200+ Self Love Affirmations For A Confidence Boost!

If you’re dealing with low self-esteem, find comfort in the knowledge that you are not alone. Many people struggle with self-love and constantly strive to get this love from others, when the truth is that it is never found there.

Instead, love yourself unconditionally with these affirmations.

200 Self Love Affirmations so You Can Love Yourself Unconditionally

1. I am enough.

2. I deserve the best life has to offer.

3. I’m strong enough to fight my hardest battles.

4. Unconditional acceptance is my gift to myself and all those around me.

5. The best things in life are free, and the second best are very expensive! 🙂

6. I can face the worst life has to throw at me and survive.

7. I don’t have to change myself to make people love me, they must simply experience it.

8. I’m intelligent enough so that I can be in control of my own life and happiness, and not just let it happen around me.

9. I am capable of making the right choices for myself, no one else’s opinion matters but mine!

10. I am beautiful.

11. I have been, and I already am a success.

12. My dreams are coming true, and I’m going to have the best life if I keep striving for it!

13. The very best in life is free, and it’s all around me anyway! 🙂

14. I’m a survivor, and nothing can stop me from living the life of my dreams!

15. I’m grateful to be alive, and I don’t have to worry about anything.

16. I’m smart enough so that I have the ability to protect my personal power and make the right choices.

17. My intelligence is enough to help me solve any problem in life!

18. I am fearless enough so that nothing can stop me from believing in myself and fulfilling all that I desire!

19. The very best in life is free, but it takes work to get it! 😉

20. I’m confident enough so that I live the life I love!

21. I can have anything in life that I truly desire, and all that it takes is work!

22. I am good enough no matter what anyone else says, and when other people’s opinions matter to me, then it’s my own problem!

