Image showcasing elderberries and elderberry juice in a glass container.

Elderberry Benefits for Skin

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Elderberries are making waves in skincare!

These small, dark berries, known as Sambucus nigra, are not just for herbal remedies anymore. They’re great for getting glowing, young-looking skin.

This article is perfect for anyone who’s into natural skincare. Whether you’re just starting or you’re already a fan, you’ll find helpful tips and science-backed facts below.

We’re looking into the elderberry world to show you how these berries help your skin.

If you want to boost your skincare game or try natural options for skin issues, this guide’s got all you need on elderberry’s amazing skin benefits.

What are Elderberries?

The beautiful elderberry fruit.

Elderberries are fruits from the Sambucus tree, found in Europe and North America.

They’re small and deep purple, full of good stuff like vitamins, antioxidants, and flavonoids.

People have used them for ages to treat colds, flu, and even as natural remedies for things like digestion.

Elderberries in Skincare: A Time-Tested Natural Remedy

Elderberries have been a skincare secret for a long time, going back to ancient folk medicine.

Indigenous tribes used them for healing and protecting the skin. People would put elderberry extracts on wounds, burns, and other skin problems.

They were popular in Europe and Native America too, and used in beauty routines to tone and brighten skin.

Now, mixing old wisdom with new science, elderberries are back in the spotlight.

They’re becoming a top ingredient in natural skincare, offering a complete solution for healthy skin.

Elderberry Benefits for Skin

Elderberry BenefitHow It Helps Your Skin
Prevents Wrinkles and Premature AgeingRich in antioxidants and vitamin A, elderberries combat wrinkles, lines, and age spots by tackling free radicals. Keeps skin youthful.
Protects Against UV DamageLoaded with polyphenols, flavonols, phenolics, and anthocyanins, elderberries shield skin from UV rays, reducing ageing signs and skin cancer risks.
Prevents BreakoutsAstringent properties help cleanse the skin, reducing oil, shrinking pores, and clearing dirt and dead cells. Ideal for oily or acne-prone skin.
Helps Fade ScarsBoosts collagen production, aiding in quicker healing of scars and marks for smooth, even-toned skin.
Keeps Skin Radiant with Vitamin CHigh in Vitamin C, elderberries aid in collagen production, control melanin, and promote cell renewal, enhancing skin glow.
Remedies Scalp IssuesElderberry oil soothes scalp problems like dandruff and dryness, offering gentle care without harsh chemicals and UV protection.
Table: elderberries benefits for skin

1. Prevents Wrinkles and Premature Aging

Ageing is natural, but elderberries can help. They’re full of antioxidants and vitamin A, which fight wrinkles, lines, and spots.

These nutrients tackle free radicals – which are responsible for skin ageing.

Elderberries keep your skin looking young and fresh.

2. Protects Against UV Damage with Polyphenols

Elderberries are loaded with polyphenols.

These compounds shield your skin from harmful UV rays, a big cause of early ageing and skin cancer. Here’s research on how elderberries fight ageing by improving microcirculation.

Elderberry’s Power Against Sun Damage


Research shows flavonols in elderberries can reduce skin damage from UV rays.


Sun exposure can cause photo-ageing, leading to freckles, liver spots, and uneven skin texture, usually on your face, hands, neck, and arms. Elderberry’s phenolics help shield your skin from this damage.


Studies suggest anthocyanins in elderberries are great for your skin. They’re antioxidants, reduce inflammation, and even have anti-cancer benefits. This makes them a key player in protecting your skin from ageing and cancer caused by sun damage.

3. Prevents Breakouts

If you’re battling oily or acne-prone skin, elderberries are a smart choice.

Their astringent properties cleanse the skin, cutting down oil, shrinking pores, and clearing out dirt and dead cells.

This means fewer breakouts and clearer skin.

4. Helps Fade Scars

Elderberries boost collagen, which keeps your skin elastic and firm.

More collagen means quicker healing of scars and marks, leaving your skin smooth and even.

5. Keeps Skin Radiant with Vitamin C

Elderberries are rich in Vitamin C, essential for skin health.

It’s an antioxidant, aids in collagen production, controls melanin (reducing dark spots and scars), and keeps skin cells fresh.

All these make your skin glow.

6. Remedies Scalp Issues

Elderberry oil is great for your scalp, tackling dandruff and dryness.

It’s gentle, free from harsh chemicals, and protects from UV damage, keeping your hair and scalp healthy.

Adding elderberries to your skincare routine can boost your skin’s health and look.

They’re a natural way to tackle several skin issues and maintain a radiant complexion.

Who Should Use Elderberry Skincare Products?

