased sensitivity, redness, and other skin issues.

12. Skincare products could increase sun sensitivity and pigmentation

Some commercial products contain ingredients that make your skin more sensitive to the sun, such as certain acids and retinoids. Without proper sun protection, this increased sensitivity can lead to hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone. It’s essential to be cautious about how these ingredients interact with sun exposure.

Making the Switch to Natural Alternatives

Switching to natural and organic products can help you avoid many of these potential issues. By choosing ingredients that work with your skin, rather than against it, you can maintain a healthy glow without the unwanted side effects.

Taking a closer look at your skincare choices

It’s time to stop trusting products just because they’re expensive or come in shiny packaging. If these commercial products are clogging your pores, irritating your skin, disrupting your hormones, and even damaging the environment, how can they possibly be good for you?

Let’s be real—your skin deserves better.

It deserves ingredients that nourish, heal, and work with its natural balance. The quick fixes and empty promises of synthetic skincare are a trap, and it’s time to break free.

Imagine using products that don’t just offer short-term results, but truly support your skin’s health and radiance for the long haul.

I URGE you to take a hard look at what you’re putting on your skin. Don’t be fooled by clever marketing. Start by swapping out just one product for a natural alternative, and you’ll see the difference.

Trust me, your skin knows the difference between synthetic fillers and real nourishment.

You deserve skincare that’s as honest and pure as you are.

Make the switch!

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