When to Consult a Dermatologist

Are you experiencing changes in your skin, moles, freckles, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, acne, etc? Maybe it is time to consult a dermatologist.

Disclaimer: I’m not a dermatologist. I’m a natural/organic skincare products formulator.

When to Schedule an Appointment with A Dermatologist

Skin ailments might look ‘non important’ if there’s no pain involved or, let’s face it, you’re not too vain. I’m saying this cause I’m not and it would probably take me time to consult a dermatologist.

Having said that, let’s look at the different reasons that might push you to seek professional advice.

> Freckles and/or Moles Get Irritated, Change Shape, Color, Discolored Patches, Etc

THIS IS A MUST. This is the most important one for the obvious reasons. You would absolutely have to go to a dermatologist as it could be pointing at more serious skin condition. Watch out for shapes that change, moles that get irritated, any change in their appearance, irritation, redness, etc. You need to get them checked ASAP.

> Sun Damage and/or Burned Skin, Scarring

THIS ONE IS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT. Maybe you got burned from too much sun exposure or from chemicals in your skincare products. Maybe you want to have treatment for your scars. Either way, you need to consult a dermatologist for the appropriate prescription(s).

> You Have Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema, Rosacea

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. The above can be easy to detect as some type of skin anomaly but not so easy to distinguish between them. You might have also tried over-the-counter products that haven’t worked or did work for a while but the problem ended up reappearing. Instead of countless tries and products it is better you check with a dermatologist to see what you’re suffering from and what’s the best cause of action moving forward. You’ll probably get prescription skincare products and/or specialized treatments fine tuned to your specific problem.

> You Have Acne and Your Skin is Not Responding to Treatments/Natural Treatments

ALSO VERY IMPORTANT. You have acne and the products you’re using are not doing what they’re supposed to do. You might need stronger products that a dermatologist can prescribe. Watch out for ongoing itching, discomfort, puss, etc and make sure to consult a dermatologist.

> Something Has Appeared on Your Skin that Was Not There Before

ALSO VERY IMPORTANT. From a blemish to a dark spot to hyperpigmentation to a rash to spots to blackheads to redness…. Something that was not there before has just appeared. Time to consult a dermatologist so they can point you in the right direction.

> You Just Want to Check Skin Type and What Type of Products to Use

OPTIONAL BUT ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA TO CHECK. Basically, this scenario is for those who simply want the advice of a professional consultant when it comes to their skin and products they should be using.

Not everyone will want to splash out on a private consultation but it is always a good idea to start on a good foot. Your friends and family might suggest products, ingredients and even skincare routines that are not the best for you and even though they mean well they could be damaging your skin instead of helping.

For me, the worse comes from TV, internet and magazine ads where products are being sold as to possess magical powers that will make you look radiant and beautiful. There’s no personalization or even much talk about skin ailments or skin types. Many of these products are probably NOT GOOD for your skin or at least, not the most appropriate ones. I bet you never thought about this before!

> You Want to UP Your Over-the-Counter Skincare

OPTIONAL. Maybe you want to move from over the counter products to more professional skincare products that have been recommended by a professional. A dermatologist will be able to help you make the right decision as you move from standard products to more personalized ones according to skin type/condition.


  • Make a phone call first. Ask the dermatologist if you should see them for the reasons you’re calling. They will be the best ones to tell you if you should schedule an appointment or not.

Have You Visited a Dermatologist And, If So, What Was Your Experience Like?

Let me know in the comments below.

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