4711 Eau de Cologne Review: The Irresistible Acqua Colonia Pink Pepper & Grapefruit

Who hasn’t heard of 4711 cologne? Maybe you haven’t, but if the odour of a natural perfume entrances you the way it does me, you’re in for a ride with this beautiful, almost magical scent.

4711 Eau de Cologne: A Secret Scent Over 200 Years Old

4711 Acqua Colonia (Eau de Cologne), is, in two words, pure delight.

I will go into the different scents a little later (concentrating on my favourite at the moment, Pink Pepper & Gratefruit [aff link]) but I just want to quickly introduce this beautiful eau de cologne to those who might not be familiar with it as well as talking a little about the history behind this cologne.

‘Eau de Cologne’ means ‘Water from Colone’ in French. The perfume maker, Johann Maria Farina, who was born in Italy but moved to the city of Cologne (Germany) in his twenties, chose to call his first perfume Eau de Cologne in order to show his gratitude to the city – Why? At a time when laws were strict regarding foreign settlers, he had been granted citizenship.

This was how the beautiful 4711, a light, fresh and fruity scent, was born, over 200 years ago. The formula is still very much with us today, selling all over the world.  

This is not just ‘any’ cologne. This is the cologne: the one that gives its name to ALL colognes (having been the one carrying the city name) as well as the oldest one still being made. 

By Farina – Farina Archiv, Copyrighted free use

The flagship store is nowadays a tourist attraction. The name 4711 refers to an address and the company name until 1990: Eau de Cologne & Parfümerie Fabrik Glockengasse No. 4711 gegenüber der Pferdepost von Ferd. Mülhens in Köln am Rhein

To learn more about the history of 4711 cologne click here, here and here.

Properties Beyond ‘a Lovely Smell’

I believe this cologne has properties beyond the fruity, fresh, wonderful scent. When I smell it, something happens to me. I feel in love, alive and ecstatic, all at once. I feel an INSTANT connection with Nature. Somehow the cologne’s smell – the blend of essential oils – becomes a bridge between Mother Earth and my body. This happens every time, without fail. So yes, in my personal opinion, there are properties in the scent that go well beyond ‘a lovely smell’. I’ll discuss more on this a little later.

What’s the Difference Between Eau de Cologne, Eau de Toilette and Eau de Perfume?

Since I’ve never been sure about the differences (I knew perfume was stronger than cologne, that’s about it) I wanted to find out what exactly makes them different. Here’s a simple, straight-forward answer from Quora:

The main difference is in the concentration of fragrance oils. The highest concentration is in eau de parfum, then eau de toilette and lastly in eau de cologne. The higher the concentration, the longer one application of the fragrance lasts.

So, yes, in a sense the eau de cologne is ‘weaker’ (because it doesn’t last as long as a scent on the skin) but being less strong also makes it more suitable for the day-to-day use (i.e. after taking a shower). Yes, cologne lightens up fairly quickly, but, in my opinion, it is worth getting into the habit of spraying the lovely essential oils blend when you want to ‘freshen up’, instead of using perfumes, which can be too strong at times. 

Anyway, if you’d like a more detail explanation regarding the differences between eau de toilette, eau de cologne and eau de parfum, I suggest you read Tatiana Estevez’s answer on Quora.

My 4711 Cologne Review: The Beginning of a Love Affair 

So, what is so special about 4711? Many things.

First of all, and as mentioned before, 4711 being the first cologne of its kind as well as a popular cologne choice with so many people nowadays, makes it already special. 4711 is not just a classic, it is a formula that carries both history and nostalgia within it. Your mother and grandmother would have probably worn it at some point in their lives – this alone makes it a unique product.

I Didn’t Like it When I Was Young

That’s true – I really didn’t! The first time I smelled 4711 eau de cologne was back in 1991, when I arrived in London. I was 22 at the time, and was used to the weaker but absolutely wonderful Spanish colognes of the likes of Fa, Denenes & Nenuco, which I absolutely adored (and still do). 

I understand now I couldn’t really appreciate the beautiful scent of the 4711 cologne. Being used to the ‘cheaper’ smells of the colognes mentioned above, I was yet to develop a nose for the finer ones.

Indeed. I was a lot younger at the time and a more sophisticated sense of smell had not been developed yet – I have found that my taste in general has deepened as time has gone by; I suppose it is a mix of experience, inner-growth and, of course, my new spiritual understanding (which stretches all the way to the body and its senses). 

The Magic Within the 4711 Fragrance

There’s magic – a lot of magic – in the 4711 fragrance. I’ll introduce their stunning Pink Pepper & Grapefruit acqua colonia in a bit; but first let’s look at the 4711 notes, according to basnotes.net, so you can get an idea of the beauty in the scent:

4711 Cologne Ingredients & Notes

Classic 4711 Top Basenotes

Bergamot, Lemon, Orange, Petitgrain, Neroli

Classic 4711 Middle Notes

Rosemary, Rose

Classic 4711 Base Notes

Musk, Woody.

4711 website discloses some of the eau de cologne 4711 composition:

The precious ingredients are carefully harmonised. Bergamot, lemon, and orange provide a uniquely revitalising effect. Lavender and rosemary have a calming and relaxing effect, strengthening the nerves. Neroli, extracted from the blossom of the bitter orange, has a calming effect in the base note, creating a positive mood.

We don’t know the full 4711 ingredients formula as it is a well kept secret, but these notes give you an idea of some of the essential oils used.

Finally, let me introduce the stunning Pink Pepper & Grapefruit cologne, which at the moment is my favourite.

Acqua Colonia Pink Pepper & Grapefruit: Love at First Sniff

Here it is. Look at that beautiful faux cut glass bottle!

