Best Oil for Cleansing Your Face: 5 Incredibly Good Oils

Maybe you’re one of the lucky ones, but for a lot of women it seems like just when you’ve got your skin care routine figured out something changes.

Or maybe like me you’re always on the lookout for the tip that will revolutionise your beauty time?

Find out if the oil cleansing method is the secret you’re missing out on – and find out about the best oil for cleansing your face.

An Ever-Evolving Skin No Matter Your Age

Has your perfect skincare product run its course?

This happens to me every so often, and the routine I’d perfected suddenly isn’t giving my skin that same glow. Apparently there’s a reason for that!

Your skin is always changing. According to dermatologists, your skin’s composition and requirements change over the years – as you move through your thirties into your forties and fifties, your skincare needs to reflect that

Menopausal Acne

“Peri-menopausal hormonal changes/fluctuations may change the oil-chemistry of the skin, which can lead to adult acne” – Dr Dennis Gross, dermatologist (link)

Oily Skin Can Return Out of Nowhere

According to the International Dermal Institute, testosterone is the cause – women in their forties and fifties could suddenly find oily skin returning out of nowhere, or that their otherwise normal skin is now dry and oily all at once.

They also warn that at the same time, the drop in estrogen levels can cause fatty deposits to redistribute themselves. Collagen and elastin levels plummet, leaving skin unable to repair itself at the same rate, and a drop in blood flow means skin can dry out more rapidly than before.

Oil as a Facial Cleanser Could be the Answer

But how best can you balance the needs of skin that’s increasingly complex? Using oil as a facial cleanser could be the answer.

What Exactly is the Oil Cleansing Method?

“The oil used to massage your skin will dissolve the oil that has hardened with impurities and found itself stuck in your pores” – The Oil Cleansing Method (link)

Counterintuitive? Surprisingly… Not!

It sounds counter-intuitive, but OCM method devotees believe using certain oils to wipe all the dirt and make-up away, leaving your skin refreshed – but not greasy. And with the oil cleansing method dry skin and greasy areas can be improved at the same time – or so the theory goes.

More than One Benefit

And the theory is that, of course, you don’t just benefit from removing all that grime, there’s the massaging action and the oil itself. Depending on the oil you choose, you could benefit from

You May Not Be Getting the Full Benefits of Your Chosen Oil

You know what’s coming, don’t you?

There are plenty of good-sounding things about this technique, but some experts say you may not get the full benefits of your chosen oil.

Example: Argan Oil

Take argan oil, for example. It’s said to contain vitamin E and anti-inflammatories, but according to some dermatologists, you may not get the full benefits of argan’s antioxidants via your facial oil.

“Oils don’t get past the surface of the skin. They just sit there” – Lisa M. Donofrio, Yale University dermatologist (link)

There are other goodies in argan oil though, and some experts think they could make a real difference to your skin. A 2015 study of sixty postmenopausal women found that eating or applying argan oil did improve elasticity.

I Tried a Free Sample of Oil Cleanser And… Guess What?

I wasn’t totally sold, until I tried a free sample of oil cleanser from a beauty counter gift bag (who doesn’t love a free sample?). Guess what; it worked!

In fact, it still works – I’ve been using it every night since.

That said, everyone’s skin is different so I sought out five of the best cleansing oils that might just work for you.

So, Which is the Best Oil for Cleansing Your Face?

Check below my top 5!

#1. The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Oil

The South Korean beauty industry has become a byword for effective products that offer real results. With the nation’s women expected to keep up with a ten-step programme of essences, masks and more, it certainly sounds like standards are more extreme that the standard cleanse, tone and moisturise.

Cult name The Face Shop, which claims to be a “brand that shares the benefits of nature”, is a part of that and their Rice Water Bright Cleansing Oil has a cult following of its own. This product isn’t marketed for mature skin (in fact, The Face Shop do have a designated anti-ageing line) but I was drawn to for a few reasons.

#2. DHC Deep Cleansing Oil

DHC sounds rather functional, but it’s approximately the Japanese equivalent of Avon – they’re the nation’s top direct selling skincare company, and have now branched out across the world. And according to DHC, Deep Cleansing Oil is a bestseller, so what’s attracting so many people to this oil in particular?

#3. Amara Organics Vitamin C Cleanser

Amara Organics Vitamin C Cleanser doesn’t claim to be a cleansing oil, rather it’s a cleansing foam with oil – but I thought it might just be worth taking a look because it this hybrid has incorporated some potentially useful oils into its formula.

Dermatologist Dendy Engelman says that applying vitamin C directly to the skin allows this antioxidant to zap free radicals, protect against UV damage and dial back the ageing process.

#4. InstaNatural Castor Oil

It doesn’t sound glamorous, but castor oil is trusted by many OCM followers. This particular oil hails from the USA, where it’s made by InstaNatural. They’ve been steadily gaining followers over recent years on the natural living and cruelty free circuit, and unusually this all-natural company sprung entirely from an Amazon store.

I’m not quite sure what to make of that, but I’m intrigued by their range, which focuses on plenty of the areas women where might look to improve their beauty naturally. Take this anti-ageing castor oil, for example. So what’s the story?

#5. Leven Rose Organic 100% Pure Cold Pressed Unrefined Natural Jojoba Oil

Spirit Demerson, Jojoba Oil – Video

Jojoba oil is recommended by OCM fans as an acne treatment – some suggest you can use it as a cleansing oil that you wipe off, or even as a moisturiser, though don’t go overboard or it could clog your pores instead of clearing them. 

So how does it work? According to beauty expert Spirit Demerson, jojoba oil’s composition is actually very close to our skin’s natural sebum. And that means it might just fool your skin into calming down its own excess oil production.

So, Which Oil Comes Out on Top?

What’s the best oil for cleansing your face?

While castor oil is an oil cleansing method favourite and it’s got simplicity on its side, this heavier oil needs better handling.

At the other end of the scale, the concept behind the hybrid products does promise the best of both worlds.

The Winner…

In my opinion though, Leven Rose Organic 100% Pure Cold Pressed Unrefined Natural Jojoba Oil could give you the truest OCM experience, with a natural multipurpose oil, additive free.

Have you tried cleansing with oil? I hope gave you an idea what to expect if you give it a shot!

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