The Best Organic Exfoliator Face Scrub + 3 Homemade Exfoliators we Love & Unique Sanctified Application

You are a Unique Expression

We are all expressions of the divine and we should treat ourselves as so. Earth, Fire, Water and Air are the elements of Nature that shape every form we perceive. Treating these forms with respect and love (including our bodies) is a MUST. We have to recognise our True Nature and honour it by only caressing it with the best available products. It is another form of self-respect.

Are Exfoliators a “Must”? Well, Ancestors Found Ways to Exfoliate so if Not a Must, it is an ‘Old Tradition’!

Exfoliation is part of what is called ‘cosmetology’, which is the practice of beautifying hair, face and skin. At we take this practice a little further by understanding that the only real way to beautify the body is to understand our relationship with it: we’re not the body but the Consciousness that ‘allows the body to be’.

This model of thinking suddenly gives us real power: we can see the body for what it is, part of a Whole, rather than the whole of ourselves. From this perspective, beautifying the body becomes a way of honouring it, rather than a way to be accepted/liked/approved of because we feel ‘small’ ‘inside’ of ‘it’!

So, Let’s Be Clear: Is Exfoliating Essential?

Exfoliating your skin is not essential in the sense of life or death, of course! But self-love IS ESSENTIAL (not the self that most people speak of, but the Self, the “I” or Consciousness that we all are) and hygiene rituals and practices as well as feeling the beauty while we beautify the body is also important.

Exfoliating can become a lovely (and loving) part of a beautifying regime that we can create for ourselves. It shouldn’t be a task or something ‘else’ to add to a list of things we need to do to look and feel better, but something we do because we already look and feel good! I hope that makes sense.

Make it part of a loving routine and exfoliating can become a touching experience.​

Are there Benefits from Exfoliating?

I can’t stress enough that you’re not your body and this means the body is a tool that responds to your Mind (you’re not a body’s slave, you’re always in command, whether you know this or not). 

This means that how the body seems to react is a direct result of how you’re thinking about yourself. Exfoliating the skin can be looked at in a different way as how most beauty places look at it: it can be seen as a way to clean debris from our thinking via the body. It might sound a little weird, I’ll go through the steps below and you’ll get a clearer idea of what I mean.

These concepts are somehow a little radical at times but if they resonate with you then that means you’re ready to look at them from a different angle, a new (and beautiful!) point of view.

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In the sense of the body itself, exfoliating will do what your Mind infuses with the intention. Exfoliating in itself means:

  • Being able to touch the skin with focused intention
  • Allowing the clearing of dead thoughts (thoughts that don’t do the ‘job well’ any longer!) in a beautiful way
  • Understanding that we’re NEW at every moment, and honouring this via removing the old
  • Preventing the build up of old thoughts by echoing this with the right exfoliating routine
  • By using good organic products we’re understanding our value

Valerie Has Chosen 3 Exfoliators She Considers to Be the Best According to Value for Money as Well as Ingredients.

As usual my sister Valerie has chosen 3 organic exfoliators she thinks will do the job for your routine. She has also told me about natural ways of doing this (homemade exfoliators) and she personally thinks if you have the time you should most definitely go the ‘homemade way’. 

If you haven’t got the time to make your own, then the 3 below will do the job beautifully. They’ve been chosen with love and care; and as usual Valerie does recommend one that she uses herself (she does a lot of research to end up with her favourite options). Anyway, see what you think:

Best Organic Exfoliator – Option 1: Valerie Chooses Lavera.

We’re what is known as mediterranean and we love the ‘mediterranean products’ – which are based on good quality ingredients at good prices also. Valerie likes Lavera because it is a simple (no frills!), that satisfies all organic requirements. In Valerie’s own words: ‘humble’ and efficient!

OPTION 1Lavera Purifying Scrub – For All Skin Types!

Valerie’s Review:


This is most certainly a powerful exfoliator! Lavera Purifying Scrub will work well with the most sensitive skin types. 


A ‘humble’, no-frills product yet extremely convenient packaging.


Fantastic price (economical product!!) and fantastic quality. Gentle on the skin. A winner. 

