What Does Natural Beauty Mean?

When you are balanced and when you listen and attend to the needs of your body, mind, and spirit, your natural beauty comes out.

Christy Turlington

What does natural beauty mean?

Is natural beauty found in the way a person looks? Beauty can be found in so many different ways, it is not that simple to define what “natural beauty” means.

What does natural beauty mean? Natural beauty is the beauty that comes from within and is expressed through the physical form. When a mother sees her child she may feel that natural beauty because of the love and bond between them. Natural beauty is not inherited from your parents, it is something that you are born with.

As a human being, you are born beautiful, and you stay beautiful throughout your life.

Patri Hernandez

The truth about beauty

When asking about beauty many people will tell you many different things. As I have grown older, my concept of beauty has also changed. Do you also find that? Throughout history, the perception of beauty has also changed. So, what is the truth about beauty?

We live in difficult times when we talk about “beauty”. Teenagers feel pressured to look a certain way, which they might think is what “beautiful” means, almost denying the looks they came with naturally, which they might not be able to see.

With the way that society has changed, I believe that we are starting to lose the ability to see and live with joy our natural beauty.

The inner-beauty critic

We are meant to look “a certain way” and when we don’t, the inner-beauty critic will talk to us about it. I think this is the main reason why so many people are hesitant to embrace what they believe is true beauty. They are scared that because they have a “different looking” body, or a “different looking” face, or even a body that is different from what society deems as pretty, their beauty may be judged differently. They feel as though their beautiful qualities won’t be seen and valued, or, even worse, they might not see them themselves.

This will have a tremendous impact on self-esteem and ultimately health.

Accepting the way you look is accepting your natural beauty. You will live a better life. Healthier and fuller. The way it is supposed to be.

Important natural beauty tips

  1. Natural beauty is the beauty that comes from within
    That’s the only beauty there is. When someone else can’t see it, is because they can’t see their own inner beauty.
  2. Natural beauty is impossible to fake
    It’s something that’s natural in you, but also something that other people can see in you. It comes through without you trying to do it.
  3. It’s a gift that will last a lifetime
    No matter how many changes your body and mind go through in this lifetime, your natural beauty will ALWAYS shine through.
  4. Natural beauty is that it is unique for everyone
    We are all different from each other. Even people who look exactly the same (i.e. identical twins) will have different natural beauty shine through.
  5. Natural beauty is in all people
    No one is left out! We are all beautiful. It’s impossible to hide that fact.

Natural beauty is something you feel deep inside. It comes from a very deep place within you and it bursts out like an eruption of life energy. It is necessary that we all accept and embrace our natural beauty and we see it for what it is: the beauty and joy that comes from within – not “inherited” or given by society.

IMPORTANT: Before you judge someone else, try to see their natural beauty. It will help you look at yourself more positively.

Why is it important

Without realising your natural beauty you can’t really see yourself truly. You will always want to look like the person you think others want to see. When you realise your True Natural Beauty, you will be able to see yourself and realise how beautiful you are. It might take some time to really see yourself as truly beautiful and worthy of love. When you discover your “true” natural beauty, you will be able to show the world just how wonderful you are. People will respect and admire the beautiful person that is you and vice versa.

How to look natural

The way I look natural is by aligning myself with natural elements. Looking natural is not just about not wearing make-up (or wearing it “naturally”). It is about combining natural with holistic and leading a natural lifestyle. Looking natural is not only “on the face”. It is in the way you move, you think, you talk, you people and things you surround yourself with.

Looking natural comes from living naturally.

Natural beauty is not just about what you see…

  • Natural beauty is about how you feel
  • Natural beauty includes the environment
  • Natural beauty is getting back to the basics
  • Natural beauty is knowing how to look after yourself
  • Natural beauty means not doing anything you don’t want to do
  • Natural beauty means being yourself
  • Natural beauty is being comfortable in your own skin

Which products to use

I make my own skincare and advocate that others do the same. I understand sometimes we have no time but this is already a problem. We SHOULD have time to make the things we need. Our skin needs us and I’m here for it. I urge you to do the same.

You should know what goes into your skin, what ingredients are in every product that you use. If you can’t make your own skincare, you should at least trust the brand you’re buying from. All ingredients should be natural, organic if possible, from sustainable sources, etc. Nature is already generous and provides the ingredients.

