21 Ways to Practice Zero Negativity: Can You Do it?

This post is all about practising zero negativity – a state of mind where we consciously practise looking for reasons to be positive and ways in which we can bring positivity into our lives.

The goal of practising zero negativity is not just to get a good mood, but to fundamentally change the way you view and experience life.

In this article, I’ll look at what zero negativity is and how you can achieve it. I will also explore some of the benefits that come with it, as well as its limitations.

What is “Zero Negativity”?

Imagine if you had a magic wand and were told that every time you waved it and thought of something negative, it would turn into something positive.

You’d be able to make your house into a palace, your body become a hale and hearty specimen of perfection, and your finances abundant enough to buy anything you wished.

It would be as easy as waving the wand. But of course, we don’t have magic wands… or do we??

Well, Zero Negativity is a state of mind where we think positively all the time. Not only this is possible, but it is also a very smart way of living.

When you practise Zero Negativity, you consciously look for reasons to be positive and ways in which you can bring positivity into your life.

In this state of mind, every time you think something negative, your mind automatically prompts a counter-thought that is positive in nature.

And, if you think it takes a lifetime, decades or years to develop this way of thinking, well, you’re wrong.

It’s actually a very simple process that anyone can go through. All you need is a little awareness and the right mindset to achieve your goal.

I am talking from experience. It took me less than a year to change my way of thinking. All I had to do was be diligent, spot the negative thought and literally FORCE myself to think something positive instead.

I’m not going to lie. At first, it was VERY, very hard. Over time it was just hard. But at some point, it just became something I did naturally.

And the effects were amazing. Not only did I feel better, but my life also started to look better.

My body got healthier, I was able to attract better people into my life and everything just started to flow more easily.

Here’s a saying for you to remember: The mind is everything. What you think you become.

Well, I highly recommend that you think of this saying as the key for this process and make it your mantra. The more you practise, the easier it will get.

It’s just a matter of time, and before you know it, you’ll be a master at this skill!

When you get there, please pass on this message 🙂

21 Ways to practise Zero Negativity:

1) “Catch” your thinking at all times. You need to get used to this. Don’t worry, it eventually becomes second nature. Watching your thought processes is particularly important at the beginning when you find it really difficult to catch yourself thinking negatively or complaining. A useful trick (I did it for months) is to keep a note in your purse or wallet that keeps reminding you to check your thinking. This way, you can monitor your thoughts and see immediately where they are coming from and you can counteract them.
2) Visualize the positive. This is where you literally imagine something positive happening and picture it happening in your life.
3) Be grateful every minute of the day. Yes, this is possible. And eventually, it just happens.
2) Start looking at the positive side of things. Try to look for the good in every situation. Try to be as optimistic about your life as possible. Problems can be turned into opportunities, situations can always be improved upon, what’s past is past, so let’s start looking on the bright side!
3) Self talk – When you feel down, ask yourself what the positive things are about that situation.
4) Have fun life. It’s more enjoyable that way. Do at least 1 fun thing every 3-4 days.
5) Try to give as much as you take.  Even if there is only one person who has something negative to say, practice ignoring it and focus on the positive sides of that situation
6) Practice smiling when you feel down. Frowning can easily drain our happiness levels.
7) Remember the day starts now. And now is now, not yesterday, not tomorrow.
8) Remember that every single day you are born into this world, and that means you get a second chance. You can choose to think positive thoughts and make things better.
9) Focus on the positivity in every situation that you find yourself in, even when you don’t have a choice!  Every time something negative happens, try to focus on what is good about it.
10) Use your phone to set reminders to stop and check what you’re thinking.
11) Write down the positives in every situation and make those your focus!
12) Be grateful for everything that happens in your life.  Remember: The more things you are grateful for, the more things you’ll have to be grateful for. Itvis very true.
13) Always ask yourself, “What am I grateful for RIGHT NOW?”
14) Focus on the good points of the other person. Unless they give you a negative impact. I usually remove these types of people from my life.
15) Never think that you have to be like everyone else in the world. Be different and bring your own positive qualities to the people you know.
16) Do positive affirmations, these are short statements that can make a big difference in your life. I used to believe they didn’t make a difference, but they do.
17) Stay strong! You must be strong to keep on practising this amazing skill.  
18) When you feel down, come back to this article and re-read it. Take a look at these exercises as often as needed.
19) Keep catching the negative thinking and turning it into positive thoughts. I can’t stress this one enough.
20) Change yourself. If a situation doesn’t seem to be working out, change it. Think of every new situation as an opportunity for improvement, if you don’t like something about it, work on changing it into something you do like.
21) Last but not least, remember that thoughts are NOT facts!  Our thinking is often illogical and we can’t control it.  If you realize you are thinking negatively, don’t judge yourself, just try to think differently.

Benefits of Zero Negativity:

There are many benefits to practising zero negativity.

First of all, it makes you a happier person. A happier person is a more positive person and, of course, a more positive person results in a better life.

All those people you’ll meet who live unhappy and unfulfilled lives will leave your life feeling blessed and happy when they do leave because you’ll feel grateful for being able to live such an amazing life!