23. I don’t have to be perfect to be loved, but I have to love myself perfectly!

24. My best days are still ahead of me!

25. I am beautiful, intelligent, and courageous.

26. I’m attracting all the right people and opportunities into my life because of who I am and what I stand for.

27. Choices are a gift, so I’m going to make the right ones!

28. Acceptance is my gift to myself and even more so for others! 🙂

29. My heart is pure enough so that it can make me feel better than anything else ever could!

30. Today is going to be an extraordinary day!

31. I can be anything I want in life, and it’s going to be easier than I thought!

32. I am full of love for myself and others.

33. I deserve happiness, and no one can stop me from having it!

34. I’m a good enough person to give happiness to others, because that’s what life is all about.

35. My heart is pure enough so that it can lead me to only the best in life!

36. I’m enough and I know it, so why would I need to change? 🙂

37. There is no reason, in the past or present, that I am not enough!

38. I have a strong enough character and personality to stand up for myself and my beliefs!

39. I have every right to be who I want to be and live the life of my dreams!

40. My worth is not based upon what other people think about me, but who I think about myself instead of others!

41. I am beautiful, intelligent, and pure of heart.

42. I deserve the best in life!

43. I can be anyone I want to be and it’ll be easier than I could ever think.

44. My intelligence is a gift that allows me to help myself and others experience the world around them!

45. I’m a mighty enough spirit that nothing can stop me from living the life of my dreams!

46. My natural beauty is all the confirmation I need that life is great! 😉

47. I’m loving enough so that I can love others to their fullest potential!

48. I am strong enough to fight for my life and my happiness.

49. My thoughts are pure enough so that they always lead me to living the best life I can live!

50. I am powerful enough to attract all that is great in life into my life! (This is the universal law of attraction!) 😉

51. I have a pure enough heart that it has no need for anything but love!

52. Inside, I’m confident enough that nothing can stop me from having what I want!

53. My spirit is strong enough to help me overcome any obstacle in life!

54. I am magical, and my magic is powerful enough to change my life for the better!

55. It’s easier for me to make the right choices in life, because that’s what I’m used to doing!

56. My heart is pure, loving, and able to give love freely without any expectations or conditions attached!

57. I am the master of my mind, and can make it what I choose it to be.

58. I am intelligent enough to know that I have the power to choose how my mind works.

59. The best in life is free, but it takes time and effort to get it! 🙂

60. There’s no problem in life that can’t be solved if I have the courage to put my mind to it!

61. I deserve to be loved for who I am, not for who others want me to be.

62. My heart is pure and loving enough so that it will always lead me to the best in life!

63. I have enough love for myself to change anything about myself that I don’t like!

64. My true purpose in life is to find ways of giving love, and that’s what I’m absolutely going to do.

65. I deserve the best in life and nothing else!

66. My mind is pure and strong enough so that it can control my thoughts and actions.

67. I have a heart big enough to help others overcome their fears and problems in life.

68. I have the courage and strength to fight for the best in my life!

69. The future is looking bright! 🙂

70. I have the courage and wisdom to change anything about myself that I don’t like.

71. My inner child is one of my greatest blessings, and I have the wisdom to know it.

72. The best in life is free, but it takes work to get it!

73. I am intelligent enough to know that my thoughts are not the only things that control me!

74. I have the courage to let go of the past and live in the present moment!

75. My life is magical, with every moment designed just for me and all that I desire!

76. My mind is powerful enough to help me experience the feeling of pure joy in my life!

77. I have the courage to let go of anything that makes me unhappy, and live a life full of happiness instead.

78. The moment I make an excuse is the moment I give away my power!

79. I may not be perfect, but that doesn’t matter because I’m good enough for myself! 🙂

80. I have the courage and strength to take risks in life because that’s what living is all about. (Life is an adventure, so why not live it fully while you can! 🙂 )

81. I have the wisdom to know that I don’t have to be afraid of anything, no matter what happens!

82. My spirit is strong enough so that I can live with an open heart in the present moment.

83. I have a big enough heart to forgive anyone of anything they ever did to me, just because they are human too!

84. I am beautiful enough so that anyone can love me for who I am, and not for my looks.

85. I’m loving enough to know that it’s impossible to expect everyone to be the same!

86. I am pure and loving enough so that people want to be around me just because of the way they feel when they are with me.