Best Organic Exfoliator – Option 2: Valerie Chooses Neal’s Yard.

Having lived in London for a few years we know well all these products that the British market offers. The quality is usually superb (the arts and crafts culture is well known in the UK for its high standards as well as being a loved market) so we are passionate about recommending Neil’s Yard (I remember seeing their little shop in Covent Garden back in the 1990s!). 

OPTION 2Neal’s Yard NYR Honey & Orange Facial Scrub

Valerie’s Review:


The potency this product has… a small amount goes a long way! Plus it smells delicious.


Its classy, traditional and elegant packaging. 


This is a safe bet! One of the brand’s star products. Also recommended for oily skin types. 

Best Organic Exfoliator – Option 3: Valerie Chooses Dead Sea Spa Magik.

OPTION 3Dead Sea Spa Magik Mild Exfoliant

Valerie’s Review:


Its lovely consistency, beach-y feeling and perfect texture!


Very affordable. Nice.


In my opinion, this is simply the best facial exfoliator on the market.

Now We Recommend the Following Homemade Exfoliators: Valerie thinks They’re the Best Option if you Have the Time & the Right Ingredients! 

With the right organic ingredients you can’t get any more 100% organic than this. Try them – you’re the best herbalist once you get to know the ins and outs of the products. Here’s what Valeri suggests:

Homemade Face Exfoliator >> Brown Sugar & Ripe Banana

WHY – Because it is handy, easy, cheap and extremely nourishing.

HOW TO PREPARE – Mix brown sugar and smashed banana until the consistency is right for applying on the skin.

APPLICATION – Apply while in the shower (your pores will be open because of the warm water/heat/steam so the mixture can go in better) avoiding the eye area. Use fingertips and gently rub in a circular motion.

Homemade Body Exfoliator Option 1 >> Brown Sugar + Almond Oil OR Olive Oil + Lavender Oil

WHY – Because it is the best homemade exfoliator for the whole body. Better than anything you could ever buy.

HOW TO PREPARE – Fill a jar 80% brown sugar and top with your chosen oil until it turns into a thick paste.

APPLICATION – After you’ve washed your body in the shower apply a nice big lump on the palm of your hands and rub it everywhere but the face. Rub in a circular motion and rinse. No need to add lotion or moisturizer afterwords (you’ll love the way your skin feels!!)

Homemade Body Exfoliator Option 2 – Sea Salt + Honey

WHY – Honey is GREAT for your skin!

HOW TO PREPARE – Same as before, but instead of oils use honey. Your mixture will be stickier but it’s worth it.

APPLICATION – Same as above.



Sanctifying Your Facial Image (Feeling & Sensation) Before Application – a Must for Real Results

Ready to prompt your awakening with the following steps? The key is to Stay Present, as they say. This is no idle statement, but the Key to your Happiness & Freedom. Let’s get started then.



BREATHING – Go through your usual routine. When exfoliating your face (at least once a week), pause before getting started. Breath deeply. Inhale…… exhale….. inhale….. exhale…… Take a last deep breath before starting the exfoliating process. 


PRESENCE – Take the exfoliator and feel it in your hands. Feel your Aliveness. Take your time. Look at the tub, place a small amount on the top of your finger. Be present with the way this feels. Look at your hand, your fingers, the tip of your fingers…. Feel the awe from having such an incredible tool! 


MASSAGE – As you massage the exfoliant against your skin, rubbing in circular motion, catch your head and the thoughts that go around it. Notice how the head tries to pull you away from the moment. Stay present throughout the process. 


Exfoliate your face at least once a week. If you have sensitive skin once a week is probably more than enough. If you have oily skin twice a week is probably ok (information taken from here). Go through the process stated above (steps 1, 2, 3). If you do this for 1 year you’ll be able to Be Present a lot easier and stay away from the pull of the thinking head. Let me know results in the comments area below.


Exfoliating is another way of loving yourself through pampering the body, never forgetting that you’re NOT your body neither are you your thoughts. Just the Presence that is conscious of both. Please ask your questions below, I’ll try to answer as best I can!

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