Elderberry-infused skincare is great for tackling acne and signs of ageing.

But really, anyone can see benefits from adding elderberries to their skincare routine. Their rich antioxidants are a win for all skin types and concerns.

But, if you have autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, it’s wise to talk to your doctor before using elderberry products. This is because elderberries can affect the immune system.

Also, if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, it’s better to avoid elderberries.

Remember, while elderberries are super for skin, it’s always good to check if they’re right for you, especially if you have specific health conditions.

Science-Backed Benefits of Elderberries for Skin

The benefits of elderberries for skin health are not just anecdotal; they are backed by scientific research and studies. Here, we summarize key findings that highlight the efficacy of elderberries in various aspects of skin care:

  1. Antioxidant Properties and Anti-Aging: Scientific studies reveal that extracts of elderberry possess significant antioxidant properties. These antioxidants help in combating oxidative stress, a key factor in premature skin ageing.
  2. Protection Against UV Damage: Research has shown that polyphenols, abundant in elderberries, provide protective effects against UV-induced damage. This is crucial in preventing photoaging and reducing the risk of skin cancer.
  3. Collagen Production and Scar Reduction: Research has shown vitamin C, found in high concentrations in elderberries, can help with collagen synthesis. This is essential for skin repair and diminishing the appearance of scars.

These studies provide a scientific foundation for the use of elderberries in skincare, reinforcing their reputation as a beneficial natural ingredient for maintaining skin health and appearance.

While further research is always beneficial, current evidence strongly supports the inclusion of elderberries in skincare regimens for their various dermatological benefits.

How to Incorporate Elderberries into Skincare

Adding elderberries to your skincare routine can be fun and beneficial.

Here’s how to get the best out of elderberry products for your skin:

Topical Application

  • Elderberry Face Masks: Use a mask with elderberry extract once or twice a week. It helps nourish and rejuvenate your skin.
  • Serums and Creams: Look for serums and moisturisers with elderberry. They’re great for reducing signs of ageing and improving skin tone.

Oral Supplements

  • Elderberry Capsules or Syrups: These supplements can boost your skin health from within. They also promote overall well-being, which often shows in your skin.
  • Elderberry Tea: Sipping elderberry tea is another way to enjoy its skin benefits. Plus, it keeps you hydrated – key for healthy skin.

DIY Skincare Recipes

  • Homemade Elderberry Toner: Mix elderberry juice with rose water or witch hazel for a natural toner.
  • Elderberry Oil for Scalp Treatment: Use elderberry oil to soothe dry scalp and enhance scalp health.

Integrating with Existing Routine

If you’re already following a skincare routine, add elderberry products slowly. Start with one and see how your skin reacts, then gradually include more.

Consultation with a Dermatologist

Before making major changes to your routine or trying new supplements, talk to a dermatologist. This is especially important if you have sensitive skin or existing skin issues.


Elderberries are a skincare superstar! They’ve been used for ages and really do wonders for your skin.

In this article, we’ve shown you how elderberries help keep skin young, protect it from the sun, and even help with acne and scalp care.

We’ve backed it all up with science, so you know you’re getting the real deal. Plus, we’ve given you tips on how to use them, whether they’re in creams, teas, or your own homemade skincare.

But remember, it’s smart to be careful. Think about any side effects and chat with a dermatologist, especially if you’ve got specific skin issues or sensitivities.

Elderberries bring together ancient know-how and modern science for a full-circle approach to skin health.

Whether you’re looking to refresh your skin, solve certain skin problems, or just try something new, elderberries are a great choice.

Like with all skincare, take your time and keep at it. Embracing elderberries could be your ticket to glowing skin and feeling great inside out.


  1. Youdim KA, Martin A, Joseph JA. Incorporation of the elderberry anthocyanins by endothelial cells increases protection against oxidative stress. Free Radic Biol Med. 2000;29(1):51-60. Available from:
  2. Tundis R, Loizzo MR, Bonesi M, et al. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Sambucus ebulus and Sambucus nigra extracts. J Funct Foods. 2018;47:178-186. Available from:
  3. Skrovankova S, Sumczynski D, Mlcek J, et al. Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in different types of berries. Int J Mol Sci. 2015;16(10):24673-24706. Available from:
  4. Wallace TC. Role of Anthocyanins in Skin Aging and UV Induced Skin Damage. 2015. Available from:
  5. Heinrich U, Neukam K, Tronnier H, et al. Long-term ingestion of high-flavanol cocoa provides photoprotection against UV-induced erythema and improves skin condition in women. J Nutr. 2006;136(6):1565-1569. Available from:

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