87. It’s easier for me to learn from my mistakes than it is for others because of who I am! 😉

88. When I ‘m happy and I’m feeling good, no one can ever take that away from me!

89. I deserve the best in life because I am a good person!

90. The world is waiting for me to make the right choices, knowing that they are perfect for me! 🙂

91. My spirit is pure and strong enough so that no matter what happens, it will lead me to where I am destined to be.

92. I have the strength to face any challenge in life and still come out on top!

93. I am the master of my mind, not the other way around!

94. I have an open enough heart that it’s impossible for anyone to hurt me anymore, because they don’t have a right.

95. No matter what happens in life, it’s all working out exactly as it should be!

96. My heart is loving enough so that it naturally attracts the best in life!

97. The best way for me to be healthy is to realize how important I am and take care of myself!

98. There’s nothing better than experiencing pure joy in my life, each and every day!

99. My mind is powerful enough to control my thoughts and feelings, leading me on a path of perfection! 😉

100. If I think negative thoughts, they will only lead me to more negativity in my life!

101. As I learn to love myself more, I will automatically attract love from others!

102. Magic is all around me and within me!

103. I am bright and happy enough to be able to live my life on purpose!

104. I have the courage and strength it takes to change my life for the better!

105. My life is magical with every moment designed just for me and all that I desire!

106. When my thoughts are filled with love and I treat myself well, then everyone else will too!

107. What I’m thinking about is what happens in my life, so it’s important that it be the best for me!

108. As I learn to love myself, it will automatically attract the best in life!

109. I deserve the best in life, because that’s all Godess has for me!

110. My heart is pure and loving enough to know that the best in life is free! 😀

111. There’s nothing better than experiencing the feeling of being alive!

112. I am grateful for everything that I have in life, and that’s all it takes to be happy.

113. As I learn to love myself more, I will naturally attract love from others!

114. I deserve a good, peaceful and loving environment.

115. My heart is pure and loving enough so that everything about me will lead me to the best in life! 😀

116. Learning every day to love and respect myself, will help me attract the best in life!

117. I deserve good health, because I’m a good person!

118. Today is the day that I will stop making excuses, and start living!

119. I will never settle for anything less than the best for myself in life!

120. I have the strength to hang on to every moment of my day, and enjoy it fully!

121. I can trust my heart and it will never lead me astray. 😉

122. Truth, knowledge, wisdom, love and appreciation are all found within!

123. My heart is loving enough so that it will attract the best in life for me!

124. I have a big enough heart to always be able to love and accept myself!

125. From this moment on in my life, I will do what makes me happy!

126. I have the wisdom to be able to use the tools that are given to me to do so!

127. There’s nothing better than feeling like a million bucks every day!

128. One thing I have always wanted to do is to live the life I dream of one day!

129. There’s nothing better than being completely satisfied in every way!

130. As long as I love and respect myself, I will naturally attract the best in life for me!

131. Regrets are for those who aren’t willing to do what is necessary to be happy in life.

132. I have the courage and strength to live the life that I deserve!

133. I have the wisdom and courage it takes to follow my heart, and listen to myself.

134. One day at a time, every moment is beautiful and filled with perfection!

135. I am healthy enough to be able to change my life and make it better.

136. The best way for me to be successful is to trust myself! 😉

137. When I look within and I trust my heart, it automatically leads me to the best in life! 🙂

138. My mind is powerful enough to overcome my problems and obstacles.

139. As I live each day to the fullest, my heart will naturally love and accept me more!

140. Others might not be capable of loving me like I deserve, but I will always know that I am deserving of love!

141. The world is waiting for me to live more abundantly in life! 😉

142. Every day I grow and learn to love myself more because it’s who I am!

143. If the last thing I did in my life was to love myself, then I could leave this world knowing that I succeeded in life!

144. My heart is pure and loving enough so that everyone loves me when I walk into a room!

145. Day by day, I continue to do my best!

146. When my mind and heart are at peace, it’s like a vacuum cleaner will suck up all of the negativity in my life!

147. Failure is not an option in my life, it’s a stepping stone to success.

148. My mind is powerful enough to control the thoughts that run through it! 😀

149. My soul is always waiting for me to learn to love myself!

150. Heaven is waiting for me to live my life the way it should be lived!

151. I have the strength, courage and wisdom to change my life because I know that I don’t deserve anything less than happiness!