Here’s a list of the products I suggest you use and other helpful ideas:

  • Use basic oils and hydrators like aloe vera. Keep your routine basic.
  • Make your own skincare. DIY skincare can be as simple or complicated as you like. You can go from mixing a couple of ingredients to making sophisticated formulas over time. The choice is yours.
  • Research organic skincare brands. Be tough on what they use. Only you can make them get better and better over time. Learn about ingredients’ lists.
  • Search ingredients lists on the internet. Do your own research and stay sceptical.
  • Buy only from brands that are in tune with you and live according to your lifestyle. Be selective!
  • Eat good, natural foods. Avoid processed foods and try to grow at home what you can, even if you can only use pots.
  • Listen to yourself. You know what’s best for you.

How to take care of the face

The skin on the face is more sensitive than other parts of the body. Here are some tips for taking care of facial skin:

  • Cleanse your face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap.
  • Use a toner after cleansing.
  • Moisturise your face regularly with good creams and oils.
  • After moisturizing your skin, maybe wait 10 minutes before applying your next product (ex: creams, serums) to give the moisturisers time to work.

Your daily routine

A daily routine of cleansing, toning and moisturizer is probably more than good enough. You can add an exfoliator once a week as well as a mask. I don’t always follow this, but it doesn’t matter. I try to do it daily and my skin looks fabulous (with my own DIY products). What I suggest is that you find a routine that works for you. Don’t overcomplicate things.


  • Cleanse
  • Tone
  • Moisturise

Once a week:

  • Exfoliate
  • Mask

You can use simple ingredients like Aloe vera gel, Shea butter, olive oil, avocados and honey for a nutritious mask, etc or buy natural, organic skincare from a trusted brand. Cleansing, toning and moisturising have always been effective at treating your facial skin.

Whatever you do, the most important thing is to keep your products as natural as possible. Natural products for natural beauty.

How to take care of hair

Here are some tips:

  • Get a haircut regularly.
  • Use conditioner regularly.
  • Shampoo your hair at least once a week.
  • Wash your hair with natural products. Avoid using harsh shampoos that contain sulfates and silicones (they strip the natural oils from your hair).

Makeup or no makeup?

I used to wear makeup many years ago. Then I started to wear less and less makeup and eventually I was only wearing lip gloss. I have not worn any makeup for many years now, actually. I don’t even remember about makeup. I went through a period of my life a couple of years ago where I revisited the makeup world but it died only after 3 months or so. I don’t think I have worn any makeup since (some foundation for a few videos last year).

The point is, you might wear makeup or not wear any makeup but that doesn’t really matter. What matters is: why are you wearing/not wearing it? If it is because:

  • you want others to see you under a certain light
  • you want others to see you don’t wear makeup for whatever reason
  • you find yourself ugly
  • etc

then you’re wearing it/not wearing it for the wrong reasons.

INFO: Makeup will NEVER enhance or diminish your inner beauty.

How to look beautiful without makeup

  • Clean, moisturised skin helps you to look beautiful and radiant.
  • A healthy glow is beautiful. It doesn’t have to be a foundation glow or any sort of sheen. It just has to come from your own body. Do whatever you can to keep a healthy glow: eat well, exercise, etc.
  • Get good sleep.
  • Probably the best and quickest way is to smile more often and laugh more often!
  • Drink lots of water (at least 1 litre a day).

What are the essentials

A great diet, plenty of water, a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. There isn’t much more you need to be happy and show your natural beauty.

What Does Natural Beauty Mean To You?

In this post we’ve looked at what natural beauty means and how to achieve it. Natural beauty means being good to yourself and your body.

  • You have to admire yourself and love yourself.
  • Every time you look at a mirror remind yourself that you are beautiful (inside and outside).
  • Cleanse, tone and moisturising are great! They’re simple, easy and they work well on your skin. Keep things simple. Don’t overcomplicate things!
  • Don’t forget what’s important: a healthy lifestyle will provide you with natural beauty from within.

So, what does natural beauty mean to you? What do you think natural beauty means?

Leave your comment below.

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Patri ❤️💕