Girgeer Oil for Hair Loss is Working for Me

I found by accident how this unknown oil, girgeer oil, has reduced my hair loss by over 50%. I’ve been using it for around 2 months now and the results are undeniable.

Below I tell you a little more about my experience with this oil. Even though I’m not sure what it is, I’d like to introduce you to it. Please leave in the comments below any information regarding girgeer oil if you happen to know it. So far, I’m very impressed with the results I must say.

Girgeer Oil Has Made a Very Noticeable Difference

If you don’t like the thought of adding oil to your scalp this is not for you. I don’t mind since my hair is VERY dry and adding oil to it is always a good idea. Just sayin’ : )

I’m a little reluctant to write about ‘products for hair loss’ because of the bad reputation these sort of posts usually have. I already have published an entry on this very topic (check a great article Jane wrote back when I first started Oh Mighty Health on Stopping Hair Loss on Its Tracks using natural ingredients and making raw food detox for your hair).

This is different though. I have found something that I think is working for me big time: girgeer oil.

I’m not sure exactly what it is, since I bought the bottle in London, UK, in Edgware Road where I used to live for many years. This road is populated with people from the Middle East and most of the shops sell middle eastern products.

I don’t want this to be a long post where I feature all the benefits, etc. This is basically not really a review entry, but more of an anecdotal article where I tell you how girgeer oil has made a difference regarding the amount of hair I lose when washing it in the shower.

Bald-ish Patches on Top and Sides of My Head Since I Was Young

Basically I’ve had very little hair on top of my head and the sides of my head as far as I can remember. Which means this is a genetic condition (my mum has very little hair on exactly the same areas of the scalp). I’m actually not sure if menopause has aggravated the condition; I’ve always lost INCREDIBLE AMOUNTS of hair when washing it in the shower. In fact, the amount of hair on the drain is so ‘scary’ that when my brother saw this recently (I forgot to remove it) he thought I was undergoing strong meds and was losing my hair as a consequence.

I’ve had a box of girgeer oil by the company Baqais tucked away somewhere inside a box for around 1 year. I remember I bought it together with garlic oil and sweet almond oil (and I think I remember seeing snake oil next to it) inside an obscure shop on an alleyway off the Edgware Road. But I’m sure all the small stores in the area probably sell girgeer oil.

I’ve never really been embarrassed about my bald-ish patches. Yes, I would have liked fuller hair in general, but I had other things I was more embarrassed about when younger (growing older is great for letting go of insecurities). Menopause also helps (I’ve found you proper Grow Up!). And the spiritual awakening finally brushed away all traces of insecurities and complexes, as they’re seen for what they are: thoughts of no importance whatsoever.

Anyway, back to my hair loss and girgeer oil. So, regarding my hair loss in general I had tried something from the chemist a few years back and then I also tried something my hairdresser had recommended. I can’t remember if these things worked, I think I did notice a difference, but I stopped using them, also not sure why. So I wasn’t probably that impressed.

Those are the only two products (not natural) I tried in the past to stop my hair loss. Recently, since trying to go all natural around the time of my spiritual awakening, I’ve thought about using essential oils. I add rosemary essential oil and cedarwood essential oil to my DIY hair conditioner. I need to research more around essential oils and hair loss for this matter, but at least I got ‘started’ treating my condition with natural products eventually.

Getting to the girgeer oil now. I wanted to review products for this website and bought the garlic oil and girgeer oil last year for that very reason. I never had time to try them so forgot about them. Til recently.

When looking inside some boxes I found the oils and I must admit I got quite excited (new oils to play with : ) ) I read on the actual girgeer oil box that the oil was actually for hair loss and I didn’t think twice: I took it to the bathroom and left it there for the next time I would wash my hair (I only wash it once or twice a week).

So, the time came and I tried it…


I noticed the difference regarding my hair loss from day one. I tried the oil because I just LOVE using natural things, and this was another natural thing I was going to use on myself. Oil is always good on my hair because of it being so very dry, so I wasn’t really expecting any benefits beyond adding moisture to the hair.

Now, what happened next was a little astonishing. Usually I end up with MASSIVE amounts of hair on the drain from the horrendous hair loss. This time though… there was less than half the usual amount.