Secondly, when you practise zero negativity, your life automatically becomes more peaceful.

You will find it easier to deal with the problems that life throws at you, and you’ll be able to get past them quicker.

The better you become at dealing with problems, the less that will happen in your life and the happier you’ll be.

Thirdly, it helps you achieve your goals faster. The reason for this is simple – negative thinking causes procrastination and positive thinking propels you towards your goals.

When you’re a positive person, you’re more likely to achieve your goals and achieve things in life that you’ve previously thought were impossible.

So, instead of giving up when things don’t go as planned, you now get on with it, learn from your mistakes and make sure to not repeat them.

Lastly, practising zero negativity will help you live a healthier lifestyle.

It will help you to get enough sleep, drink healthy drinks, eat healthy food and eliminate all the bad things from your life. This includes harmful relationships and bad habits.

So instead of smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol, you’ll be looking at ways of adding more good things into your life. In this way, you’ll stop smoking and drinking too!

Healthy eating is important because foods influence the way your brain works. A healthy brain means a healthier (and happier) body.

By adding more healthy foods into your diet, you’re making sure you have a body that is aligned with your mind and so you’ll start to notice how amazing and positive you feel!

Here are the benefits in a nutshell:

  1. A Happier Person = More likeable person to be around.
  2. A Peaceful Life = You won’t get so stressed. You will never be happy if your happiness depends on someone or something else. If your happiness depends on money, possessions, or other people – yes, you will be happy as long as these things are there for you. However, you won’t be able to keep these things forever. Either they will break, run out or leave one day.
  3. A More Positive Person = Happier and more outgoing. “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” ~Zig Ziglar
  4. Faster To Achieve Goals = You become more determined. “To conquer yourself is a longer and harder task than that of conquering others.” ~Buddha
  5. A Healthier Lifestyle = You’ll start eating healthy food and making positive changes like drinking water instead of unhealthy drinks and snacks – which will result in better health.
  6. Make Better Decisions = You’ll think more about what’s best for you in life and not what others want from you. “A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.”- Mahatma Gandhi
  7. More Efficient = You’ll become more efficient, both personally and professionally. Here’s a good way of looking at it: “I was lucky… I had a good head on my shoulders. I never got confused.”
  8. Procrastinate Less = Becomes focused and consistent. Think along the lines of: “The person who ruminates and worries is always uncertain whether his concern was genuine or some other sort of worry.”
  9. Better Communication = You’ll naturally be able to communicate better with others about any topic because you’ll be more interested in the conversation than focusing on your own thoughts. Here’s a good way of looking at it: “You are entitled to your own thoughts, but not your own subjective reality. Thoughts are just thoughts. They aren’t reality.”
  10. You’ll Become More Confident = You’ll have a higher self-esteem and naturally be more confident when dealing with any situation. “Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.” – Peter McIntyre
  11. Meet New People = You’ll attract more positive people into your life and in general find it easier to make friends. “You are the average of the five people you spend most time with.” – Jim Rohn
  12. You’ll Become More Optimistic = You’ll see only the benefits and opportunities in life and not the negatives “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” ~Zig Ziglar
  13. Better Decision Making = Becomes more rational by using evidence instead of emotions to make decisions. The problem with emotion is that it makes a decision based on short term reasoning and not based on facts. Emotion is not rational.
  14. Feel More Positive = You’ll start to feel more positive and optimistic, because you’ll be making the right life choices for yourself.
  15. Less Toxic Relationships = You’ll start off your relationships better by developing healthy relationships instead of toxic ones.
  16. Better Work Ethic = You’ll be more motivated to do your best in all areas of life, including work and this will lead to you achieving your goals quicker.
  17. Feel More Confident = You’ll be more confident in any situation because you’ll see the reward in every situation. You won’t worry about failure, you should worry more about your performance.
  18. Become More Motivated = You’re more motivated to do something you love because you love doing it!
  19. More Consistent = You become more consistent because of your work ethic and motivation. Consistency is the key to success.
  20. Freedom = You’ll have a more free life because you don’t need to worry about others’ opinions of you.


Here are the limitations:

  1. Life Time – Some of us might have been thinking one way for a long time and might not be able to think any other way without trying really hard. I do recommend you keep trying til you achieve success.
  2. Life or Work – You should also be able to think positively in your work as well as your personal life if you want to have a more positive life.
  3. What you think about – We can’t control what we think about but we can control how we react to it.
  4. Your Life Situation – Different people have different life situations.  Most of us might be thinking positive but not have the good life we want because of the situation we are in.  I highly recommend lifestyle design if you want to change your life situation and improve your life even more!
  5. Fear of our Minds – Although we can’t control the thoughts that come into our minds, we can still change our beliefs about these thoughts.

Get started practicing Zero Negativity!

So I hope that today’s article can help motivate you to achieve your goals and become more confident in yourself.

This is really powerful – it’s so simple, yet most people don’t practise it. What I think is fascinating is that even if you doubt whether you can achieve this goal or not after reading this, once you try it, it simply works.

Patri ❤️💕

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