Ideas to Create a Healthy Home Environment

When it comes to creating a healthy environment for yourself and your family, there are tons of resources available to help you. Below I look at 10 simple ways to make your home a healthier place for you and your family. Remember that the first step is the most important—take small steps towards improving things like air quality, lighting levels, and creating a safe space.

Creating the Right Environment

The right environment can bring about deep feelings of relaxation, happiness and well-being. Feelings of peace, calm and wellness are all about making sure that you have created the right conditions for your own personal happiness.
The way you set up your home environment will have a huge impact on how you feel about things and yourself.

1. Using Pinterest to Create a Vision Board

A vision board is a wonderful tool to help you clarify and maintain focus on a specific goal. Paste images and words that represent your goal onto a board and then put it somewhere you will see it daily. Make a vision board detailing the home environment you would love to create. Take time to go through different magazines or pictures online and cut or print out any that resonate with you. Post them on your vision board along with words that evoke the feelings you wish to cultivate in your home. For example, you might fill your vision board with pictures of gardens, a lavish home, a serene hammock scene, and words such as love, peace, serenity, and bliss.

2. How About Some House Plants?

House plants are a wonderful addition to many homes. They provide oxygen and help to purify the air in your home. Studies have shown that house plants can decrease the number of chemicals, dander and other pollutants in your home.
Release negative energy from your home and bring longevity, love, abundance and health into it with a beautiful houseplant or two!

3. Create a Sacred Space

Creating a sacred space in your home can help to maintain focus on what you wish to cultivate in your home. If possible, try to create a meditation room or at least an area in which you meditate regularly. Energize your sacred space with items that elevate the energy and atmosphere of the room. A Buddha statue, candles, crystals and prayer flags are all wonderful choices.

4. Create a Meditation Garden

A meditation garden or miniature forest can be a wonderful addition to your home and can help to create the energy and atmosphere you desire. It is also an excellent way to de-stress and improve health.
Start with clearing away any unwanted items in your yard (tree stumps, old tires, etc.) or just fill your space with beautiful plants that will add beneficial elements to your home.

5. Create an Exotic Garden

If your home is filled with old, drab, and outdated furniture, colorful plants and decorations can help you to create a beautiful home. A tropical jungle will instantly bring an exotic and new energy into your space. This type of room will help in bringing vitality and joy to your life.
Use green plants, tropical flowers, palm trees and bright colors to create an exotic space. Add some room decor such as wooden totem or sculptures, rattan furniture and tapestries.
Life is full of wonderful times and you should be able to cherish them all with comfort, joy, fun and frivolity. This exotic home setup is a great way to put the emphasis on fun!
If your home is full of old, dated items you may want to consider updating things so that you can enjoy life a little more fully.

6. Use Candles to Create a Beautiful Home Environment

Candles have been used for hundreds of years to create a beautiful atmosphere in homes. And now, with the help of today’s technology, there are many different options for decorating with candles. Candles are wonderful because they create a cozy, romantic atmosphere and can help you to de-stress and wind down at the end of a hard day.
Candles can also be used throughout your home in different areas to bring special meaning to each room . Candles have the ability to create a beautiful ambience in a room that you may have forgotten was possible.
Use candles in different areas throughout your home. They can be placed in your workspace, living room or even sacred space to help bring you that extra boost of energy and inspiration.
What better way to use candles than in your bathroom! Candles help you to relax and wind down after a stressful day and can also help you to feel fresh and energized on the following day.

7. Learn the Basics of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the use of natural oils and scents to create an energized and uplifting atmosphere in your home. Fragrances are very powerful and can help to create a special mood or even boost certain aspects of your life.
There are many essential oils that have been shown to have therapeutic benefits. You can use essential oils directly on you skin or in your home for aromatherapy.

IMPORTANT! DO NOT BURN OR DIFFUSE ESSENTIAL OILS IF YOU HAVE PETS. My cat got very ill and I think it was from diffusing essential oils. I have learnt my lesson, please do ignore this section if you have pets at home. Also, it would be advisable for you to ask a professional about which oils to use. And also consult with them if there are any children at home. Please take this very seriously.

8. Use Incense to Create a Spiritual Atmosphere

Incense creates a wonderful type of spiritual and pleasant atmosphere in your home. Incense has been used for thousands of years to purify the air and create a sacred space. Certain powerful incenses like frankincense, cinnamon, and myrrh can help to create an energized atmosphere in your home.
Every home is a sacred space! Incense is a wonderful way to help you maintain focus on your sacred space and bring peace, happiness and well-being into it.

9. Dirty Home? Clean House!

Taking care of your house is essential to maintaining a happy home. Don’t forget to clean your house as often as possible. I must admit I don’t do it as much as I should. I need to get into habit of cleaning as often as possible but sometimes there’s simply no time. Still, I try to keep on top of things as much as possible. Don’t be too hard on yourself, do what you can, most of us have a busy lifestyle so it is not always easy.
The better your house looks, the better you feel about yourself. Taking care of your home will help to boost your self-confidence.

10. Add a Little Music to Each Day

Music can help you to maintain focus on what you are doing and can help you to unwind at the end of a hard day. Music is a powerful tool and you should use it as often as possible.
The type of music that you listen to will also have an impact on your life. The more uplifting and positive music that you listen to, the more energized and positive your life will become.
Music can make you feel motivated to accomplish many of your tasks. “Mood-altering music” can help you to accomplish many of your tasks at work, school and home. The right piece of music will also help to create a positive atmosphere in your home and make you feel happy.
Try using different types of music: classical music, rock, country and reggae for example. And always keep in mind that the type of music you listen to creates an atmosphere in your house.

Did the Above Ideas Give you Some Inspiration?

Those are some of the best tips and tricks to making a home that will help you feel: happy, relaxed and inspired.

You don’t have to use them all but even just one of them will help to open your eyes to what you can do with very little money so that you can create your ideal home environment.

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