152. The best things in life are free, as long as I know how to receive them!

153. Everything that I need is within me, and my heart can find it in an instant!

154. I open my arms to everything and everyone because I know that I am loving enough to do so!

155. It is my heart that tells me each and every day what to do!

156. There’s nothing better than living a life filled with peace, love and joy!

157. I leave my negative thoughts behind and tune in to the positive ones!

158. When I choose to love myself, I am automatically attracting the best in life for me!

159. A life of love and service to others is the only thing that I need!

160. My thoughts are powerful enough to turn everything around and I will be happy no matter what!

161. The moment I start to feel the love within me, I will know that I deserve to be happy!

162. As long as my heart is pure and loving, no one can ever tear me down!

163. I am slowly learning to love myself, and I will keep doing it until I succeed!

164. My heart is pure and loving and it will lead me to the best in life.

165. Absolutely nothing is impossible for me, and that’s all I need to know!

166. I have the courage to follow my heart and take chances in life. 

167. My soul knows what I need, and it will lead me to it in an instant

168. When I finally start to live the life that I deserve, everything will come naturally for me.

169. Every single day is a blessing, and I am grateful for it all! 🙂

170. My heart is pure and loving enough so that it can attract anything that I need in my life.

171. Life has the best in store for me, and it’s just a matter of time before I see it.

172. I do have the strength to overcome any obstacles that comes my way, and that is all I need to know! 🙂

173. I know I will always succeed in life, as long as I focus on loving myself!

174. I don’t deserve to be unhappy and all I have to do is love myself! 

175. When people come together to support each other, it makes the world a better place!

176. There is always something positive that can come from every situation in life.

177. A woman’s word is her bond.

178. I’m willing to be assertive, ambitious and confident.

179. I will not tolerate any more excuses in life!

180. The best is yet to come in every situation.

181. I am willing to be positive, enthusiastic, and caring.

182. I have the wisdom to be able to handle all of the challenges that life throws at me!

183. Individuality is a wonderful thing and it’s what makes me so unique!

184. I am willing to be truthful and have integrity in all of my relationships.

185. I have the strength to be a leader while being compassionate and inspiring.

186. I will learn to be assertive, ambitious, and confident!

187. I am willing to be at peace with myself and my emotions.

188. I am comfortable in my own skin and I accept myself for who I am!

189. I will not allow other people to use me for their own selfish needs.

190. I will have the courage to be myself.

191. I know that no matter what, I will always be successful in life!

192. I’m willing to embrace all of my emotions and learn how to co-exist with them.

193. I will learn to be truthful and have integrity in all of my relationships.

194. I am willing to overcome all of my obstacles in life and make something positive out of it! 

195. There’s nothing more wonderful than being myself.

196. I will learn to be assertive, ambitious and confident.

197. I will stop putting myself down because that’s what I deserve.

198. The world is my oyster! 

199. I am my best companion.

200. I’m willing to be at peace with myself and my emotions!

201. The last thing I need to do is change myself for others, because I am already perfect for myself!

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What Exactly Are Affirmations?

10,000+ Positive Affirmations: Affirmations for Health, Success, Wealth, Love, Happiness, Fitness, Weight Loss, Self-Esteem, Confidence, Sleep, Healing, Abundance, Motivational Quotes, and Much More!

Affirmations are positive statements that can help to improve your self-esteem and confidence. repeating them on a daily basis can help to create a more positive outlook on life, and remind you that you are worthy and deserving of good things.

Practicing affirmations will promote positive thinking and a sense of self-worth. Many people use affirmations as part of their daily routine, either in front of a mirror or while they are embarking on their journey through life. By repeating these positive statements to yourself, you can help to increase your overall happiness and sense of self-worth.

Affirmations can also help you to feel more empowered and motivated to achieve your goals. When you repeat them to yourself, you can start to believe them and see progress in your life. Using affirmations can help you to think more positively and make changes in your life.

Affirmations can be used to help you overcome negative thoughts and feelings, and to increase your overall sense of well-being. Affirmations can also be used to help you achieve your goals and to create more positive experiences in your life.

Why Should I Use Self-Love Affirmations?

Positive Affirmations Cards for Women | Motivational Cards with Thought-Provoking Questions, Daily Affirmations for Women | Mindfulness Cards, Inspirational Cards, Meditation Cards

Using affirmations can help you feel more compassion towards yourself. They will nurture inspiration and positivity. When you repeat positive statements about yourself, you can start to believe them and this can lead to improved self-esteem and confidence. Use self love affirmations to build self-esteem and let go ofthe negative thoughts and feelings about yourself. Repeating positive statements in the form of daily affirmations can help to retrain your brain to think more positively.

Build your confidence with the powerful self-love affirmations above. Whether you prefer to practice morning affirmations or meditate while you recite them to get a sense of inner peace, you can improve your self-esteem and motivate yourself to be your very best version yet.

Daily positive affirmations can help you to overcome low self-esteem and develop positive self-love. When you repeat an affirmation to yourself, you are programming your mind to believe the statement. This can help to change your thinking and improve your self-esteem. Repeat them daily and consistently for a healthier sense of self worth and self-love.

Positive self love affirmations will help diminish the negative self-talk. Get started today and you might see changes overnight. Unworthy feelings will slowly fade away and new, more confident ones will take its place.

And not only that, but you’ll be surprised how often positive habits will catch on to you. Once you start feeling happier and more confident, it might become your new normal.

The key is to not only read them, but also to base your attitude on them. It’s not only the words that matter, but it’s also the feelings behind them.

Do Self Love Affirmations Work?

I Am Capable of Anything: 1,500+ Daily Affirmations to Boost Self-Love, Self-Esteem and Positivity (I Am Capable Project)

Yes, self love affirmations actually work. By repeating positive statements about yourself, you’re increasing your self-confidence and self-esteem. You’ll see results in your attitude and behavior; you’ll be more positive and confident. Just keep working at it!

Self love and confidence will make a change in your mind and body. Changing your beliefs is a process that takes a long time, and it’s not always easy to do.

But you can’t expect to change overnight, because it’s all about what you believe. When you start using positive affirmations in your daily life, your inner self will slowly change for the better.

Self-affirmations can help generate productive thoughts. If you are consistent and keep at it every morning or evening (or during the day), you’ll feel and think better about yourself.

Start making positive changes in your life, and you will definitely see the difference.