I couldn’t believe it. I thought: “is this stuff working??” I mean, I couldn’t really deny there had been a HUGE difference between the amount of hair that had fallen this time compared with all the times I’d washed my hair before.

I thought it must be a coincidence. I would have to see next time I washed my hair. Also, how could this oil work SO QUICKLY?? Don’t you need like months for these things to work? Or, at least, 5 to 10 washes?

Every Time I Washed My Hair I Could See Something Was Working

I’ve been using the oil for around 2 months now. Only once I thought maybe the hair that had fallen was about the same amount as before using the oil (leaning towards less though, I was just a little unsure).

But all the other times (at least 10 by now) I’ve noticed a lot less hair falling when washing it.

The bald-ish patches still show, I haven’t noticed much difference there to be honest. But I have most definitely noticed that the HORRENDOUS amount of hair falling off my head has been reduced by at least more than 50%.

How I Use the Girgeer Oil

All I do is rub the oil against my scalp and leave it there for a couple of minutes while I wash the rest of my body. Here’s the sequence:

  • I first wash my hair with a natural shampoo
  • I then rub the oil on the bald-ish patches and leave in for 2 to 5 minutes while I wash the rest of my body
  • I then add my DIY conditioner to the rest of the hair and rinse everything off when done

Once you’re out of the shower and after drying your hair you will notice your hair a bit oily. I love the way my hair looks because my curls benefit from the oil BIG TIME. But if you hate the feeling of oil on your hair then this is not for you. I suppose if you wanted to try this oil for hair loss you could always shampoo your hair again after leaving the oil to work its wonders for a few minutes or so. I don’t really know since this is not the way I do it myself. Just try different ways and see what works for you.

So, What is Girgeer Oil??

I’m not sure. The company I got it from (Baqais) has a whole product range of oils aimed at hair treatments, hair loss, hair nourishment, dandruff, scalp activation, hair root reactivation, hair moisturising, hair strengthening, etc etc etc. Check out this page on eBay, I think all of their different oil products have been listed there. Here’s another link where you can also find the oil range.

According to Kink of Curls Australia, girgeer is rocket in arabic. This would make sense since the design on the box seems to resemble a leaf which could easily be a rocket leaf (the green drawing around the oil drop, not easy to catch).

According to this link, rocket or argula is “jarjeer” in arabic, which, as you can see, is very similar to the word “girgeer”.

Here’s what ‘Curly Hair’ replied to the person asking for advice regarding rocket/argula oil:

Here in Egypt using arugla oil for hair care is very popular but this oil made by pressing argula seeds not from leaves and usually added to other oils for scalp massage like jojoba or olive oil to stop hair falling and promote growth.

But also others make juice from arugla fresh leaves (those used in salads) by adding a little bit of water to them and blend them very well then filter this green juice and massage scalp once a week with it.

Myself tried both but loved the fresh green juice, it really helped my hair shedding to be minimized as this juice has skin irritating effect (gentle one) but you may want to test it first on small area before complete application.

Long Hair Community Forum

Oh, I must try this! And, as it happens, I have A LOT of rocket leaves in my fridge that need to be used as a friend gave me 2 bags at the veggie market the other day.

Where to Find This Oil

If you’re from the Middle Eastern area you probably know about this oil. If you’re not… I’m not sure where can you find them to be honest. There’s the eBay link I posted above. You can also find it on Amazon (UK), although at the time of checking, the product was currently unavailable (here’s the link, this is an affiliate link by the way, at no extra cost to you but if you purchase something via the link I will probably make a commission).

If you go to London you can find the oil in Edgware Road (just pop into any of the food stores and you’ll probably find it there). Edgware Road is amazing! Worth paying it a visit for sure.

Time Will Tell

I’ll keep using girgeer oil til I finish the bottle. So far, excellent. To think I started using it just because I got excited about a new oil for my hair is amazing since I’ve reaped the incredible benefits of noticing such amazing results in terms of hair loss from the very first time I used it.

I’m going to London soon so I’ll stock up on this oil and probably others that the company sells.

By the way, please do leave in the comments below what girgeer is if you happen to know. I’m settling with rocket for now!

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