The Complete Guide to Essential Oil Healing Remedies for Gut Health

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A lot of people have gut health (digestive) problems. It is not a disease but everyone has their own different reasons for it and there are many ways to get relief from the discomfort associated with this problem.

In this article, we will go through different ways to get relief from digestive problems by using essential oils.

We will start with the most common problem people face when it comes to digestion and that is gas or bloating.

But first, let’s have a look at why gut health matters.

NOTE: Don’t use essential oils on children, if you’re pregnant or trying to become pregnant, or you´re breastfeeding.

Why Does Gut Health Matter?

Gut health is one of the most important aspects to take care of in your body. It has been linked with a wide range of diseases, including diabetes and heart disease. The bacteria that reside in the gut, known as our microbiome, have been linked to obesity and depression.

If your body is not producing enough stomach acid or bile to digest food properly then you could be suffering from indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux or even ulcers.

Below I will show you how to use essential oils in order to improve your digestion and prevent stomach issues.

Essential Oils for Gut Health

Essential oils for gut health can be very beneficial to many people, and this list provides a range of remedies for different conditions. The most common essential oils are the ones listed below as they have been proven to be the most effective.






Essential Oils for Bloating and Constipation

Bloating and constipation is common and can easily occur after eating or drinking foods that are hard to digest. If you feel like your stomach is not emptying then it’s time to try some of the best essential oils for bloating and constipation relief!

Some people experience constipation and bloating because of their food sensitivities, like dairy products and wheat.

NOTE: Bloating is a common problem that can occur after eating foods that are hard to digest. Constipation can also be caused by stress on the body and hormonal imbalances.

Spearmint, Pine & Rosemary Essential Oils

Spearmint is a potent antispasmodic, which means it can help relieve the spasms of intestinal muscles that are causing pain and discomfort. This will not only break up the blockage, but will also help to relieve the symptoms of bloating and constipation.

Combine the below ingredients and massage the abdomen clockwise until the mix is absorbed by the skin. If any product is left you can store it for 90 days in a cool, dark place.

  • 5 drops spearmint essential oil
  • 5 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops pine essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons almond oil (carrier/base oil)

Essential Oils for Nausea/Sickness

Essential oils can be used to alleviate nausea and sickness, but they should never be taken without the guidance of a qualified practitioner. For example, lavender oil can help reduce nausea and ease anxiety, but it should never be taken in high doses as this can lead to sleepiness and drowsiness.

Nausea and vomiting can occur because of many different reasons, i.e. drinking or eating too much. Here is a healing remedy to ease nausea.

Ginger in Your Diffusor

Add the below mix to your Essential Oil Diffuser and let it infuse the room where you are.

  • 5 drops ginger essential oil
  • 4 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 4 drops Roman chamomile essential oil

Essential Oils for Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea can be caused because of many reasons, but it can also be a sign of food intolerances and sensitivities. If you have serious tummy issues then it’s always best to ask a qualified practitioner what’s the best way to treat them. Diarrhoea can last for a few days, so the below blend is designed to help speed up the healing process.

Antispasmodic essential oils can help calm down the muscles that are spasming to control the gut, which will also help relieve abdominal pain and discomfort.

Cypress, Ginger & Lavender Essential Oils

This mixture is a great natural remedy for relieving cramping, bloating, pain and discomfort in your stomach.

Combine the below ingredients and massage the abdomen clockwise until the mix is absorbed by the skin. If any product is left you can store it for 90 days in a cool, dark place.

  • 6 drops cypress essential oil
  • 5 drops ginger essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons almond oils (carrier/base oil)

Essential Oils for IBS

IBS is an extremely common condition that affects many people around the world and it can be a distressing condition to live with. Even if you experience bloating, constipation or diarrhoea, the symptoms can be very different from patient to patient. If you feel like your gut is constantly in knots then it could be because of IBS and digestive issues.

It’s been shown that essential oils help with stomach issues and they can help relieve symptoms of IBS, but it is advised that you always consult a qualified practitioner first.

Peppermint and Fennel Essential Oils

This is a great blend to use over your abdomen area. Peppermint can help relieve muscle pain and cramps, while fennel relaxes the digestive track preventing nausea and vomiting.

Combine the below ingredients and massage the abdomen clockwise until the mix is absorbed by the skin. If any product is left you can store it for 90 days in a cool, dark place.