I ‘bumped’ into the 4711 Acqua Colonia Pink Pepper & Gratefruit [aff link] creation back in December. While searching for natural products inside a pharmacy, I quickly glanced at their cologne section and my eyes landed on the row of 4711s gracefully placed on one of the shelves. I IMMEDIATELY fell in love with the colours, the design, the faux cut glass bottles… This was love at first sight. 

I went ahead and smelled the entire acqua colognia range…. And oooh! My delight! I spent AGES going through each and every different bottle, making sure I was ‘present’ by paying all possible attention to the distinctive scents and notes.

The Scent Kept Haunting Me for Weeks

When arriving home, all I could think about was the scent of the 4711 range. Oh my God, just the memory of the aromas was pure delight. I didn’t have a particular favourite from the range in mind (although I remember preferring some over others), but at the time, I was overwhelmed by the beautiful, beautiful fragrances and couldn’t really choose or buy a bottle. If anything, I didn’t really need it and in general I have to need something in order to purchase it.

The memory of the scent just wouldn’t go away. It just wouldn’t. It kept coming back to my mind with power and strength. Yes, there was power in the memory of that scent. 

In fact, ever since my awakening I’ve become ‘addicted’ to essential oils. I need them for some reason; I think the spirit recognises the scents as its own, as well as the body feeling closer to nature somehow. It is as if the body blends with the rest of nature. Like a marriage, or a fusion. When I smell the essential oils, time stops and there’s a feeling of utter completion.

And so the citrusy zesty, fresh, tangy like fragrance was sparking itself up within my memory on a daily basis. I was addicted!

It really feels lovely to hold. 

The nozzle sprays evenly and has a lovely pressure point to it.

Stunning faux cut glass bottle.

Made in Koln, Germany.

Determined to get my own bottle, I eventually went back to the pharmacy where I found it first. This time, I was ready to purchase my beloved bottle.

Yes, I was obsessed. And I was enjoying my obsession. 

Once at the pharmacy (and with the help of a young attendant!) I went through each and every bottle as to shortlist the scent that would be the one I would take home with me.

The shop attendant told me her mother had been given a bottle as a gift and when travelling to London, her friends were commenting on how lovely the scent of her perfume was.

After a long time of smelling each scent I finally settled for the gorgeous 4711 Acqua Colonia Pink Pepper Grapefruit.

A Cologne Spray Inspired by Nature

I’m not sure what other essential oils have been used to create this beautiful scent, but this is who Cecile Hua, its maker came up with it: 

At a market in South America she discovered Pink Pepper. The fresh flavour with a peppery note, which provides a surprise when it explodes in the mouth, inspired her in her creation. As a complement she chose the juicy pink grapefruit. Together, they prove to be a fresh, sparkling duet with a mood-enhancing facet.

What Does it Smell Like?

Fresh citrus, a touch of spiciness (not much), on spraying there’s that grapefruit zesty blast with hints of lime. It is refreshing and it has a kick to it. This is a fragrance that totally inspires me.

How Long Does it Last?

Not long. As I’m writing this I’m squirting some on the palm of my hand and I know from that it will not stay with me for more than a couple of hours at a time. But remember, this is cologne, not a perfume. 

If you want to keep the scent ‘alive’ on the skin spray every 3 or 4 hours.

What is 4711 cologne Used For?

Spray it on after a shower, to freshen up at any time of the day or night. This is a summery smell also, very apt for hot places. A perfect holiday smell. Spray it on if you’re going to the beach or for a quiet drink in the sunny afternoon. Keep it in your car for a kick when you want to refresh your senses.

Let’s Have a Look at the Pros & Cons


  • Stunning, fresh, beautiful, delightful scent!
  • Natural perfume, I find the power of the essential oils inhibriating
  • Gorgeous, faux cut glass bottle
  • Sprays beautifully – The nozzle vaporises the cologne evenly and the pressure against the pump feels really nice. I do love this.
  • Being the 1st cologne ever made, this carries with it tradition, culture, history and, overall, nostalgia
  • An array of choices with a range that has been inspired by nature
  • Suitable for any gender


  • I find it is not cheap (remember I’m used to Spanish colognes which are not as beautiful in their power but smell great and you get a lot for little money!)
  • The smell doesn’t stay with you all day, you’ll have to get used to spraying often if you want it to last
  • Not that easy to find
  • It might not be a cologne for the younger generation. It took me some years to appreciate it! 

Final Thoughts

I would LOVE to come up with a cologne like this from my own blend of essential oils. I don’t mean the exact scent, but something that’s as evocative, that prompts me to lose my senses as I take the scent in just for a few seconds. I’d like to buy all of the different fragrances from the range at some point.

Where to Buy

As I said before it is not easy to find the 4711 cologne spray or any of the beautiful fragrances from the range. Amazon sells it (find the affiliate links below) but you might be able to also find 4711 in dedicated shops and stores (possibly airports too).

4711 Original Eau de Cologne

A beautiful, beautiful cologne that your mother and/or grandmother probably wore at some point. Highly recommended if you love natural perfumes and want to own something that oozes tradition, culture and history, all at the same time. A secret formula that has stood the test of time. A real winner!

4711 Acqua Colonia Pink Pepper & Grapefruit

A favourite of mine. This Pink Pepper and Grapefruit Acqua Colonia is very special to me, as I believe it chose me instead of the other way around. This fragrance is so delicate and zesty and evocative… A must if you’re an essential oils lover like me. Citrusy inclined, fresh, delicate and addictive. Could wear more of it all day if it wasn’t for the price (it’s not expensive but I can’t splash half a bottle daily on me either!). Worth everything and more. It brings me back to nature in a swoosh every time. It has power over me and I love it. Highly recommended.

If you know 4711 please let me know what you think of it in the comment area below!

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