Chin Hairs Menopause: Nobody Told me About the Stubble

I write so you share. Thank you.

So, here we are, plucking stubble away almost daily (!).

I’d say at least once every 3 days.

Where do they come from? These thick hairs have come to grow on my face without permission.

I suppose permission comes when one knows about them and expects them to be there.

But I didn’t know. Does it make me an ignorant? Well… nobody told me!

“I Just Assumed Hairy Older Women Had Always Been Hairy!”

I love the website 34 Menopause Symptoms; they really have gone to lengths to cover each and every ‘area’ of menopause you could be going through.

They don’t mention the facil hairs though. Ok, maybe it is not a ‘symptom’, but I tell you, it is probably one of the most obvious signs!

So, I didn’t know. Yes, I always saw older women having a little too much hair around the upper lip and chin. Did I ever think it had something to do with age or hormones? Hell no. I didn’t think. It was on other people’s faces so I just assumed they had always been ‘hairy’.

So I would totally believe that I was simply just not ‘one of them’. Even though I’m originally Spanish (I’ve plucked my upper lip hair since I was around 11 or 12, when someone noticed it and to say I panicked is to keep it mild). All the signs were pointing at a VERY hairy face in the future – but I simply dismissed the signs. Denial? Probably.

My Face is Not Me

Ok, my face is not me – but that’s not the point. I must be ok with facial hair, it is what life has in stall for me and it has to be totally fine with me.

What’s wrong with facial hair? It just has bad press. We are meant to look attractive – but, really, are we? ​

What (who) for???

At my age I’m ready to be attractive for me, from me, via me, through me. Simple. Nobody else involved in ‘liking me’ here other than ME.

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Shea Butter on Your Face at Night

So I have to come to terms with this hair and love each and every one of them as they grow from my face. Yes, I’ll keep plucking them out for God’s sake. But it’s not about doing it with horror, but with love.

Why Didn’t My Mother Tell Me?

Who knows. I feel this is a ‘well kept secret’ open for all to see. One big grey elephant maybe.

It doesn’t matter: ​I’m telling everyone.

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