The key is to keep at it! Listen to the audios each day, write down your goals and do self affirmations consistently.

How Do I Practice Positive Affirmations for Self Love?

You will find it helpful to write out your self-love affirmations and post them where you will see them often as a reminder. You can also use a sticky note around your home (i.e. fridge, bathroom mirror, etc) or a digital message, for example, phone reminders or even a recording will be useful. This way, you can read them throughout the day and remind yourself of how much you love and appreciate yourself.

How to do it:

  • Use positive affirmations for self-love every morning and night. Choose a time that works for you, whether it is after your meditation or on the way to work.
  • Say the affirmation out loud and with intent. When you say them out loud, it makes them more powerful and effective. Positive affirmations work well when they become a habit or a part of your daily routine.

Sometimes, social media (such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) might seem like the perfect tool for sharing your positive affirmations with others. You can find online groups that are dedicated to self-improvement and join them.

There is no limit to the number of self-love quotes that you can read on a daily basis. As long as they remind you of your goals and love yourself, they will be useful and effective. As you start to think differently about yourself, everything else will also change. Life around you will start to become more enjoyable.

How Can Affirmations Boost My Confidence?

Positive affirmations are more than just positive statements. They are more than just words. Affirmations to boost confidence promote success and health. The affirmation process often leads to a change in one’s personal outlook on life, which subsequently leads to a change in emotions and attitudes.

The best affirmations for self-love will not only boost your esteem, but they won’t make you feel inadequate or guilty. 

Once you’ve stated the positive aspects of your life, your self-confidence begins to grow and thrive. Think of it as entertainment … you are reading positive affirmations that shouldn’t be taken seriously, but they work!

What Is the Best Time of Day to Practice Affirmations for Self-Love?

I Know Collection Affirmation Cards | Positive Affirmations Cards with Self-Empowering Quotes | Motivational Cards for Women and Men | Encouragement Cards for Positive Thinking, Mindfulness | 40 Cards

It’s best to go through the affirmation process first thing in the morning when you are feeling fresh and alert. Make it a habit to recite your affirmations every morning, even if you go through your daily routine while on the way to work.

Take a moment out of each day (maybe after meditation) and say what’s in your heart and mind aloud.

What Other Self-Love Practices Could I Do?

You can use positive affirmations for self-love to change your attitude and perspective about life. Many affirmations that encourage self-love will also promote a healthier you in the long run.

The best self love affirmations have a positive effect on your whole body and soul. Some even claim to promote better sleep, physical well-being, healthy eating habits and improved relationships.

If you are looking for some quick results, you should try the self love exercises that focus on breathing techniques. These exercises can be done anytime, anywhere. They will help you clear your mind, boost your confidence and let go of all negative thoughts. 

Also, practicing yoga is the best way to feel really good about yourself. Yoga helps you relieve stress, become more flexible and find inner peace.

Here is a list of other helpful self-love practices:

  • Laugh at yourself. Treat yourself with respect and learn to laugh at your mistakes.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others. Be yourself and don’t try to be like someone else. You are special and unique!
  • Be grateful for what you have. Say “thank you” for the things going well in your life, as well as for the things that don’t go so smoothly. Try this technique daily and feel how good it is!
  • Reach out to people in need. To help others, you have to start first by thinking of yourself.
  • Think more positively. Negative thoughts can be damaging, especially in the beginning of your self-love journey. Try to make every day a positive experience, even if it’s not going so well at the moment.
  • Practice making compliments and being grateful for others’ opinions and actions. Learn to listen to people beyond what you want or expect from them.
  • Be careful about what you eat, drink and how often you smoke or drink alcohol.

Check out my post on best self care ideas for more interesting and helpful tips!

Practice Self-Love With Our List of Self-Love Quotes, Powerful Self-Love Affirmations that Promote Positive Self-Love!

I hope you can make the most of the list of self love quotes and powerful self-love affirmations provided here so that you can really begin to see the positive changes in your life.

I have been working on myself for years, not only with positive affirmations but also with a lot of self-care practices and also behaviors. I went from being very sad and down on myself to happy and grateful for all of my blessings. My life is pure joy today, and I don’t say this lightly.

I have learned so much about myself, including that I am happy, confident and successful.

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