10 Unusual Tips to Better Health

You’ve heard it all when it comes to tips for better health. But not these 10 steps. They’re going to take you in a different domain, a different dimension within yourself altogether. They’ll take you where they took me: to absolute and complete freedom.

Let’s get started.

1. You’re already doing it right

So, you’ve already made a big step by searching, stumbling upon or simply finding this article. What does it mean that you are already doing it right?

Health is not a state, it is not an end, it is not even the journey. Health is NOW. And now IS health. Hard to explain.

You can only be, live, feel, Now. Health takes place now. Everything is taking place right now. So you can only be healthy right now.

Health is the awareness of this now. THIS now. The only now there is. The more aware you are of this moment, the healthier you are.

That’s why there is no end to your health the same way there is no end to this moment. This moment is eternal, your health is an eternal journey (now), the same way you go on for eternity.

You are, in fact, eternity itself. Health is lived fully when eternity (you) is SEEN fully.

Life is All. Health is All. And Health IS life. And Life IS Health. You are living right now, breathing right now, feeling right now. Be aware of the Health that is in you at this very moment. Be aware fully.

2. Don’t Spotlight the “Me”

The “me” is a big problem for the human being. “Me” means ego. Ego is everything that is not you. At first, ego is not easy to spot, because it has somehow “stolen” your identity. As you become more and more aware of your true identity, your ego can be more and more easily spotted.

Every time you find yourself talking about “me” (usually things that have happened to you), just be aware of it. Try to notice throughout the day how many times you talk about yourself, and as you get better at this, investigate the real reasons why you mention yourself. You will find that each and every time there will be a hidden reason for then “me” to come into the conversation.

For example, you might feel scared in a meeting at work and so you try to big up yourself with a big story about how clever you were in a particular situation. Simply spot this and try not to judge yourself. You probably have been having this behaviour for a long time and it won’t be easy to get rid of it straight away.

Become aware of it, let go of the story, spot the “me” and relax into the silence. There is no need to reject your stories. Just be aware as they come up and let them go.

3. How Are You Feeling RIGHT NOW?

Part of learning how to enjoy how healthy you are right now is to get really good at identifying how you feel at each and every moment. Make a habit of it. You can do a simple exercise in the morning and evening where you sit down and check how you are feeling.

At first, it won’t be easy. You might find it difficult to spot any feelings at all. Be patient, and keep doing the exercises on a daily basis. As you get used to sitting down and trying to identify how you feel, the subtleness of the feelings will get more and more obvious.

Feelings can be subtle indeed. You don’t have to be angry or resentful or very excited in order to spot how you feel. You might feel relaxed, content, a tiny little bit irritated, perhaps mildly tired. As you do the exercises you will get better and better at spotting how you feel.

Try to become aware of how you feel at all times, not just in the mornings and evenings. Eventually, you will start to be aware of how you feel throughout the day.

4. Health: A Complete Physical, Mental and Social Well-Being

If you ever thought health was the absence of disease or illness, you’ve been VERY mistaken. Health comprises all the different aspects that form you as a spiritual being, emotional being, mental being, physical being, human being, and so on. It spreads throughout all your different bodies.

In order to be healthy right now, it is important to understand you are the sum total of all these aspects. Health is a full, complete, total well-being.

5. Health is an Ongoing Process Without a Destination

I mentioned this before, but it deserves its own heading.

Because you are an eternal being, you have all the time in the universe to heal. As a body (mental, spiritual, emotional, physical), you will never be fully 100% healthy (what does that mean, anyway? The body is born and dies, how can it ever be 100% healthy?) but you will experience your different bodies at different health states.

This is easy to see. Haven’t you had many different bodies already in this lifetime? Sometimes you’ve been emotionally ill, sometimes you’ve been physically ill, sometimes you’ve been mentally ill, sometimes you’ve been spiritually ill. But, overall, you will grow in health and will experience better and better states of well-being, forever and ever. That’s part of your evolution as a manifested creature and creation.

Now, the “healing process” is what happens to you as this manifested creation. But, remember what we said before: in your True Identity, you are eternal and you are Health RIGHT NOW.

Health is your True Identity; healthy is a journey your different bodies take.

6. The Small Steps

Every time you do something to feel better, you are taking an important step in your healing process. As awareness, you can watch the body go through the process of transformation and achieve better and better states of well-being.

You also get to enjoy how the small steps make a difference over time. Without the small steps, how could we ever enjoy the process of healing? As we heal, we grow, as we grow, we enjoy and as a result, we experience new and more ethereal (sophisticated and evolved energy) vehicles for enjoying manifestation.

Every small step you take, in the grand scheme, is huge because it is the link between the step before and the step after.

7. Perfection is in the Process

You must understand you are already perfect. In this realisation, you are able to enjoy Health in its full and complete state.

The word “perfect” usually means that you are complete in your manifestation of yourself. But, think about it, when is a human being ever complete? When is a human being ever perfect? People keep growing, learning and experiencing new things. Perfection, thus, lies in the process.

Process, in fact, means perfection. Process is not an “in-between”. It is an end in itself. If you can understand this, you will understand perfection is in the process.

8. Forget the Word “Results”

All of the above points the obvious: results are not what we are after, as it happens. If there is no process, there can’t be any results.

Forget the word results and remember the word “ongoing”.

In the perfectly ongoing process, you are doing 100% perfectly well!

9. Healing is a State of Mind

Now, this is the thing: the body can get ill while you enjoy perfect health.

As we mentioned before, the body is born and will eventually die. This usually means deterioration of the flesh although the body can die in many different ways: illness, accident, disease, old age, genetic disorders, and so forth.

You will feel ill when you live in fear and are not aware of your true identity, (which is pure freedom itself). This is the true meaning of unhealthy: feeling trapped in the body and living in fear of the world.

True healing is the state of mind where you realise that nothing can really harm you. A diseased body cannot hurt you. You will watch the bodies come and go, diseases come and go, life come and go – while you, being Life Itself, will never come OR go. You’re forever here, forever now. Enjoy True healing!

Remember: healing is a state of mind I’m not how the body feels.

10. Experiment, Learn, Love

Experiment with the above ideas, learn to identify your true self, and you will understand what Love really is.

And Love, my dear one, is YOU!

Patri ❤️💕

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