  • 6 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops fennel essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons almond oil (carrier/base oil)

Essential Oils for Indigestion

Indigestion is a very common and annoying digestive problem. It can be felt as bloating, discomfort or even pain in the upper abdomen. The below essential oils are known to help with indigestion, so they are definitely worth trying.

NOTE: Indigestion is often followed by heartburn or reflux (see Essential Oils for Reflux below)

There are a few other ways to help relieve indigestion. Consuming probiotics, taking digestive enzymes or reducing your intake of sweets and fatty foods will all help relieve symptoms.

Essential oils can be used as an alternative treatment alongside lifestyle changes and medicines, but you should always consult with a qualified practitioner before use to avoid them.

If you are suffering from bloating, pain and discomfort because of indigestion then this blend will help you relieve this discomfort.

NOTE: Is IBS the same as indigestion? The short answer is ‘no.’ IBS is an inflammation, which means it can be caused by many different things. However, IBS can affect the gut and cause cramping and discomfort, which could lead to people wrongly thinking that IBS is the same as indigestion.

Mandarin, Cardamom and Coriander Essential Oils

Combine the below ingredients and massage the chest area and abdomen until the mix is absorbed by the skin. If any product is left you can store it for 90 days in a cool, dark place.

  • 6 drops mandarin essential oil
  • 2 drops cardamom essential oil
  • 2 drops coriander essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons almond oil (carrier/base oil)

Essential Oils for Reflux

Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, affects a lot of people. Everyone has experienced this at some point, but some people suffer from it more than others. Reflux occurs when acid or bile that the stomach produces rises up into the oesophagus, which is the tube that connects your throat to your stomach.

NOTE: Heartburn is often caused by food intolerances and sensitivities, but it can also be linked to stress and anxiety. Stress not only increases the chances of suffering from an attack but will also make you more susceptible to them in the future.

When you are suffering from stomach problems then it’s best to see a qualified practitioner who can identify and treat any underlying causes of your symptoms. If you think that essential oils could help then always speak to a qualified and experienced for some advice first.

Ginger and Peppermint Essential Oils

This is a great blend to use over your abdomen area. Peppermint can help relieve muscle pain and cramps, while ginger will help soothe any stomach discomfort.

Combine the below ingredients and massage the abdomen clockwise until the mix is absorbed by the skin. If any product is left you can store it for 90 days in a cool, dark place.

  • 6 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 4 drops dill essential oil
  • 4 drops ginger essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons almond oil (carrier/base oil)

Essential Oils Collection Kit

With a collection like this you’ll be able to use all the classics, including peppermint essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil and lavender essential oil, but there are also included a few more unusual options that you may not have tried.

Complete Aromatherapy 128 Set - 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils Set by Fabulous Frannie

Book: Heal Your Gut With Essential Oils

Essential Oils Can Help!

I have done my best to write this guide so that when you begin using essential oils on a regular basis. You will be able to help yourself naturally, with no harmful side effects.

I hope that you have found this guide useful and if you have any questions or comments by then please share your thoughts below so others can benefit from it too.

There are many different oils that can be used and each one offers different benefits to the body. By using a wide variety of essential oils in harmony with each other, you will see the best results.


Which oil is good for gut health?

All the above mentioned essential oils are good for gut health, but the following are notably powerful:

  • Fennel essential oil
  • Ginger essential oil
  • Oregano essential oil
  • Peppermint essential oil
  • Bergamot essential oil

Does peppermint essential oil help with digestion?

Yes, peppermint is a fantastic essential oil for digestive support.

It’s been shown to help relieve indigestion, heartburn, nausea and flatulence. It can also help if you are having trouble falling asleep because of stomach issues or anxiety.

Peppermint essential oil can be diluted with a carrier oil and applied topically over the abdomen area to relieve bloating and cramping. For optimum results you apply the oil daily before bedtime to relieve discomfort.

Which oil is best for intestine?

Fennel essential oil is best because it has anti-inflammatory properties which can help with intestinal discomfort. It also promotes digestion by stimulating peristaltic action in the intestines. Ginger essential oil is good for supporting your digestive system as well.

NOTE: NEVER use these essential oils internally unless you have been specifically instructed to by a qualified practitioner.

Ginger, peppermint and basil essential oils can also be used topically over the abdomen area to relieve discomfort.

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